GROF Collapse

Greek gaming organisation GROF have seen their Quakewars lineup fall on its head after their second place at i32. In truth they were outplayed by the Dignitas however some may have hoped that was a starting point for better things for the team, in truth it was the end.

Fans favourite United Kingdom hentai has moved into UK team pointblank citing that he wanted to stay with Quakewars and saying it was an easy decision as they were looking for a player and he felt they were skilled, friendly, respected and focused.

As for the rest of the roster, Netherlands 2easy, United Kingdom sin and Netherlands rufio will be moving over to recently released Call of Duty 4. Norway athex & Netherlands Waste are currently undecided about their future, whilst Netherlands Quark will be quitting gaming.

wtf :XD

Losing few games and quitting the game?
They preferred cod4 so...
sad, one active lan team is no more! etqw = dead! :p
agree, same 2 CoD4 and ET (:<)
I can already see some smartass popping out now saying:

I think that 2easy will be dominating @ CoD4 just as well!
2easy and rufio already won a COD4 competition offline!
The fnac trophee ? please there was too many random who were playing for the first time, i even won this competition the session after them :p
Love sarcasm on the internet
more news on .b soon!
u dont want me to shed their secret of toxic`i [me!] joining up with them. proof of that was me getting opped some days ago but it is yet to be announced.

now u made everyone tell our secret :(
This is good-shit, looking forward to the news :D
we could use another mascot, adacore's lonely! :>
We're finishing Clanbase OpenCup as a comitment to GR-OF, but we won't play anything other than that.
and now where to?
"We" quit the game as a team, so won't move to another organization...why would we? We had the best support in ET:QW, and probably the best support out of all non-professional-circuit games.

I'm staying with GR-OF but won't "play" ETQW in competition anymore, we have other projects for the near future which meant that I was going to stop playing anyway...whether I look to pick up another ETQW team will be seen in the next month or so. I doubt anyone that hasn't flamed myself and GROF at any opportunity will be able to rival Dignitas so that looks unlikely that we're going to put money into ETQW again.

The rest its been said what they will do, Sin, RuFiO & 2easy formed a COD4 team with Revo and Currey, other than Waste, who I think will look for a new team for ETQW but I'm not sure.

We stopped now because we have no motivation to play or practise and haven't done for some time. Losing at Fnac Paris was the last straw for our team after a number of recent disappointments. Our team doesn't want to play a game for a few months just to make some more money, they'd rather enjoy the game that they're playing.
goooluck !
you've also qualified for EMS. why stop now?

sign me for this free contract !
bb etqw!
GROFL indeed. GL in CoD4, ladies ^^

"all UK team pointblank" <- afaik pb are not an all UK team?
No they have Dranzer & rglaf
that's what i thought... what's your plan, Luke? :>
Its cunning, thats for sure!
Time will tell...
image: logosmallri9
isn't GROF the clan where you made the report about ( that they were paying players etc / month? )

anyway gl hentai
GL anyway :?
gl @ pb hentai, bb baldrick

gl in COD4
GROF seems a bit of a joke organisation tbh, no offense
You seem like a mentaly challenged kid tbh.
no offense.
En contraire.
online ONLY :)
Can you further explain that comment polease? I think you've got your facts wrong.
haha says the guy calling people retard.
obviously GROF only performes nice @ inet. Both LANs you attended were a "disaster" for you guys.

But gl @ your further carreer. seems like you were pretty good @ the bf series.
We actually attended 3 LANs. We won 1, came 2nd at i32 (how its a disaster to lose to Dignitas I don't know) and came 3rd at the other (on Valley with no rules, though yes I would say that was very poor)
However we didn't practise last week and still beat your team online, so I'm not really seeing your point here...
hmm so you guys are proud and ok with your i32 performance?

Like i said, you guys were good @ inet but offline you guys are nothing compared to your inet performance. I dont get the connection between beating us and your bad performance, but yes you beat us and it was gg!
We were satisfied with i32, it was our "expected" position. We fullheld once (despite d` playing with a man down for part of the time) and I don't think that any team could hold them twice in the same situation as that. Taking that into account, I'd say we were closer to Dignitas offline than online. I wouldn't give anyone the SOL tag from that performance.

