Spaces available at CDC3

After a phrantic day of messaging, emailing and iRC fun the CDC payment deadline has all but passed. We've lost some players in all tournaments however in some tournaments we were more than pleased with the turnout.

image: signups_et
Tournament Status; 22/24 Teams

22 teams have either paid, their payment is processing or have provided other proof that they are attending the event in September. This leaves us with Identical and egoboyz that have been unable to provide necessary intent of attendance and we've had to draw the line today. Both of their spaces are now insecure and any team wishing to attend should mail [email protected] if they want their spot. Identical and sFx will be given priority should their situations change. However we have to fill our tournament if and where possible.

image: signups_wsw
Tournament Status; 18/24

We've had a significant number of drop outs over the past 24 hours and have lost 6 players without any replacement. We have not been able to contact all the players who have not paid and therefore are potentially expecting this number to fall further. If it falls by 2 we'll have a 16 player tournament, otherwise we'll have to be creative with a tournament structure for an unusual number. A drop in tournament size will have an impact on the prizepurse.

image: signups_cpm
Tournament Status; 7/12

We've been unable to contact and chase a number of players for their spot and find out their plans. At the moment we definitely have one spot available here, however this number could rise.

To those concerned at the drop outs, dont be. This is why we have payment deadlines so we can get replacements. We've a month to go until the action kicks off in Enschede and anyone wishing to fill a vacant spot should email [email protected] - If anyone is in contact with the following people, please direct them to Crossfire
gl butch, gifty, maus, freek
no gl for me ? :<<<<<<
im there with !
u really need it then -> GL
22/24 :< a rich boi
kaykay and you can sleep in ma car!
rofl you seriously cant cough up 50 euros? wtf
lol man if every time i coughed, id get 50 euro, id be the richest man after bill gates :l
bill gates and they riches guy anymore, sorry
comeon guys , convince yourself and signup ;)
those 2 teams sfx and identical can still attend cdc without payment proofs if those 2 spots stay empty?

edit: gonna study back again, got exam on a saturday morning :((((
i dont know you but gl :)
i dont know you too but thx ;)

slept 6 hours since wednesday morning, i'am tired :((((((
and had to do an exam on a saturday (only had 1 evening to learn cause had one friday too :x) , first writing exam and had to fucking wait 3 hours to do my oral :x

i'am gonna sleep now bb :'((((((
start working you lazy punk instead of spamming 24h/7d
QuoteWe've a month to go until the fireworks go off in Enschede

dangerous sentence :p
Oooops =DDD
A complete list of all attending teams would be nice. Could't find something like that so far :S
I expect it will be released when it's confirmed :)
Did you read my PM?
egoboyz gonna play there? cant see them(we) on the list.
If you pay, something you havent done yet.
Then stop whining that you can't afford to enter ;<
Thought Q3 was only 8 spots not 12?
Although i don't have a clue whether the fragments are überskilled or not, i like the video. The editing is pr0 =]

Good job!

*edit* woops wrong newspost :P
thought team spaces is back -^.^-
QuoteWe've a month to go until the fireworks go off in Enschede.

:D:D, Do you know what happened in Enschede 6 years ago? Or did you use it is a common expression?
That was quite inappropriate indeed! :XD
CDC should go with a bang.
no vanhis:<?
Quote"We've a month to go until the fireworks go off in Enschede"

You dont know what happened exactly there in 2000 right?
Dangerous sentence to use in this case.
That's indeed quite a sentence there yea :p
QuoteWe've a month to go until the fireworks go off in Enschede

That's a dangerous sentence!
We've a month to go until the fireworks go off in Enschede

could you remove this, lost a friend cause of that.
Could you please stop playing ET? So many people died in WW2.

On a serious note, get some distance :c
n1ce attidude
have I been at WW II? no

have I seen dead people and many wounded people in a nice city looking like a war area? have I seen the horror and terror in the people? do I still have dreams about it and if I hear a bang I still think im there? yes.
I feel for you man <3
Ive been in a terrorist attack in saudi arabia which leaves you with some sleepless nights when you receive gasmasks from the swedish military etc...
cry me a river this and your shit is nothing.
sucks :< too bad this community has no feelings online I guess.
And "political correctness" will "heal" you?
I aint saying im sick, im just saying im feeling better if they not mention it, not in this way.

I guess noone which is not from NL will understand it.
shave your head a bit more please, polack :D
they should play et @ ww2 ... germany vs USA ... axis vs allies

but ger would win ...nah bad idea...
ever time i see your name aids pops in my head, weard
Greight spelling, meight :-)
*great, fucking polish teard.
you're right! stupid "political correctness"
why dont you go there and kick his ass? cant possibly be far
might be a idea
"We've a month to go until the fireworks go off in Enschede"

I assume this has nothing to do with "the disaster", if so show some respect to people who died, got injured.
QuoteWe've a month to go until the action kicks off in Enschede

I heavily anticipate Germany Helix again! Havn't seen them for a long long time.
nice to see not that many ET-teams dropout was expecting much worse
so expensive to come from estonia
why evolve isnt playing?? i want see butchji
i dont understand all the new clans!
whats about junk52. they come back?
vae? they dont exist any more?
whats helix new clan of butchji?
its so stupid
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