QuoteBack in 2003, we started exchanging design ideas with id Software for what started out as a fairly modest attempt to evolve the team-play in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Now, four years later, Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars has officially gone GOLD! For those of you not familiar with the development term, going gold means that the retail game is complete, and that master DVDs have gone to manufacturing, and will then head to stores. This makes us especially proud, not just because of the incredible passion and effort that the development teams have invested these past four years, but especially because of the amazing support the community has given us.

As announced a few weeks ago the game will be in stores at Friday, September 28th for Europe Europeans.

Full story:
Isn't there supposed to be a DEMO-version before they release the full game?
Quote...completing the game's demo (planned for release in mid-September)
That's only written in the full article, which i didn't read.
sorry : >
There have been 2 beta's aswell , why need Demo now ? :o
to see what the final game will be like. furthermore the beta wasn't available to everyone.
true ,but ppl know what to expect from the game

Demo not needed imo

should be nice for ppl who dont know the game yet tho
won't buy it i think 8[
Me neither. Bring on CoD4.
Have you seen cod4 mp video .What a crap. I saw all those great single player videos but mp video made me puke.
to bad, another crappy game ready to be launched.
too bad it sucks.. they should have made it another 4 years
Posted by pumu
2bad i wont buy that shit : \
journal imo
its raining outside, isnt it?
not here, bit cloudy.
beautiful weather here in finland o/
ET forever!
pumu must be having an orgasm right now
multible, all at once!
Good stuff!
I disagree.
I do not care.
Then why dont you use the filters!
actually I do care, just didn't want to end the chain :(
Because maybe, one day, ET:QW will become half as good as ET through the creation of some mod or something. :/
Thats fine just dont fill crossfire with shitty posts about how you dislike a game.
Indeed, indeed.
I like a cold beer, a nice burger and some fries.
Hypocrite! RTCW > ET you actively allow people to bash ET in favor of RTCW :P
rtcw mp was perfection though, so its an exception.
I hope thet have fixed the servers....
I hope that ET:QW will be next duke nukem forever
Nice one, not long till we get to play the other 10 maps now.
Need cod4
I'm sure it will be a commercial success. But I doubt it will please most players who wished for a real successor to ET.
95% of ET players won't be happy unless there's an mp40 and a thompson.
plz stop using the same arguements over and over again.

I used to play civ1, the game rocked. Next came civ2 which added to the game, and most ppl liked it. Next came civ3 and ppl felt like having niggercock in their ass. Civ4 restored the nice gameplay of civ1, civ2 along with some extra features which added to the game.

I started in RTCW, and when I first played ET it felt buggy and laggy but the general gameplay was fun enough to keep me bussy till the fixed the game.

I dont like the general ETQW gameplay. It has nothing to do with it beeing different from ET. It has nothing to do with it beein beta. The general gameplay just feels ghey.
looks funny :D
its without doubt best turned based strategy game ever :P

I just wanted to reply to the two arguements that are always beeing used to defend how sucky etqw is:
-its a beta
-ETplayers hate everything thats different compared to ET, BFplayers hate everything thats different compared to BF.
I'm an etplayer, i like etqw; i think it could be much better, but i'm playing it knowing potential is there ;o

_MOST_ ET players don't want things to change...(imo)
I'm not planning on playing a game i dont like, because i know it will be fixed eventually :/
I'm happy enough with it to play it as it is, i would prefer it if certain changes are made though
It will be a hard battle trying to keep both BF and ETplayers happy xD
Why do you think that? BF players don't all love vehicles...especially not in ETQW.//
I watched some vid over on ESReality where FlyingDJ interviewed Loki about the current state of the game and what we can expect in the future. I stopped watching it halfway trough but what i remember about it is:

the gfx in the full game will be much better
they get lots of feedback from gamers / clans and there's a lot of different opinions comming from ET/BF community.

ill post a link later
et thinks inf only bf thinks with a small amount of vehicles, not 2 cyclops and a tormentor.
I never said that, but from an ET pov it looks very vehicle based. I'm not saying that makes it better or worse, its just not my type of game.
The only reason you honestly think it will be better is because it has the opportunity for LAN events and more finical prospects! (imo)
I've never even been to a lan :D although i32 should be my first, for et:qw =)
I really wouldn't bother going to iSeries to be honest.
It will be my first, so i won't exactly have standards to live up to. Plus TLR want to attend, and i'd like to meet them there ;p Most expenses are paid for aswell, so i don't mind :0
Yeah, i31 was my first as well. Although I didn't play so I think that's partly why I didn't enjoy it.
100% true W:ET <3
in my eyes 30% of et-scene went to QW, 20% stopped playin in the last times cause of too much hax or friends changing to QW, and only 50% go on playin ET with havin doubts every evening and mostly only plyin for the upcomming LANs
ridiculous percentages you have there mister. EVENTHOUGH tEh pumu has advertised ETQW and dissed how dead ET is, it doesnt mean its true. 30%? geez, thats just retarded :D
just my expiriences the last months... correctly i should have said "changed to other games" like QW, CoD or WiC
to be fair, a lot more will move shortly after a full game i guess; not necessarily 30%, but more will come ;o
you forgot wow!
I think there are 2 parts of the community.
Those who play for competition and public players.
I think the game will be great fun to the public players who are playing for fun. But could stay with ET too, ofc.
And ET will mostly be missing the competition part after CDC3, so ETQW will get interesting for them. (I'm talking about high skilled competitions with prizes etc.)
u forgot the third part of the community: those who won't play it
Or they can move to another FPS game, some of which are far closer to ET than ET:QW.
i bet you can not even name 1
WarRock and Call of Duty come to mind, but I guess it's subjective since everyone has different views about the important and unimportant aspects of a game.

