SummerCup: v3 vs. waffles, eG vs. KKC

image: sc2007bannerdt1

Even though the unsettled Danish weather would have me believe otherwise, summer is well underway! The coming of a lengthy holiday has lured many gamers away from their computers and off to their favourite holiday resorts, leaving the competitive scene in a state of player shortage and a rock bottom level of activity. This has prompted some of those who remain at home to get together and form provisional "fun teams" to pass time by duking it out with each other in the various available cups, such as the ClanBase-hosted SummerCup that tonight plays host to two showdowns:

Poland Veni Vidi Vici 2-4 Europe Twatwaffles

In what is arguably tonight's most prestigious SummerCup showdown (!), the all-Polish side of Veni Vidi Vici go up against the European mishmash of Twatwaffles in group E of the premier league. Currently leading the group after a 4-0 victory against Spain atooN - Azure Fate at the end of last month, the Poles will look upon tonight's match as an opportunity to firmly entrench themselves in the number one position, while Twatwaffles will hope for a victory to tie things up with the Poles after having suffered a forfeit defeat to Belgium atooN - unplugged last month.

Poland @ eGaming Multigaming 0-4 Benelux Kitchen Knife Conspiracy

Before the premier league action gets going, however, the Benelux side of Kitchen Knife Conspiracy and the all-Polish will vie for the number one spot in group C of the fourth league. The two teams are currently tied for the first place in the three-clan group, both having defeated the Portugese Portugal Addicts Klan, but will look to put an end to that situation tonight.
You should start playing again, make a team with the old pwners! (h)
Good luck to all teams.
sweet banner
nice banner :D
best banner ever
great oBs3rV1nG
loli bannr : >
nice banner.
rofl o_O
banner ;DDD
banner ohnZ!
Nice banner, easy bash for Poland Endarked
GO s0me!
Nice preview. Thanks.
nice banner ;)
me likes the banner :Dd
me likes the banner :XD
nice banner :-) good job
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