ET:QW Keys To Be Won

Crossfire HQ here, and we've good news. As you well know we're always looking out for our userbase, and having seen that 65% of Crossfire users still don't have an ET:QW beta key we had to act. Crossfire HQ forumulated a plan, Fusen would skip work and hack into locki's wifi - freeing keys for all. Unfortunatly, we found out at the last minute there was one slight flaw to this near perfect plan, Fusen doesn't have a car. So failing that we asked Splash Damage nicely.

Now most middle-of-the-road, tiny userbase sites threw theirs away without a care. But here at Crossfire we think you're better than that, that we should reward the talent. We've 10 keys available and they'll be distributed as follows:

3x Keys for the best Crossfire & ET:QW related wallpaper (1280x768 or 1280x1024)
3x Keys for the best Youtube plea as to why you deserve one
3x Keys for the best journal plea as to why you deserve one
1x Key for the person that comes up with the best motto for Crossfire


The wallpaper needs to integrate ET:QW and Crossfire
The motto should represent what our community (site) stands for, what it is, what we do.
Youtube and journal plea's are a free fragging yard. You can use anything at your disposal to get our attention - but a certain quality has to be guaranteed.
Youtube submissions should join the Crossfirenu group and then post their entry below
Journals should be labeled [ET:QW] <rest of title>
Motto entries should be posted below
The contest closes Saturday 23rd June, 18:00 CET
The Crossfire Crew will decide the winners

Each winner will be awarded one key. #x signifies the number of winners.


Large Crossfire Logo
Crossfire Youtube Group
only 10 keys gg

edit: 9000 ppl fighting for 10 keys :<
rest 90 went to admins..

im the first one who makes a journal about this action !
reply im the first one in the wallpaper shizzle
haha super nice - you would have my vote
ye i would vote for you:p
at least they are giving some away :)
yup and i will win it <3
waste the rest of the day and make a wallpaper/youtube movie ... or go out drink with friends and wait till tommorow... thats the queston
and not be sure of getting one :P 30K isn't a lot considering the hype on it ;)
Yeah, and now you have more chance to get one? I think you have more chance getting one by waiting for tomorrow tbh.
crossfire - played hard, gone pro.
Contented with little, yet wishing for more.
it's really amazing that we need a key for a beta ....
what a joke to be honest. A beta that we was waiting for 2 years ...
keygenerator? pl0x.
crossfire - dizzle my nizzle crossfire is tha shizzle

ROFL! u want a wallpaper creating and in return the top 3 win a key thats worth £3 ?

what dimensions ? :D
(17:27:07) (@k1ck-Lightning) 1280x1024
my very own wallpaper:

image: xfirewallpaper
you are gonna win with that :D ROFL!
zere you won for sure 100% OLOLOL!
you won the wallpaper key gz ;)
:D nice

deserves a key tbh

competition over.
Crossfire - Uniting Enemy Territory and Call of Duty X
let the spamming begin!
ill just wait for the release thx
u left this a bit late haven't u! :>
Crossfire - Everything across gaming fire
I think the MVP's of this EuroCup should get a key.

Crossfire - Home of paranoid cheaterbusters
Crossfire - cheating is welcome
Nice, your content got deleted. DON'T WRITE IN GERMAN! Are u banned now? :P
i hate u fo that..
Crossfire - The right & only place for Enemy Territory gamers!
Crossfire - Love and joy from all directions! <3 :)
crossfire - come in and get spammed out
They only cut themselves so no worries.
lol nellie, look what you have done -.-
more crossfire spam omg -________-;;;
crossfire - come across or get fired.
Crossfire-Here , everything is possible .
Crossfire-Impossible is nothing !
Crossfire-Right place for a QW key ! - all the spamming, flaming and skillfaking you need! - ET is our life - Join today and your skill will immediately increase to med+ - "I lol'd!"
In crossfire we trust.
Crossfire - more than a community.
crossfire - cause we've got nothing else to do
crossfire - make my day
i went for a much simpler approach without so many images and focused on the classes :>


image: 62xusrk


image: 63inthv

also edited CROSSFIRE so that CROSS is in quake font to merge both crossfire and etqw :)

pdfs and full sizes (if it was resized) on request

<3 #nVc @ irc

anndnddddddd my motti is:

and my motto is...