We would have lost to atb on Valley online if we'd played them there, they have only played Valley for a month now and desrved to beat us :) Every other team we met offline wasn't close (5min caps on all maps).
well then as i said above, gl and hf in the future.

I still dont agree about the dignitas part, cause for me .b are a lot closer to em.
I think you misread. My point was that our game with Dignitas @ i32, was closer than our matches with them online.
And yes .b are a good team, shame some of them have attitude problems though.
When it was 6on6 it really wasn't close in the final imo
lol you barely know the game.
funny how he is right then..
Your right, when it was 5on6 and they planted on the salvage and you were only saved by a last second defuse, it wasnt close then either.
A defuse is a defuse however long is left on the timer...
you dont need to play it competitively on a "high" level to notice that it sucks or what's going on.
QuoteAnd yes .b are a good team, shame some of them have attitude problems though.

I don't have an attitude problem, you're just a cock! :D
hahha made my day :DDD
Funny how the whole competitive community dissliked GROF and has no problems with b.

Like your nickname faildrick :X
you claimed to be the best etqw you cant lose vs dignitas.
where did we say that?
quoting your members like 2easy or anyone else would crash crossfire
gee thanks, let me guess, you're a GROF member.

oh no i nearly died from the surprise that you are!

how can you take any 'organization' with a business _strategy_ like grof seriously?

i'd make more money throwing peanuts at beggars
GR-OF doesn't need to make money, nor does it aim to.
When you don't know what GROF is trying to acheive, or who does what in the organization its strange to call the organization as a whole a joke.
=) The greek website doesn't help really.
Doesn't help what? GROF isn't trying to become the next SK
Doesn't help making them look like a "good" organisation.
they could start with a namechange, no one will ever take them serious as 'greek operation force'.
from what i've heard that's the plan. change of name and website that is.
I heard they rename to "Gr33k p1xeLaim Enterprises"

-> -=[GpE]=-
the name is nice tbh :D
Well prolly u have no idea about your clan or u play for them just for money.And yes soz but i won't play for them even for 10k euro per joke

nothing personal
the fact that grof dosnt have one top team in any big game and is using more money than mosts semi-pro MGCs supports you
Where does GROF have a team in any big game?
If you think ETQW is "big" then you're mistaken, I don't see it on a pro-circuit. Maybe GROF wants to support the games which its members play, such as BF & AA...
i remember reading a quote from some top greek guy, that he "didnt really have any idea" about the future, and at present stood to make a substantial loss.

the team pays out for practices, or officials against any clan be it dignitas or lets say {TiBeT} :x its lunacy
And its direct effect upon you makes that a problem :x
Game so awesome that "top" team players leaving for other game. Awesome.
right after failing bigtime :)
A few people didn't want to carry on playing after i32 anyway, but yes, losing to atb killed us :)
lolwith moving to Cod4, this was the fastest one : D
tekk :o) <3 hi! How's cruel and saw? :o
both are pretty good xD and u? Playin QW now?
h2k and TAKEN will rule the scene now!!!... well after dignitas quit playing!!!
too bad GROF
gl hentai :]
Quite embarrassing really how people are tearing into GR-OF as an organisation who seem to have no goals beyond making gaming more enjoyable for those who play with them. It's quite ironic hearing the ET players speaking, when the majority of top players quit and only came back for the money.

Talking about LAN performances. I fail to see how coming second at i31 was a failure. Dignitas are the best team in the world. The failure was the dismal turn out. What I see is GR-OF actually supporting ET:QW by attending events, irregardless of prize money or the competition itself. Conditions weren't ideal for the French tournament, yet they still attended.

Just seems like a lot of jealous people and sticking the knife in because the less skilled team got the most 'from the game'. What a shame really!

GL Hentai and Baldrick
I agree and I know nothing of the ETQW scene. :)
Can I say hi to the biggest wannabe in esports?

