desu are the Team Dignitas ET 2on2 Cup Champions!

image: et2on2

Today Team Dignitas is proud to announce yet another tournament in co-operation with QPAD: the Team Dignitas Enemy Territory 2on2 Cup! Thirty-two teams will do battle on mp_sillyctf this Friday, October 12th. Round 1 is set to kick off at 19:00 CET and the Grand Final is scheduled to be played at 22:00 CET that night.

Update: Netherlands ~desu have been crowned Grand Champions after a valiant battle against Finland mitä ajan! We wish Netherlands teKoa and Netherlands Azatej the best of luck with their prizes!

2x Enemy Territory: Quake Wars game
2x QPAD CT ET:QW Collector's Edition

image: etqw_package

The signups are now closed! You can find all the info you need about the cup (including how to sign up) right here. Please note that sign ups will be dealt with first come, first served!
ehhh. right
dignitas is not going to play, good luck @ all :-)
right you lame fakenicker
2o2? qw as prices? lol pls
et deserves this support :) !
support: 2x qw + 2 mousepads

nice support lol
ye, but 2o2? and lolly prizes..
excellent. good luck everyone and have fun!! nice prizes.
lold so hard

n1 deleting comments!
Get Komatusu to bring back M8D Radio together with it and you have a winner!
Maybe i will pm him :p:p because i'm also member of M8D so :p
you should have known that I am also a former radio caster object :P

filtered ETQW just NOT to see this newspost
mp_sillyctf only?
nice ! reminds me of good old days !
something that was worth waiting for... okay lets not be sarcastic, nice to have such cups but doesnt really fullfill the expectations for et-cup arranged by dignitas that was hyped quite a bit.
mAus is looking for a teammate for this one!
plenty of players to choose from tbh =)
bad that we dont got the time on this date :((
quite many jokes in this newspost... the cup is already tomorrow and they expect to get 32 teams in this short time... the cup is held on only one day within 3 hours xD... a very interesting mappool!... which ET player, that still plays ET and is mad enough to play a 2on2 cup on a Friday evening, wants to win ET:QW ?? :D:D

got 2 be a joke or smth like that... otherwise gl with getting 32 teams
i bet till 22 tonight signups will be already closed
if its not possible to create 32 teams with just 2 players (64 at all) until tomorwo the et community is dead!!
my "gf" is not around so what else to do than play computer gamez!
i don't have a gf atm, but im still not despaired enough to play an ET 2on2 cup at friday evening
so what else would you do? go out on a pub or something? trying to score with the chicks etc?
yes, for example whats wrong with it?

ok, you got a gf, so trying to get some chicks is forbidden, then a 2on2 Cup isn't the worst solution :)
yeah! who would waste his time for some 2on2! you are going to play 6on6 right? :D
Of course, by gf he means his right hand...
why not left? =)
Cause the left one is "The Stranger", duh ;o.
just some girl I've been going out few times, cant really call her gf yet tho!
Why what you do instead on a friday evening? Drink in a field or get mum and dad to come get your beer with you? ^^
i dont need my parents for a beer btw. in Germany you are allowed to drink beer from the age of 16
I live in a small town where everyone knows each other, dull & boring, isnt it?
silly <3
and whats next?
1on1 on standardmaps?
thought the same. that map sucks really :/
cmon. I think you have never played 2on2 @ sillyctf before. I have played it in few cups, back to 2004, and it was fucking fun :)
play 2on2 sniper only, thats fun
lol awesome
hahaha, prizes are etqw =DDDDd
ok ET is dead
i never agreed with this statement so far. but if this is the "long awaited" Dignitas QCup i have to agree :(
xD noob dignitas ..
need epic coverage for this including player interviews and predictions >:(

i predict that we will be out @ first round and that some shemale duo will win
no way jONAS fuskar
dignitas isnt playing
why dont you join irc m8 ;P
IRC is fucked up, everytime someone qrys me I crash :<
qw is awesome
you will be banned soon :)
all I see is everybody bitching, ffs, at least they're doing something for that crippled game you and I love so much. get sponsors and organize something yourself if you're that unhappy with the current state of the community.
not that i dont agree with you, only thing i doubt is that they are doing it for et... imo they are doing it for qw, promoting it and sharing it with et players (so it is taking etplayers away from et)
I do not believe that it is custom to applaud the exertion of violence upon cripples.
More Dignitas news :D
i think crossfire will be down soon ;D
hahaha xDDD
can i has a qpad ?
2on2 sux... plz make it at least 3on3
what's so funny? i thought it was a pretty nice idea
2on2 isn't that bad
gl to the participants
Off-topic: Why did ETQW go 6on6 and not 5on5!?
5on5 > 6on6..
Poland MepH 'wait until tomorrow'