crossfire: making it more than just gaming
what are u doing here:D
:D nice

Crossfire - Getting the Most Out of Your Gaming
Crossfire - In gaming, nothing is imposible
Crossfire - No pain, no game
Crossfire - The key to gaming
Crossfire - we are eSports
and my motto is...

crossfire: making it more than just gaming
Crossfire - The best playground for frustrated kid's
Crossfire - geeks united
Crossfire - Bundled Gaming Power!
Crossfire - Putting The Quake In Your Wars
Crossfire - My Mom Likes It Too
Crossfire - Got Milk?
Crossfire - The Game Just Begins
Crossfire - You Know You Wanna!
Crossfire - The Epoch Of Gaming
Crossfire - There's More To Gaming Than Meets The Eye
Crossfire - Cancerous Rotting Obscene Sodomizing Sex Fiend Induced Rectal Exam
Crossfire - Your Daily Dose Of Gaming
not too bad!
Crossfire - For every useless comment you don't post, Loekino posts two.
"All what you desire is written at crossfire."
Crossfire - you love it, you want it, live it
Crossfire - yo whazzup

my entry for real is : Crossfire - where points meet
Some are just jokes..but some seems ok :)
For example the way to victory. In team games like et or cod crossfire is the way if you wanna win, also if you join the crossfire community or read the page you can win a lot of informations and you can be better ingame...

Crossfire : The way to victory!
Crossfire - Fight for glory!
Crossfire - The day is ours!
Crossfire - Fight in a friendly way!
Crossfire - Join and you never escape!
Crossfire - No escape!
Crossfire - Don't try to join!
Crossfire - I bet you can't join!
Crossfire - The way to be wayout! AlcopoT™ :)
Crossfire - A light in darkness.
Crossfire - The key of success!
Crossfire - Whisky for the toper, Crossfire for the gamer!
Crossfire - Enjoy the fire!
Crossfire - Compass for...
crossfire - in the middle of fight
crossfire - comment spam ftw!
QuoteDon't get caught in the Crossfire, join it!

I made a yootoob vid.

It took me ages.
enjoy ur key m8 :d
great toph - great movie - you so gonna get the key - but btw pm me i can lend you mine :)
nice vid, couldnt understand what you were saying, but good stuff
Crossfire - for all your flaming needs!

I win.
"Crossfire - beyond the vacuity"
"Crossfire - beyond infinity"
"Crossfire - beyond esport"
Crossfire - Where you learn to RUN!




just give me the key RIGHT NOW
The last one is brilliant.
image: pizzshot

this is a remake coz i did it 1024x768
thx to:
- vegeta my love <3
- ag0n for sizes.
1280x1024? oO
crossfire - nerds fighting for a key of ET:QW
image: Crossfire_QW_wallpaper

Vegas + After effects (for some colors), and it is the 1st wallpapper made by me :X
nicely made
thank you :)
a little bit soft focus would be nice, especially in the right corner
2nd place for you!
nice one :D
:D nice

deserves a key tbh
nice one - defiantly key material mate :)
lol :D nice one
€: quality sliqhtly improved
image: qwwallpaper4ok5
Made by dest:
image: 1098764263naongonosz_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_
read the comments, you might laugh
say hello to my little flame
My wallpaper(s).. The only difference is some transperenty..

Here is one of them;
image: 5xskboy
nice but its sure needs anti aliasing:p
Worst idea ever. Stupid fuckin spam.
I have the "100" comment.