You seem uniquely intelligent.
When reading this he is kinda right tbh :x - As the guy at the bottom says, you're bandwagoning
Most absurd thing I've ever heard. As I said, I've written many times about the CPL and if anything, people are band wagonning my original criticism. Mine was published before fnatics criticism, before the esreality piece(s) as well. Gotfrag and GGL didn't do anything nor did Gameriot unsurprisingly.

Carmac wrote about the ESWC recently and hasn't gone neither the CPL issue in any real depth. I know you didn't like the g7's decision, but I don't see how that equates to me band wagoning considering as soon as the Extreme Winter event was announced (and subsequently picking '1.6 again), I criticized that, much to the dislike of most '1.6 players who just wanted to see CS at the CPL again.

Can't believe you're supporting one person who was quite ridiculous in his whine when the piece was quite balanced and well received generally.
Your pieces are well received on SK because anyone who uses big english words on that site gets a "nice read" comment. Not because they're of sound content, its the oldest trick in the internet journalism book! SK is deprived of journalistic content so anything like yours that fills the void will always get the "nice read" comment, par example;

QuoteThe relegation to pass tense came earlier for some than others and the revival attempt at the Extreme Winter Championships which ironically had people in arms before the event has even been played, split the ranks even further.

Most English people have to squint to hazard a guess at what your on about, the foreigners just say nice read rather than question the fact that this paragraph is poorly formulated.
"The relegation to pass tense came earlier for some than others and the revival attempt at the Extreme Winter Championship (which ironically had people in arms before the event has even been played), split the ranks even further."

This is what it originally looked like, but I edited, assuming that most people can remember the line that they've just read without confusing themselves.

Any stuff I write is generally well received, irregardless of the site, you can judge that how you want, but saying it's a SK only thing is just wrong. It's ironic really. You would most likely leave an intelligent and supportive comment if the nick weren't mine, but then again you already have :]
QuoteAny stuff I write is generally well received

Except on ESReality, Crossfire and on the CGS forums
'you can judge that how you want'

As someone who runs a website, which would you prefer, a well written column which gets mediocre stats (hits and comments), or a slightly flawed and aggressive piece which gets a lot more? Nothing I wrote on here got less than 3/4k views wise, while columns these days struggle to get over 1k.

I've only ever posted on esreality once and it got over 100/200 comments, can't remember. I've not once 'posted' articles or columns on cgs properly, so I really don't get what you're getting at. I knew there was a reason why I don't use this site anymore.
The reason you dont come to this site anymore is because people tell you things you dont want to hear.
Whilst I won't comment on the point about the grammar, I can't see how evan is jumping on the bandwagon here when everyone else is flaming GR-OF.
was with regards to his SK column, not GROF
Were fun flaming with you.

2easy <3

shame, especially for the etqw-competitive community. gl in ze future anyway.
gl hentai <3
and for the others: we will hopefully never see you again bunch of retards
tbh athex and rufio never said anything.
don't think sin or quark did either really o0
So the general feeling is GROF = good, Baldrick = bad? :P
sin I will never forgive for being an idiot in bf2 tbh and a dodgy person sucking it up with cheaters. (dont have numbers anymore on how many players he played with that got busted, atleast played in 4 clans with cheaters even is US mix friends turned out be hackers :) ..)

Quark I never talked with so cant say!
thanks for the support grof. was nice to go to england and paris in 2weeks only :)
When cod4 was released i enjoyed it really much.. so much that i made a team which i am playing in now. so when we lost to atb, i didn't feel like playing etqw anymore, tbh 2months ago i didn't like it already.



soltiz :

idem :D
i remember the pm's from you saying how etqw will live and be big and you loved the game, your dedication is next to none =(

but best of luck in cod4 dude, enjoy :D
Sad news, gl everyone.
tbh your article scared them away... (just kidding)
expected, anyway I hope you do okay in CoD4
tells something about the game itself.
the game owns. Too bad the clan didnt stick, but the players individual skill is good, so GL in other teams.
gl marius!
Who went where with the what now?
bibut gl hf in cod4
finally! Some of them already had their doubts after beta2, so kinda expected.

Etqw beta 1 4v4 inf > all
must be some game if 3 of your lineup are going to cod4 2 are undecided and one quit gaming. sounds like it keeps you hooked for ages
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