EC ET Group result overview

image: EC

Yesterday evening we saw 3 EC games being played. 2 of group C and 1 of group D.

Group C

The night started at 20.30 with the first game Belgium cZar vs Czech Republic ESVKA.
The first map bremen went well for the
cZar side with a fullhold and a decent time being set. Radar was more difficult but at the end cZar found a hole in the defense of ESVKA. Bad time but not impossible, that it wasn't impossible was proven since ESVKA couldn't beat the time.

Belgium cZar 4-0 Czech Republic ESVKA

This game started a bit later at 22.00
Teams were Finland Junk52 vs Poland Overdose gaming

The game started on radar where we saw a 'lucky' fullhold by the junk52 side because Overdose weren't smart enough to secure the parts.
With Overdose defending we saw Junk52 with some troubles getting past the defence. At the end the time was beaten. Promising map by Overdose. It was promising for the next map but nothing of the preceding map was seen in Bremen. Not much to say , on bremen, junk52 attacked a time under 4 minutes, which was clearly enough for overdose, thus securing a match win for junk52, 4-0 .

Finland Junk52 4-0 Poland Overdose

Group D

The 3rd game of the evening was Finland Incomplete vs Czech Republic Esuba.
On radar we saw Esuba bashing the finnish side with some decent teamplay. A surprise was being made? Some minutes later we saw Esuba being bashed by the finnish side on bremen. Supply was picked as the decider map and this was just for the record. GG Inc.

Finland Inc 4-2 Czech Republic Esuba

On sunday we will see
20.30 Germany MegaProgaming E.V. vs Germany GMPO
21.30 France Muse-gaming vs United Kingdom Impact gaming

Those games will end the first matchweek and we look forward to more ECXVI games.
Nolifer !
i am kinda amused about the fact that kevin is playing with you guys again!!!

no offence but mmh funny!!!
well we had great fun together @ lan so why not? =)

and on top of that, they need me obviously, no kevin no victory
yeah why not i just remember the flame between you and team-be :o
oh, no flame no fun
im like what the flags
dont add thats flags.. 1 for each team is enuf.
fixed for you
looks better now ;) n1
Not much to say , 3 minutes Junk52 (record?) and over.

j52 was playing alone? :O
on bremen, junk52 attacked a time under 4 minutes, which was clearly enough for overdose, thus securing a match win for junk52, 4-0.
Nice post. Btw we (inc&esuba) played bremen as a first map. not radar :p
hi, nice rifle! vila tried to cheat us! :)
no banner no win
Finally, belgian doing something useful, well done!
ye eventho they have problems finding the right hut for themselves and they get too wild when they are drunk.
maybe add a banner, have someone check the post for engrish and add what I wrote about bremen & that sheep was pinging out on radar.

other than that, nice to see you do something useful vila!
add a link to the cup-page aswell while you're at it villa.
very nice vila! I dont understand where is coverage for EC from other CF admins :( xRio where is your cool graphics? :((

I have enjoyed cZar vs ESVKA (bremen) and whole eSuba vs Inc. match on cast, sad that nobody except few care about this W:ET EC :(
vila messaged me and told me not to make any newsposts because he would be doing all EC ET coverage for CF, he promised 2 newsposts a week, 2 columns a week, 4 interviews a week and graphics. <3 vila!
Since there's nothing interesting about Chelsea ( Ten Cate) i thought , why not write this text since im bored anyway :D
nice job vila! :P
I have nothing about that talented belgian player and reporter, but Toss pls can I beg you (and I hope I am not alone) to spend at least few minutes and write something about this W:ET EC too? Or cast some game, I feel alone as only caster during groupstage (except Esox - Hi to you m8) :(
Hi man! You havent answered me since CDC3 via inbox, you angry about my engrish? :) help W:ET with your awesome graphic style!
mhm izibashforjunk52
wa loopt gij nou stoer te doen me die nieuwsposts hier de ganze dag..

beetje te slijme om admin te worde of wa..?

Tlr neeewb ;-)
hey, dtk speelt EC!!
BOOZZE ook? man ik ben bored , wat ben je aan het doen
megaProGaming eSports e.V. please!
and a then a song ..ah?
GL muse you can do it !
wanna a beer acid, i hear snoop is fresh and clean.
nice banner
yesterday's banner was nic3r
i think it was the same ^^
wasn't there one with blue in it?
then my firefox was bugged!
Nice vila!!
hehe next week,,, best week match to watch
bSTURZ - Impact ?
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