Fall 2007 Open Cup Map List Announced

image: cbgoldlogontThats right, the long awaited news regarding the Fall 2007 Open Cup Map Pool has arrived. As well as having the usual stock maps; Supply has also returned to the map pool and a new map, Karsiah_te2 has been included. We hope this new addition, as well as the other maps will provide you with an exciting season to both watch and play. The full map pool can be seen below.

Map Pool:

• Braundorf_b4
• Bremen_b2
• sw_Goldrush_te
• Radar
• Supply
• Frostbite
• Karsiah_te2

Please note that the map pool for this seasons EuroCup is slightly different, so be sure to look out for news regarding this in the next few days.

fuck off with braundorf
is it wrong information in EC section then?
you became xfire spammer isnt ?
Frostbite <3
omfg karsiah
Karsiah is the worst map ever :<
indeed (it s more a public map than a map for a war)
Karsiah :<
karsiah, get over it;X
karsiah ?
do u want to be interesting or wtf?

bad joke
Karsiah LoL

+ Railgun :)
Karsiah and Frostbite, ewww... I thought we got over those two...
looks good, allthough I've never played karsiah uptill now ^^
bad maps
change kariash to adlernest or oasis... plz not this shitty map :<
We need Fueldump b3 !!!
omg karsiah !

proven not be good enough for competitions
a-ha. proved what? everything what I saw was very intense flagfights and very good games. frostbite & braundorf have proved they suck big time long time already because of fast attacktime, but noo, lets keep those shitmaps. I have to say, that its fucking interesting to see a team, what makes 1:30 in frostbite. It's just...cool!

braun is the worst map in ET
Imo it's quite good for 3v3, not good enough for 6v6 tho.
too many ways to defend in 3on3
omg karsiah
Karsiah out, oasis In :D
omg karsiah
omg karsiah where is oasis i want oasis
Karsiah_te2 wtf
Bremen_b2 wtf
Karsiah_te2 wtf
Bremen_b2 wtf -> Change to b1 plx plx plx

Take OASIS back!!!
karsiah wtf, remove it :x
karsiah rly sux
oasis instead of karsiah
karsiah sucks
use the fixed version of assault tbh :X

#retrocup xD
adler instead of karsiah !
must be teh bestest joke.
karsiah, plz :x
Need battery and oasis! Karsiah and braundorf.. oh please!
karsiah <3 best map of ET! frost & braun are useless shitmaps :S
Hopefully karsiah will be in EC also!
must be teh bestest joke. :D
adler >karsiah
agree with b4 but big NO for frostbite... its v. fast map idd... but its also a very dynamic map with a lot of action... It feels so RTCW for me :)

[played RTCW only on pubs dunno bout cw]
map list is ok, teams getting raped on it are whining proberly
Karsiah to Oasis and the maplist is good
Supply... fucking hate Supply.
gosh karsiah :ASD
y karsiah? >_>
good maplist imo.karsiah isnt that bad
nicee karsiah <3
karsiah lowfps but good map at all
try the te2 version - fps should be much better than on karsiah_te or previous versions...
omg karsiah !

why not try a new map instead of karsiah?
no railgun, no participation for me in youre shitty cup
nice maplist, i really enjoyed playing karsiah back in the days with alis
Back in the days aka last season? :D
hehe he made it look very oldschool idd :D
fueldump in.
oh my gosh :o. braun and frost should really be removed from the list and deleted from all et servers. Karsiah is much better compared to them.

more flame ;p
here i am one again :D
There have been 1000 comments where people are asking to bring oasis back. So I dont understand, why putting in karsiah, or bremen, or frostbite instead. I dont remember hearing people like them. Everyones' wondering why the hell did this game change so much. I'll tell you why. You've forced stupid maps, such as those 3 mentioned above, because you thought full holds are annoying, while many thought they were fun. Old matches used to last 2 hours, now its all done in 10 minutes. Its all lotto and ramboing, no skill, thanks to the bad map choice. Why dont you make a poll and see which maps people would like to play. We dont really need CB admins changing the perspective of the game, players' votes should be considered as well.
idd 6 min rounds suck
I also hate oasis :<
Yeah Karsiah !!!!
karsiah - worst map ever made
oasis + battery :<
karsiah baaaaaaa

karsiah out plz :<
karsiah + supply out

battery + et_ice in

imo b4 out and oasis in!

like it!


that one less
plz put radar off the list i thinks its almost antique xD
su dude its ownage :D
Kill whoever made karsiah pls :<
Amazing mappoll. Really.
change karsiah for adler and it's fine
remove karsiah and add railgun!
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