Crossfire Devotii Challenge 3

This weekend, the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 3 kicks off at the WZZRD gaming center in Enschede. With an anticipant crowd, a whopping 7,000+ Euro prize pot and a cinematic finals experience theres no better place to be this weekend than Enschede!

Enemy Territory - The largest LAN tournament ever held for Enemy Territory sees 21 of Europes top teams fight it out for their share of € 6000. Reigning champions The Last Resort will be looking to defend their title whilst playing the same exciting brand of ET they did last time out. Top ET names such as Dignitas, Kreaturen, GMPO and SRP have been grafting hard to try to stop them, and this weekend their work will be put to the test.

Warsow - The very first major LAN for the fast paced thriller that is Warsow brought to you in association with QPAD. 16 of Europe's greats are in attendance and an extremely diverse and multinational field have questions to answer! Will it be BoBel, Vict!m or Bruns? Or can one of the chasing pack take the tournament by storm? Anything is possible in the games biggest tournament to date.

If the gamers weren't already trying to call the top seeds bluff, they certainly will in the MCPoker 500 Euro live tournament. Who's got what it takes to really play their way to victory in the poker? QPAD will be on location offering shootouts. To make the event even more fun and exciting, a complementary BBQ will be provided to all players.

The grand finals of both games will be shown in a full-blown cinema hall at CineStar giving that extra excitement for the crowd.

And if you cant be in Enschede this weekend? Fear not QUADV will be on location providing live video and audio streams with commentary from TosspoT and A_Spec. The whole weekends action in both tournaments will be captured for you to oooh and ahh to your hearts content! will be providing their trademark ETTV coverage aswell as much more!

So sit back and relax as your weekends entertainment is taken care of here on Crossfire!

Latest Schedule:
i will spec everyone!^^
i wont spec anyone
Member For: 1 month and 7 days

no shit, u probably dont even know what et is
it seems you dont even noticed that this is a fakeaccount and the user of this has played et for 3,5 years now
uhuh, proof ?
np, oldest pic i have :

image: y4etg
still don't know who u are :(

do u know me?
yes but (dont feel offended) i dont care
nice paint skills :XD
yo np4me, but dates and stuff arent edited
cu there
Just to be extremely retarded - you miss a "r" in Enemy Territory..
To be even more retarded - you use "An" not "A" before vowels
but "r" isn't a vocal, its a consonant afaik..

edit: is it because we pronounce the letter as "arrrrr"?
anyone know where I can find a pack with ET + necessary upgrades, pro and maps?

with decent speed :P
ohemgee, I'm casting? See you in Enschede. :D
hf everyone
21 teams?
i thought it were 20

and anyone has a link to the match shedule?
watch the news
and what shall i see therer?
ffs dont be lazy and use the search funtion here
already did and couldnt find anything

maybe i used the wrong words but normally "cdc3 shedule" should show you what you want
well i think you are to stupid.. here you go then
tbh im not stupid

i just let the stupid ones do the work for me
not rly.. give it up you are to stupid

btw: nice fanboy
true - i love winghavens panzer and fops skills
looking foward to it.
vinski playing in Warsow tournament?
no he lan dodges
im missing teams like ... ._.
who is the 21st team?
chill on fire. lan i suppose
Going in a minute cya there <o/
hf everyone =)
online only
fuck you, irl hacker =D

GL btw =)
seeya in enschede
Will a fake id get me into the poker tournament?
if you dont ask 10e for an autograph!
hahaha :DDD
"The largest LAN tournament ever held for Enemy Territory"

not sure it was ever that many teams playing at qcon
they mean with the most team/players, qcon never had 21 teams afaik
Have fun :)
Good luck TLR, <3
silence, brutus!

And ye, GL TLR! <3
kai su teknon >_<
Sorry, I don't speak latin, my son! ;)
greek! :P et tu brute is the latin version =D
I hope you all have an amazing time!
too bad I can't be there! GL to all Belgians participating, especially spiroze and worm <3
Lets pray the streams and ETTV will work instantly this time. GL!
GL and HF, sorry I can't be there AGAIN!
Toss please check F1 calendar next time for cdc4! ;P
cu guys tomorrow evening =} hope there will be games till late in the evening cause my classes dont finish rly early =d
gl dignitas-nablets!
nice read
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