Uh huh.
i rly want that game and qpad!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111
2on2 lol
We won't go easy on you ~desu.

image: desu
nice putting this in qw section, due to my filters I couldn't see it xD
really nice, but on a friday night, ye right! xD
lass mitspielen und ownen mit unserer 2003 takke :D
plz damals seid ihr nur 2. geworden weil ihr die ocrana nubs im halbfinale hattet!
ern1e + aFa bestes 2on2 silly team. Easy gambit im Finale abgezogen!
ich rede vom mTw 2on2 cup.. ka wovon du redest :-(
Ich auch nicht! War jedenfalls ein 2on2 silly Cup, wo ern1e und aFa als heroische Sieger hervorgingen und gambit im Finale geschlagen haben. :-D
haha und dann gegen mtw mit pech verloren :P
eh, hab ich mir auch gedacht =]
Mr.C & overmysoul gonna attend, see ya
your own cup sol and kot, so nice !!
no cup > dignitas cup in et world it seems :o

glhf :) hope for some fun ettv matches
LOLOLOLOLOLOL, thanks i was just thinking to buy new mousepad =) this is soo izi bash for me =)
Dignitas site is fucking bad it so slow >p
Team Dignitas announces ET 2on2 Cup

2x Enemy Territory: Quake Wars game
2x QPAD CT ET:QW Collector's Edition

Wow, thats something for ET players, an ET:QW game as a prize, great...

very sad, very sad... 2on2 and ET:QW prizes? Pffff

Laughable, just some random short useless cup to avoid the whine of the "ET Community". There is not even a banner, which deserves to be called "banner".
How could we ever avoid the whine with people like you around.
Usually, I wouldn`t add me in the part of the community, which is permantly whining about everything. But you need to admit, it`s just a joke for a so long planned and announced tournament. Surely better than nothing, but also surely not even close to be as good as it could be.
By making a decent QCup similar to the cadre-one?
Even if this cup couldnt offer as much money as the cadre one (which is understandable), it's not about the money, it's about the good will. This is - like Noorgrin said - a slap into the face of every ET player.
no cup would be better? ok, will keep that in mind for the next time :))
ye nice blaming me now :(
but honestly, why did you do it 2on2? 6on6, 5on5, 3on3 and even 1on1 would have been better tbh. If you want something different, no 6on6/5on5, just do it 3on3.
Since this is a QCup and ET won in quite a large poll expectations were quite high. And now everything ET gets is a 1-day-cup in 2on2 format. This just looks like you don't care about ET at all but you didn't want to break your promise at all and you wanna use it to get ppl playing QW instead.
the poll was our next QPAD competition, if you had informed yourself what that actually was, you would've realised that our monthly qpad competitions have always had small prizes as they're meant to be small community tournaments, not to attract the pro-teams who would nick all the prizes
this is not a qcup, a qcup is a huge thing (as you can see when you compare the prizes of etqw qcup and et2on2 cup), we never said that we would do a qcup for et.
what everybody was imagining and expecting from the et cup was surely not our fault, no one ever said anything that the et cup would have prizes at all
besides, two players win etqw in this cup, so 2 players possibly might switch to etqw because of this cup - the others dont get etqw-affected in any way by this cup so why do people say that this cup takes away all et players for etqw ...
ok i agree with you in this point and i'm gonna take back some of my whine. Though i still don't get why it was made 2on2 instead of 3on3 since 2on2 has never been played/taken seriously yet. But nevertheless, i'm gonna stop whining now.
merc avi 350 ping np
I won't be surprised if there would be fresh and talented players in the final
This sounds awfully sarcastic to me :o
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL .... even thou i play ET:QW myself meanwhile, this is just "a slap in the face" for all ET players ...

uhhh if they'd waited like 2 weeks they could test my new 2v2 map :D :P
they would wait for the map like for 8 weeks even if its finished 2moro !!11 :p
ET heroes got what they wanted xD
Why is everyone flaming and whining about this comp.? At least they are doing something for ET. I know enough MGC with ET teams which aren't doing anything at all!
doing something for et? are you a tard?
the et competition having quakewars prizes sounds GOOD TO ME MEIGHT
Ofcourse it's weird to have ET:QW prizes for an ET tournament but that doesn't make this tournament a good idea. I mean there are almost zero good cups for ET left.
good job dignitas!
this was hilarious .... :D :(
bahahh :D:D:D die ET die!
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