Edit: I'm not talking about objectives or the style of teamplay, I'm talking about the general game environment and feel.
warrock are you serious? its a bf copy
The third mode (forget what it's called) is a Battlefield clone, you're right, but close quarters combat is far closer to ET and CS. WarRock has a class system, similar to ET, and the aiming/movement are also better than most modern games. Too bad the people who run the game now are retards.
MoH Airborne
pro: 18+ rating (atleast in Germany), WWII scenario, no vehicles
con: EA as publisher ...

Don´t know if the gameplay is similar to ET but it could be an alternative
ye but i think etqw is the closest game to et
most other games are round based or smth + no class-system
True, but personally I think the general feel of the game (movement, shooting, etc) is more important than the objective/round style.
whatever, no buy for me for sure.
and rtcw2 wont be the same as rtcw/et too
maybe it will not even have the same class-/objective-system
and it wont be released before 2009 or even 2010, who knows
afaik they just started to work on it?
really worth a news
if the single player is fun I'll buy it for that, and perhaps in a couple months or a year or so a decent mod could actually make it a playable game for competition. But for now I'll stick to the single player of it and leave the currently crappy MP for what it is.
single player? you like playing vs bots on multiplayer maps?:D
Hm you'd better not buy it at all lol
its MP only
hmmm.. Why do I remember someone telling me it was going to have a singleplayer as well?

well in that case I will wait till a decent mod comes along, if ever.
I was also told there would be SP
yes every one wants a game where winning equals spamming to victory
hey thats rts games!
can't wait for the demo, but only it's not fair to other clans and player to see clans like dignitas, team HOT, 50Cal etc to see them play more maps, like Area22, then we can play.. give them more chance to be the best and giving no chance for other clans.. that's my opinion but w/e.. i can't wait for the game & the demo :)
nobody wants ET in a new engine

people want a good game in a GOOD engine

bring on severity!
hardcore gamers want a good game in a GOOD engine

most 'gamers' want gfx, endless features, rings and bells. And ffs, dont make the game hard to play. Any noob should be able to load up the game and start killing straight away.
I wont buy it when it hit the stores, but I'll pay attention to the clan play part of it and how it evolves over time, how they set the competition rules (no vehicles etc) and what people here think about it.

To me the game is just not good enough to be there from release date, I'd rather wait a bit and see how it shapes - might buy it later on!
Cant wait for some "real" cw maps :D and some restrictions on spam machines..
At least! Those who are saying that it's unplayable for tournaments.. have u tried to play an ET:QW match? By the way, I'm sure I will face soon most of these players which are blaming ET:QW atm

omg omg omg, like somebody is going to buy that shiity game
Nice, looking forward to it!
I guess they will be kinda disappointed when they see how few ppl are buying it.
<3 this game
the demo will make/break for me

not really happy at all with the beta.

if that fails then i guess pro mod for source is the next thing to be a let down in gaming :)
this game has FAILED
You havn't played the game. YOU fail :o
sry mate but he is right
Beta + bad maps = bugged experience, wait for the game IQ boy's.
well maybe u are right, but i wont buy this game anyway cuz its just a waste of money for me. this game is way to much spam and battlefield for me :p
september 28th? I saw posters in the NL where it said september the 7th!!
its the official date ;)
check for news (from 8th august or smth around that date)
thanks, i read it, the noob store said it was september 7th
anyone knows what prize is going to be for the game?
like we care!
I will buy it simple because they made a good game in ET and they deserve the money. I won't buy it because it's a good game although I will still try the multi-player. Hopefully it has improved since the second beta.
Isn't that sweet ^^
im so exited!
I will steal it thru intrawebs, see new maps, wait for some promode (BF didnt even have one :((((?), delete it if it fails (which will be very rewindgoingtolan)
Quote by d227_speedyGTFO !!!
won´t buy it
waiting 4 rtcw 2 ;>
4 rtcw 2 i can wait :P
ET:QW is dead!
Yeah, i heard the same about RTCW2.
pumu you're my fav fat whore + bi-bi-bi-BITCHEH !!i!i!
Ok need the demo now.
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