AuX folded , HighBot is back !

image: aqzhosf4h03iktqdw

After 8 months of AuxiliA.ET, the clan stated today that it is not possible for them to send a team to the
Crossifre Devotii Challange 3. This was a huge disappointment for the members of AuxiliA.ET at first.
But as we see our chances quite good for reaching Top5 at CDC3 - we decided to travel on our own.
Back under the name of our very own clan HighBot we will try to attack once more.
The sponsor will stay with us along our journey and try to support us as good as possible, also regarding
the Enlarged IV Lan in Germany.


Russia Daniel "humM3L" M. (Founder / Mainmanager)
Turkey Fatih "fireBall" H. (Founder)
Germany Kai "ng" D. (Main Orga , ettv)
Germany Gero "geruMBa" K. (Sponsoring Orga)


Enemy Territory LAN Team

Germany Craig "Kuraigu" B. (Leader , Manager)

Turkey Fatih "fireBall" H. (MainPlayer)
Germany Dominik "wEAK" S. (MainPlayer)
Germany Andreas "fLiXX" S. (MainPlayer)
Germany Ludwig "haZer" B. (MainPlayer)
Russia Daniel "humM3L" M. (MainPlayer)
Russia Eduard "zerender" E. (MainPlayer)

Germany Mathias "faux" W. (Backup)
Germany Herby "aNtZ" B. (Backup)

graigu[/b] Enemy Territory BEEF Statement]
It's a pity that it did not work out well with the very nice people over at Auxilia, thus being not able sending us to CDC3, so we had to move on and make a decision, fast. We decided to move on under the HB flag and will be attending Crossfire Devotii Challenge III (Enschede) (Direct Invite), Enlarged Lan Party 2007 (Alsfeld) and ofcourse the upcoming EuroCup XV. After that some of us will quit, others will continue elsewhere.Some you might even see again in other games.

Next Event's

- Crossfire Devotii Challenge III (Enschede) Direct Invite
- Enlarged Lan Party 2007 (Alsfeld)
- EuroCup XV

World of Warcraft

Germany Gero "geruMBa" K. (WoW GEEK Nr.1)
Netherlands Kristian "Kris" v.H. (Totally Addicted , he hates ET now)

Sponsor Partner

HeadSponsor "Biggest School site in Germany"

MainSponsor "Best German Server Hoster , with nice support" #proPlay.

There you can find us ! & #HighBot @ Quakenet.

Best Regard's HighBot Management.
Good luck!
GL my friends. U guys own!

gl guys
italic text sucks
not if you use it a little, but I get your point :P
anyway gl!
gl, lol @ kris :D
het is echt waar!
omg gl wEAK ! fAUX , humm3L ! <33
gl all ! =)
very interesting!

image: 1187280507868
hahahahahahahahahhahaha made me rofllll !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think you are cute to :)
non decent english!
I think you are cute too :)
decent english!
made my day =)
cats are really your thing huh?
nope, i never had one, and i hate them
gl antzzzzzzzzzzzzz! :D
gl hummel
Gero "geruMBa" K. (Sponsoring Orga)

So, you were THAT guy?
hahaha naiz :>
i guess they will finally be a "topclan" now when most topteams folded... just like in rtcw...

finally u can win a low+ EC sumM3L!
be nice mr. bort :D
flixx<3 gl
Highbot comeback nr 183?
fucking hell just quit the clanhopping then maybe you get more support from your sponsors
they aint hopping

highbot (thier own clan) -> Auxilia (MGC) -> highbot because Aux is giving them nothing.

Look logical for me
QuoteAfter 8 months of AuxiliA.ET, the clan stated today that it is not possible for them to send a team to the
Crossifre Devotii Challange 3. This was a huge disappointment for the members of AuxiliA.ET at first.

and folding is the same as giving u guys nothing ;)

But anyway GL @ CDC3
yes well i could have told you HVPC wont fund you months ago

they got £250 000 from a private invester to start the company for a start, yet they have a shit website and poor english skills on it, they sponsor fifty clans, in which time they drop 30 and take on another 30 until they have what they have tioday... fuck right off!

that my friend, says it all :)
they have so many topic from changing and going to other clans
good luck! =)
shame for Auxilia :c
gl guys!
<3 highbot </3 aux
gl humm3L ! :>
Invite blitzz to the team
Oh lord just stop with this shit.
Ihr werdet richtig was rausholen!

<3 all
gut gluck, Eduard
<3 Matze & Andreas :]
gl buttlers
<3 kuu, fire, weak and hummel <3

highbot ftw :D!
Wow! somebody left their sponsor, what a great news. Awesome! I was waiting for something INTERESTING to happen. WOOT!!!!!!!!!
k-play best german server hoster imo ...
They better be the best in the world for the amount of money they ask :D
fu kris -.-
(url) [] "Biggest School site in Germany" imo.
"Biggest Schoolsite in Germany FOR CHEATERS !"
wow you changed name, news
gl weak and fauxy <3
Journal. Not interesting.
Quote Kai "ng" D. (Main Orga , ettv)

k.. my english isnt that good but i think it has to be :
Mainorga ?!
Who cares about a space between those two words? If you want to blame him for his english-skillz, then search for some 'real' and 'big' mistakes you fucking moron...
definitely not.
remove this news
goodluck boy's
good luck sexy boys weak, fire and hummz0r :D
gl mates. Have fun in Enschede=)
lol @ kris :DA
you don't have to be addicted to WoW to hate ET

gL anDi und s0
Best Retard's HighBot Management.
pf naja gl zerender .. ich habs dir doch gesagt von anfang an :)
so what about the online team?

nice very nice - do you have another picture with a bicycle in pejing ?
the most italic news in cf history, what an achivement
where is criatura ? :<
QuoteLife is a game
a commercial slogan of Sony's Playstation?
Let me laugh
why is this front page news - its more one deja vu after another
gl dudez
gl to kris and gerumba @ wow :D
wtf??? .. new to me!
Kristian "Kris" v.H. (Totally Addicted , he hates ET now)

Who doesnt? ? :D
im kris #2, i /quit ET, WoW active ( addict )
gl, cu at lan
Quote Kristian "Kris" v.H. (Totally Addicted , he hates ET now)

:< makes me cry :/
burn kris !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow still sucks m8 :P
Good luck in future!
are you still alive? :o
HB>Aux>HB>Aux>HB>Aux>HB! nice one! graatz!
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