ClanBase In A Spin

image: cb_etqw_betacup_banner

True to form ClanBase have made a complete cock up of this competition to date, with yet another complete u-turn in a matter of days. Contradicting their rule change on Sunday, ClanBase will now be using the original format of one stopwatch round with, and one without vehicles. Then Supervisor DuRus explains "We here at ClanBase feel they please both sides, the BF and the ET scene, and they will allow us to see which of the two types plays best."

This leaves clans with three days to resuscitate their no vehicle strategy, for the tournament start date of Wednesday.

For the first SW round we are going to have the following rules.

* All vehicles are allowed except the Tormentor.
* However: only 1 cyclops allowed per team, and 1 Titan tank per team at any one point.

For the second SW round we are going to have the following rules.

* No Cyclops/Desecrator/Titan/APC/Tormentor. Limit of 1 rocket launcher per team.

If needed, 3rd SW round will be played using 1st SW round rules.

The use of any of the prohibited items, on either of the SW rounds will result in an immediate forfeit of that SW round, giving 2 points to the other team.

Thankfully, this tournament is now in more capable hands - as United Kingdom DuRuS steps down making way Crossfire's very own United Kingdom Adacore to become Supervisor, and Netherlands Nuke his coverage supervisor.

And finally, the tournament layout has been released. There will be initial Qualifier Matches which will determine whether teams are placed in the Premier or Second League. Both leagues will consist of 3 groups of 4, and 5 groups of 3.

The groups will be published this Thursday, after completiion of the qualifiers.

nice :)
Adacore, we trust in you !
looking forward to it :)
na wenn jetzt nicht das abi kommt :)
sry, das ist mit nc 2,5 schon beendet.
care about qw
Then set your filter, there's plenty that do. Pointless trolling is actively discouraged.
Oh I remember the "care about et" comments. good times :´(((
finally, gl adacore
Third map should be a mix between both formats imo :)
could we get the groups up already and play? :P
qualifier match first, I hope we dont need to play versus you yet :P
hehe we dont lucky for you;P
Too late to register :(
adacore succeeded
Make it 5on5 while its still possible. ( better for lans etc.)
5on5 with SW2 rules would be great; "No Cyclops/Desecrator/Titan/APC/Tormentor. Limit of 1 rocket launcher per team", we already played a lot like this and it plays really well!
that's like et then, no idea at all. the main idea of that game is the vehicles. if you want to play without them, then play ET
The vehicles arent the main idea of the game, according to SD team members themselves.
but only for transport plz
die of aids pumus0hn!
6on6 is simply better! Just forget those lan issues.
In ET&RTCW maybe because everyone is used to it, but if you change the format to 5on5 before everyone is used to 6on6 in QW it shouldnt give any problems.
bf2142 is played @ ESL EPS (which is i guess the best supported league in Europe)

And it is played "6on6" ... so why not keep it 6on6... we (ET-Community) want to show our unique style by playing 6on6 and not changing to the custom CS 5on5 format!
6on6 is just better way to play etqw for lots of reasons.
panzerfaust is too weak to take out 6 men!
so u dont need 6on6
Like to rules, fit the abba format ok :)
uuuh. why no tormentor?
LOL at the knife tiebreaker. I'm pretty sure strogg stroydown is gonna own that one ;)
not really. knife does more dmg.
100+ extra health for every strogg, without packing > minor difference in damage.
who cares about ET:QW
you do apparently.

still haven't filtered out the game @ options xD
i filtered it after the first "need a key journal" but after i recognized that it only works for news and not for journal i changed filters again :o
euhw.. I'm not the co-supervisor tbh ^^ I'm the co(verage)-Supervisor.. I'm helping out where I can, but I'm mainly handling the coverage. Italy Revengeful stays the co-sup
8 days...

I mean 7days before you die...
no you dont...
I dont you are right, YOU! Coz ET:QW suuuuuux! :P
I feel like we are becoming best friends, wana start etqw clan!? <3
You horny bitch I just love you! :)) DIE!
decider or draw?
SW2 is just retarted, werè def. gonna spam airstrikers and turrets 24/7 on objective 1 and lets see if those are still ''nice for ET players'' then :)
Right.. We'll have to see about that :P
sounds ok...gL Adacore
If you want to play SW2 Mode then go back to ET; the game has vehicles in it for a reason. There are some maps with fewer vehicles, some maps with more vehicles. Sewer is about average according to SD.
Limiting Tormentor and 1 Cyclops is enough.
I heard that Durus stepped down because of his job as the main newswriter, but if it had anything to do with the pressure coming for the so called "ET-scene" screw that. He has done good job up to this point.
the game sux so hard plz .... theres no dueling its just jumping and trying to hit each other rofl
thats exactly what i think every time i watch some quake4 lol:D
great rules , lets play ET :XD
please, only because huggo is *bb*pwning
yeah 2 cyclops+dececrator spam is so fun!!:)))))
As i commented on the CB page, these rules still don't make sense.
Changing rule in a beta never make sense. Only changing something that really disrupts the balance makes sense but the game hasn't been played enough to determine that. So changing rules doesn't make sense.
it makes sense to limit things to avoid spam. Because compplay and public is two diffrent gametypes tbh, just because something workes pub dosn't mean it works out in cws.
since when did cb make much sense?

however. in sw2-mode. is deployables, airstrikes, mines (etc) allowed? or is it "rifle and nades only" like pretty much it has become a standard to play when u play 4on4/5on5? :p
everything is ok. only thing is: why 3rd round is played like 1st round? should be cointossed. coz if one team got good no-vehicle tax and the other team got good vehicle tax, they win their rounds. With current cb rules, the team with good vehicle tax will always win a match :/
Indeed: turrets + constant reparing + vehicles = sadpandas at first objectives
one arty @ turrets = np2do objective \o/
1 arty interceptor turret = no arty
one covert ops = no interceptor
one covert ops cant get past lots of turrets + desecrator + two cyclops + rest of a team
Oh please.. without vehicles the game is as slow as CS (runnnnnnnnnning the whole map is soooooo uuuuber fun! \o/).

And fucking learn to use vehicles not just disable because you simply are too lame to practice driving for about an hour.. geez!
maybe you should invest that hour into learning how to strafejump
already know, so np4me
Surely you are doing a great job if you are as fast as in CS...
try Zyklon-B or stick to your ET.
not really a ET Player, sry.

Anti really good attempt at a comeback with some anti German things, noone has treid that before. Really.
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