Crucial Clashes in Group A!

image: ecxvibanner1lp2

In the EuroCup, things are heating up as the kick-off of the penultimate matches of group A draws near. Current leaders of the group, TLR and Cortana, will look at tonight's match-ups with hopes of extending their leads and thus securing spots in the play-offs. Meanwhile, the outlooks for kojak and OVERLOAd, following their recent defeats, are arguably more gloomy as both teams technically face do-or-die situations.

Benelux The Last Resort 4-0 Netherlands OVERLOAd
Group A
Tonight, 20:30 CET
TLR: Netherlands teKoa, Netherlands BuLL Netherlands azzor, Belgium dAv1d, Belgium mAus, Netherlands M1lk

oVr: Netherlands xfRd, Netherlands atemi, Netherlands zak, Netherlands joop, Canada Wesbo, Netherlands modus

Having lost to Cortana only the day before yesterday, the Dutchmen of OVERLOAd now find themselves in a tight spot as they go up against their Benelux rivals of TLR in a match that they must win in order to keep alive any hopes of making it to the play-offs. Currently being plagued by major line-up difficulties, the all-Dutch side is caught between a rock and a hard place going into this match.

Croatia Cortana 0-4 Germany kojak
Group A
Tonight, 22:00 CET
Cortana: Sweden blaze, Croatia calisto, Croatia frozz, Croatia gmx, Croatia komar, Croatia rimi

kojak: Sweden rat, Sweden tornis, Portugal sexyhot, Germany duKe_, Austria kenta, Germany roYal

Although kojak has suffered defeat just as OVERLOAd has, the team should be able to breath somewhat more easily than the Dutchmen, seeing as it is taking on a comparatively more equal opponent in the shape of Cortana. Undoubtedly, both of these sides will fight tooth and claw in order to seize victory in this match-up as they are practically fighting on equal terms, both bereft of any safety nets. Although Cortana may technically be able to afford losing the match-up, the team would find itself very hard pressed going into its next match against TLR, should it do so. Similarly, kojak must win this match in order to keep alive any hopes of making it to the play-offs.
Nice post.
I appreciate your goodwill. It didn't exactly turn out as I wanted it to :-P
Why? It's everything we need to know plus, it doesn't look like shit!
:o gl all
get the lineups of TLR & overload, other than that, nice one.
Iam always fanboiing the one nation teams, dunno why
Go Croatia and Netherlands
nice to see someone writing about ec , gj obs
Thanks. Hope you'll still chime in with some posts as well!
and if it isnt too much asked, in english instead of engrish!
go TLR! :D
Very nice posting everything here in crossfire but you better post it on ClanBase to. Watch how many CoD2 posts of EC there are and the ET section? ...
TLR vs OVS needs shoutcaster :<
"HothuzZ on 17/10/07, 17:57:22 PM | Reply
TLR vs OVS needs shoutcaster :< "

ohhh u mean the EC final? xDDD
John is confused=[
gl TLR & Cortana
gl dukeh & xiinta
gl kojak, i bet on you
nice job obs
kenta isnt a german
Well observed.
I see what you did there, ROFL LMAO! :XD
Boring EC, TLR will win, impact second, pro third... Watafak is so cool about it?
I doubt that would ever happen.
We dont know who will win between Impact and TLR. The EC's before the last EC were even more boring, everyone knew Dignitas will take it izi bash. The last EC was full of cheaters...I doubt it's a boring EC this year.
Like TLR impressed anyone when playing against overload?
wp kenta ;O
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