Cash Please becomes H2K

Today Netherlands h2k presented "cash please" as their new Enemy Territory: Quake Wars squad. The squad brings a wealth of talent and experience from the top echelon of Enemy Territory and the Battlefield series. The squad mainly excists of last CDC3 winners also known as aMenti.) and 2 other players from top Battlefield clans such as NextGen.Gaming. They are currently playing in the ClanBase Open Cup, ESL and Enemy Down.

Squadleader Janis 'Clown' Zagrebins had the following statement:
QuoteSince the core of the team switched from ET to ETQW we have been looking for a MGC that shares our vision and want to support us. And we really feel we have found the perfect home in h2k gaming, witch will give us the opportunity to go further than we did in ET. We have also added two players that didn't play ET with experience from BF and other games and they are really fitting into the team. ETQW is a new game with tons of opportunities and we are proud to be joining the race for gold and glory under the h2k.thermaltake tag!

Statement H2k-Gaming Management:
QuoteWe are glad to announce a new promising team in a new game for H2k-Gaming. With their experience in the original Enemy Territory we think that this team will compete with the best of the world. The team is very talented, has the potential and we have faith in all the players in the team. H2k-Gaming will fully support this new team in the process and we are all hoping for the best. Welcome aboard guys!

The line-up of H2k.ETQW:
Latvia Janis 'Clown' Zagrebins
Belgium David 'dAv1d' Philippaerts
Belgium David 'mAus' Herreman
Norway Alexander 'taken' Asboell
Norway Tim 'TiMMi' Iversen
Spain Sergi 'Winghaven' Torras

<3 david win, gl lowmed <3
pfft, was just writing it up xD

gl wing, timmi
And it makes you a retard for not knowing the qw community ;)
omg not expected!
go david and wing <3
gl guys :)
but u need to train hard to get between the top-teams
gl clown!
crumbs! how's life matey, not seen you around much :(
just got done on the rtcw lan, but rest is good.
GL taken & randoms!

Nice to see that top ET players are converting to QW <3.
gtfo plz <3
nice move, gl guys
by by kreaturen i geusse :S
gl in the future!
unexpected but GL
ez bash for Juris !!!
nice :)

low+ max!
OH SHIT! mAus no :,( WHY?
Because W:ET is dead and hacker infested. :<
NOOOOOOOOOOO! I wil fight foever! ;)
This the team famed for turning down H2k in ET! :P (and also winning some lans and such)
Who cares about those lans!
you didn't join TLR? is you n00bse?
well the team added some brains for etqw xD
TiMMi right? :>

verrader :<
gl sergi and the others!
gl&hf guys :)
good luck..! maybe cu again some time <3
they stop with ET :< ?
to bad :< do they like the game a lot ?
gl mAus!
gl guys ;);)
lol @ maus
nice last name Clown ;)
image: russian_dolls

tovarish Zagrebin ftw!
im goin down the chinese brb
from a dead game to a dieing game woo
Nice, GL dAvId
gl cu on :)
pfft clown and winghaven... noobs
nice pickup for h2k these guys really pwn, specially wing <3
Very nice addition tbh!
Good Luck all of you!!
congrats guys!! :)
gl to the ET players.. and because im in a good mood gl to the other 2 too
no krea in EC anymore?
they'll finish EC
Congrats, H2k very nice!
vaya carrera que llevas chaval
Winghaven tank > pf ?:D
gl :)
Gl guys!
juu juu gl
goodluck to you and hope to see you at cdc 4 ;>
gl, hope that you get good support from h2k =)
No more flamebaiting then taken? ;)
gL guys!
Quote by mAus tetris > et:qw
but gl <3 dAv1d & mAus and WING
rofl :D

gl lads
TiMMi is aimazing!
gl taken & Co. ;)
ok now ET is dying xd
With that kind of teamwork they surely will take many golden medals :D
i hoped new game = new heroes, apparently not :(
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