TLR picks up cZar

image: TLRClanTheLastResort has announced the pickup of the European Enemy Territory: Quake Wars side cZar-Gaming. Formally known as Team Cupido, the squad brings a wealth of talent and experience from the top echelon of Battlefield 2 and is currently training hard on the ET:QW beta in preparation for the impending release of ET:QW, and upcoming Open Beta Cup, aswell as a heavy winter LAN season which will see the team competing at the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 3 and Netgamez.

Quote by Baldrick"After formally playing with TLR's Battlefield 2 Team I had been speaking with Mike for a long time about bringing an Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Team into TLR and as it became apparent that cZar's promises were not going to be fulfilled we came to an agreement. I'd like to thank Mike for the chance to become the TLR ET:QW Lineup, especially before the game's full release, and for promising us the support required to attend the upcoming Crossfire Devotii Challenge 3 in September and future European LANs where we hope to fulfil our potential as one of the top European teams."

Quote by Chefinal"It gives me great pleasure to welcome cZar-Gaming ET:QW team to TLR.eSports. This game is growing very quickly and having a great impact on the gaming community. The team we bring to TLR brings alot of skill and great team work. We look forward to the up and coming lans, tournaments and cups for this team and bringing home the results and acheivements along the way. Knowing Luke for a long time I know he will work very hard to keep this team at the top for this game both online and offline"

United Kingdom Luke "Baldrick" Cotton - Team Manager
Netherlands Jop "ILoveYou" Huisman - Team Manager
Netherlands Stephan 'Wastestuff' Idema
Netherlands Nicolai 'RuFiO' Kleine
United Kingdom Ali "Sin" Mohammed
Norway Marius "Athex" Stavang
Netherlands Lars 'Tankz0r' Tijhuis
Netherlands Erik "2Easy" van Hoorn
Netherlands Frans "Quark" van Hoorn

#TheLastResort -
good luck guys ;)
could you make a decent site first..
thats a temp site, the proper (new one) will be up soonish
GL - My only point wud be that the roster is a bit large for 6on6?
Does Baldrick and ILoveYou actively play or just manage?
If they play then yeah, it's pretty big :o
Where have you been recently?
Formatted my computer, then I just haven't been at the computer much. Missing me?
When we have everyone back from vacation we are just backups
it should be played at least 8on8
lol, really, it shouldn't
would be much more fun
even @ competition
got baldricked
Didn't they just lose to lolicon ?
That was
vs lolicon.serious-business
as reported by hauke.dramatic-dickface ?:D
lolicon did have nvc though, unfair advantage :\
I love et:qw
gl guys!
gl boys
nice pickup :)
Nice pull, good luck guys.
why write a newsitem about yourself baldrick? could've made someone else do it. looks kinda funny when you write about your own team and quote yourself ;)

ah well, gl in TLR. hopefully we'll see you @ some lans :)
He did ask someone else to do it, but we were mean
awww. how rude :O
Why wouldn't he? There's no better than 1st hand knowledge.
well. under all my years as either writer or site director on community pages i've always made sure that i don't write a newsitem specificly about my own team, and same goes for all my co-workers. simply because it just looks bad in more then one way :>

however, you're ofc (duh) allowed to do w/e you want on crossfire, didn't mean to start some kinda discussion wether it's good or bad as a "news reporter" to write stuff on a community page about yourself :p
I kinda agree with your point
I don't like doing it but TosspoT is evil
bladrick the clan hopper:D:D

gl hf
Did your fridge empty of cheese again SonDac? :D
good luck with Tlr again baldrick. I never did get that steelpad from them.
hehe, just noticed, nice name sin :D <3 gl guys
IhateYou cyclopsz0r!
haha...tlr fifa team...more than half of them :D
gl guys :)
Good luck, there a good team from what ive seen of them on Public Aim wise.
That's definitely a good way of determining someone's skill level.
diekzak! <3
gl marius
gl hf let's see what will happen with full line-up. Things have to be proven still ;)
We showed that in first open beta days didn`t we ? Hope we can show it in i3d and otherwise probably in the fullversion.
Yeah i'm sure you will :)
no need for.
I'm there. that's all the proof u need.
check it, they got ali g in lineup!!! Repect !!
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