GGT 2008 ET LAN announced

image: ggtlogoSeptember 29, 2007

Goleniow Game Theatre
is an Enemy Territory tournament divided into two phases:

- Online eliminations

- LAN finals

Eliminations will take place from 1st of December 2007 till 31st of January 2008. 16 Polish teams are allowed to play until 2 lost matches (double elimination) and 10 European teams will have the chance to qualify for the finals, as well (eliminations performed by Crossfire). Entry fee for polish teams is 60 PLN, for european teams it is free of charge.
5 qualified teams from Poland and 3 European teams will go through to the LAN finals.

LAN finals will take place on 22-24 of February 2008 in Goleniow (near Szczecin). For teams, which managed to go through the elimination phase, the LAN organization will provide food and accomodation during the finals. We will do our best to provide high-class PCs for participating teams. If we won'tl be able to do this, we would provide monitors for sure. Prize purse till now is 6000 PLN (~1579 €).

Online phase is going to be played on our servers (sponsored by Finals will be held in Goleniowski Dom Kultury, Slowackiego 1 Street, 72-100 Goleniow (Poland). There will be places for visitors, media and sponsors provided. Directly near the LAN area is a restaurant Cafe Scena. Information how to get there, are presented on our web page.

Teams in both phases of our tournament will play in 6on6 mode, using the Clanbase rules and configs. The mappool looks as follows:

- Supply Depot
- Braundorf (B4)
- SW Goldrush TE
- Frostbite
- Würzburg Radar
- TBA (Poll on site)

Signups to elimination phase are open till 22 of November 2007.

Interested people, media supporters and possible partners or sponsors are pleased to contact Poland orsz for more info. -
main news...
chuj ci v dupe to pierdole kombajn
can I join in a polish team ?
sure, but u will have to pay 60/6 pln entry fee then
how much is that in euros ?
QuoteEntry fee for polish teams is 60 PLN, for european teams it is free of charge
naisss I could pay for my team, only need to find 5 poltards :)
PLN - Zlotys
Nice stuff :)
nice job
Online phase is going to be played on our servers (sponsored by

afaik Gamesnet in hosting european servers in NL and DE...
QuoteWe will do our best to provide high-class PCs for participating teams. If we won'tl be able to do this, we would provide monitors for sure.

oh nice, so it might be byoc :XD
polaks want you to bring there your computers :D
yeah exactly what i thought :D

u will leave with just that 10€ monitor they stole bought
Sheeppy ! agrh irony..
not everyone can get pc, we requested from our sponsor 24 highclass pcs for players, 2 servers, 6 for media and 10 pcs for visitors (free inet cafe)

waiting for their reply but its too early to announce anything so be patient

all we can say now is that we have about 100 crt 17'' and 19'' monitors available
but what types? 125Hz on 1280x1024 at least? iiyama's?
120 hz @ 1024x768 is enough, i think ;)
make that 1280x1024 and I'm happy.
85 hz @ 1024x768 is enough imo!
stop being sarcastic =(

But still that would be better than cdc screens.
u cant really compare tft with crt like that.
You're less depending on HZrate on tft screens, but I still prefer any crt with high rate (even at low res) than a tft @ 75 hz.
Yeah tft smoothen out thing a bit cause of the they way it displays, still rmode6 @ 120hz > all. Dont think they will be able to provide rmode8 @ 120hz as those displays are very expensive compared to a 150€ CRT which can do 120hz at ez.
75hz @ 1024x768 is enough!
Very nice, allthough I think there will be a lot of teams that won't come to the lan finals
they are so much polish team able to play on LAN ?
polish have more players than all other countries together :p
finnish community has chance to reach the top @ it as well :)
if there is no teams wishing to play we would make no qualifiers or even pick more teams from euro. we will see. for now it is how it is
Der ERSTE (große) Ort nach der deutsch-polnischen Grenze.
gehörte mal de
hat alles mal uns gehört...
yeahhh man bin ich bekifft
online haxors are welcome i see!
Great news for ET, what other games are being played?
Quite strange, I was expecting this to be something along the lines of the other Polish LAN (name escapes me at the moment). I know you finished second there though!
PGA, the announcement is coming soon as well, ET will most likely be there again (5on5 tho ;o).
Can you remember which games other than ET were there?
CS 1.6, WC3, Q4 and some others!
That's music to my ears!
PGA 08 will be announced during the next week.
A little late!

And it's PGA 07, not 08.
Shame on me :(
Gl hf haxors
poland is boring place,
this good thing in poland that there you can buy snuff and sigarellos

GLHF participating teams & orga-staff!
stfu, poland is the greates place to have a lan. u dont have any clue..pga lan in poznan was amazing + its v. cheap to go out and buy things etc.
you go out they steal from you
you go shopping they sell you stolen things

ye, and after this we'll eat you
stay home then
we have a retard here.

/exec cutwrist.cfg
ofc food is cheap but after 10 you cant go outside.
young boys/mens can steal your money or something more..
rofl...go back to china! =)
yes, and there are dragons walking around after 23
at about midnight, they start to flame
'mens' like you. I'm wondering where you got that info. But stil,l if you are scared you can take a taxi. It will be 4 time less expensive than @ your place :) Feel free to use brain. :)
i have beem there about 5 times
How many times you got robbed/mugged ?
i runned away about 3 times :x
maybe u re conflict person :XD
'runned' ...
PLN = Polish Laggy Notes?

(I'm sorry for my ignorance, even though this joke is rather shit, it amused me for like 2 ms, which was really needed as I'm bored shitless at work.)
Sometimes you need to read whole news item, not just title.
Bad comeback. Try again.
Sorry there is nothing to come back from.
very nice!!
Nice project, keep it up!
any eu team going there?
read, read again, post.
Some are interested.
nice :]
*thumbs up*
here a cookie for you as a sign of my satisfaction
gamesnet sucks donkey balls :)
can polish team play in crossfire eliminations? and if it qualifies, will it pay entry fee?
Sounds cool, any polish teams in need of LAN player?
braundorf and frostbite..... sux
fucking nice! great news for W:ET <3 PL, sad thats even more far than Enschede from CZE aaaa, we must do our own LAN so everybody can enjoy our great country :)) gl admins
kev spiro dab reav rap, wanna have another go? :D
Stettin - my city keke, radziu + me + wiesiek driver ;]
and me !! only 30km !:D
I heard some polish teams were praccing for 5v5, but this cup is 6v6?
All of them practicing before PGA 07 Lan @ Poznan @ next month :) Its 5v5 , ggt- 6v6
there wont be ET on PGA this year
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