47 Kicked from 20ID

Following the fallout of WSVG in Dallas, 20ID who went toe-to-toe with the Worlds best for 1st place, have made a sensational roster change.
20ID have decided to release Chris "-47-" Maglio from their line-up. No one can, and ever has, doubted -47-'s skill level or knowledge of the game but he has come in for criticism from large sections of the CoD2 community for his bad attitude, mainly "trash talking" about his skill level and it seems from the outside as though 20ID have had enough - or was it 20ID's decision? Some say 20ID's sponsors did not want to be associated with such a character and thus leant on 20ID to make the cut.
Questions still remain following this stunning news but one thing is for certain - 20ID have shown that they are not prepared to settle for anything less than 1st.
And thus, the search begins for 20ID to find a 5th place starter to fill -47-'s shoes.
Be sure to stay tuned for more news.

20ID's Line Up:

United States of America Alec "s1refrosty" Zurek
United States of America Mike "Havax" Davis
United States of America Brett "brett" Aguirre-Crick
United States of America Ray "RayZer" Sheehan
It's an American team
-47-, kicked.
Interesting, would really like to see if the player or management give some form of a statement as to why.
He played WoW instead of practising and had a poor peformance at WSVG, although the statement focus'd on his attitude.
do that in ET to, the fucking ego's out
you wouldn't have many teams left :P
agree, but still I would love it
i will take ure place.... ask levz and apple bout my supa high skillzorz
You are all pathetic, cod2 doesnt take much skill but still you fail so fucking hard.
so, because i suck at a game i play once every 3 months, i'm pathetic. ok.:)
If it doesn't take much skill then why isn't everyone playing on a similar level? It must have some skill ;)
Is there a difference between "it doesn't take much" and "it does take some"?
Ok then, if it doesn't take much skill, why isn't there about 100 teams playing on a top level, it's an invalid statement to say there is no skill.
LOL Your a fucking retard.
interesting news, nice to see that sort of attitude not being tolerated.
There is a bunch of flaming back and forward from 20ID management to 47! on a Forum post
link to the flame?
pretty cool that cf isnt totally forgetting the usa :)

quite hilarious to see the managment of 20id at it aswell imo ^^
"Some say 20ID's sponsors did not want to be associated with such a character and thus leant on 20ID to make the cut."

Lol if that's true, s1refrosty runs with an iron fist as someone so quaintly put it on gotfrag, i'd go down that path :)
-47- got kicked 'cause performance at lans and this doesnt have anything to do with WoW.
take evanhacksatcod
nice to get this kind of news, hope more will follow (I mean news from NA, not news about people gettin' kicked :p)
Interesting, would really like to see if the player or management give some form of a statement as to why.
why are you copying tosspot?
Is this the same 20 Inch Dongs then the rtcw team with newdeal and all?
daar ben jij even gebanned :D
dat is ook wel je eigen schuld
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