1 out, 2 in for Speedlink

German flagship Speedlink have rung the changes post OOF in a bid to guide them back to the top of the pile once again. After returning to activity at CPC2 the side emerged with fresh face Germany z1n, however after a few months the team have decided that this was the wrong move and have replaced him with one new and one old face!

Leader Trigger had this say;

QuoteIt's unfortunate that after only 5 months we already have to say goodbye to Igor "z1N" Manschin. After we had decided against K1ckzZ in favour of z1N in the beginning of the year, we soon noticed that the chemistry between z1N and the rest of the team was not optimal and differences were apparent when we had to perform as a team. It gives us joy that we are still able to welcome Timm "K1ckzZ" Lücke to our team, he has great potential and was able to collect a huge amount of experience through playing with his former team, OCRANA.

The comeback of Michael "spaR" Ege pleases us as well, because he had played for our team already for over a year during Call of Duty 1 and Call of Duty 2 and therefore perfectly knows what we expect from a player. Due to his long inactivity he will be integrated as a back-up player at the beginning until the EuroCup LAN Finals. From then on we will work out a 6 player rotation line-up, the way we used to play when we achieved our biggest results.

Speedlinks new roster will look like this;

Germany Trigger
Germany Fuchsstute
Germany phY1
Germany Nightwalker
Germany K1ckzZ
Germany spaR

<3 spaR my phone charging helper!
gl cod
hmm igor ... killing sfto.cod2 and now :) ?
I have no fucking idea who are the new ones. But Speedlink is the most likeable team in cod, so GL!
spar was with them during the whole of vCOD and also for like nearly a year in cod2.
read the news and you will know it...
but still enough time to write some words which tell everyone that you havent read the news GG!!!
Get a detector. I've read the news and they are still unknown for me, means I never heard before of them.
so you know smth about the cod2 community!??!??

aNywAy let stop here :P
Of course, I don't know. I only know some teams and some few players. In addition, I know which teams are the best and stuff, that's all. But I like Trigger and his shoutcasts. :P

And I feel always sad for COD2 here on this page. Because there are always so less comments so I wanted to write some useless shit. ^^ And hey, I filled 50 per cent of the comments so far.
ocrana K1ckzZZZ ftw,hdf :C
fuchsstute zerfickt immer noch am besten
probly cause like 5ppl that play cod2 watch this page to read up on some ET news :p
gl K1ckzZ :]!
spaR used to be a member of ocrana right?
Yes echo.

Shame more people don't post on this site, I come fully from a COD background and always check this site for ET news and i've never even seen the game played once!
It's cuz cod2 community atm only focusses on 2 sites, gotfrag.com and tek-9.net. Though this site deserves more cod2 viewers than it currently has. (I guess ;p)
Yeh i know that, just a shame it doesn't get more people :p It's a nice community driven site.
More CoD news pls...
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