Please give me a [ET:QW] Key.

image: sassi
Hello crossfire i have added a video plea to your Crossfirenu group.

thanks, i know its a bit crazy xD
i loved your video!
:D fucking n1. you should get a key
wtf :D "nice flag" in the background
Crossfire? Tossfire!
im worried this one will win :(
time to flex the power of veto!
crossfire? Foonrfire!
crossfire - the sherlock community.
You could say that xD. I thought i would add the Dialog in, as it mite be hard for some to understand me. .
shit game
crossfire - where nolifers get alive.
usual suspects eh tophizzle? an ok movie but somehow i don't think that classes as a "home made" video do you? added 5 mins worth of text is nothing much dude =/
"Youtube and journal plea's are a free fragging yard. You can use anything at your disposal to get our attention - but a certain quality has to be guaranteed."

I'd say it got some attention.
its a bit harsh but it must be said =/ i see someone questioned him about it on his youtube aswell =/
"someone" lol.. hi there Mr. legal expert.
crossfire- we even make your daddy suck his thumbs!

^ my slogan by the way. hope it gets counted =D

image: etqw_wall_by_biggz4

For lolz
image: etqw_wall_by_biggzt
i like the first one, nice!
just my 2 cents works :P


made another one in 3D (guess it's the only one in 3D among the participants)

image: newdesign(2)
seems quite ripped from mine published yesterday..
lol? first of all they are not ripped .. I didn't even see yours but yea believe it or not.
2nd, I've got psd's from them as well
i really like this one mate
should have won a key
the decision has been made :)
better luck next time


Oh wait need to be 1280x768? mmm i'll get to making new ones then
it's 3.50 and im drunk as hell but i still login to xfire to see the latest news although i don't play the game yEEEEHAAAAAA :'0 goodbugght.

if this aint a thingy then what is :*(
Crossfire - The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Crossfire - we only got 99% shitkids
i prefer the second one tBh
crossfire - if you don't have anything useful to say, just flame whoever comes to mind
..if you don't have anything useful to say, write a journal

Crossfire - Your second home ..

Crossfire - More than just a gaming community ..

Crossfire - You're X'fired! (apprentice rip off np)

Crossfire - Get xXx'd

Crossfire - Let the gamez flamez begin!

Crossfire - A Multi-Gaming Community

Crossfire - It's a daily routine :)

Crossfire - Let us inject you with your daily dose of gaming

Crossfire - Die from it, or live by it

Crossfire - For all your gaming gossip!
Crossfire - ERROR: you're visiting a retarded community
Crossfire - every second journal is a bust
Crossfire - stay here if you wanna see retards!
i made a wallpaper and a motto too :P
2 keys? ktnx
Here's a couple of tries;

Crossfire - Strenght through Unity
Crossfire - Play Hard go Pro xD
Crossfire - Give 'Em Hell
Crossfire - In Your Harts and On Your Minds
Crossfire - Changing eSports for Good
Crossfire - Gives You The Power to Change
Crossfire - Because The Players Deserve Better

ps. I accidently posted a journal of my entries too xD
Crossfire - The Way It's Meant To Be Flamed
Live by the cross, die by the fire.
Crossfire motto? ITS ALL ABOUT LOTTO!

Gosh my rhymes are sick!
Crossfire - You don't have to be retarded to hang here, but it helps.

Crossfire - Where everybody can be a Mystic.

Crossfire - The community site where people just don't care.

Crossfire - No games. Just e-sports. (hi2u copycat)

Crossfire - Live by the gun, die by the riflenade
crossfire-Comment and die later
crossfire-The leets, the noobs and Tosspot
crossfire-Gone with a headshot
crossfire-Once upon a time in the Wolfenstein
crossfire-Die like a virgin

(ps. crossfire-ban cheaters for life)
Crossfire - Flame Or Get Flamed
Crossfire - Feel shower fresh, always
Crossfire - We like gaming, and if you don't like it you can fuck off
i can do something hard to do but I want something simple that i should put as my personal wallpaper... and actualy i'll never put your as wallpaper on my computer, because I don't like it even if it's a little harder to do... (but it stay eaz to do)
I dont even want that shit.
crossfire - flame first, read later
Crossfire - how advertise a shitty crapy game
Crossfire - We need more filters, for Gods sake we need more filters
You didn't say anything about where you want the wallpapers posted.
CROSSfire - Takin' care of business since [insert random number here]
thats pretty sweet tbh
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