Bull Got M1lked!

image: tbgm The BuLL Got M1lked - a fragmovie made by
Netherlands M1lk starred by, as from the name you could guess,
Netherlands M1lk & Netherlands BuLL. These 2 stars have been around for quite a while and it's no wonder they compete on the high level, thus providing us plenty of exciting matches online and offline. Both of the players attended CPC2, M1lk playing for United Kingdom Impact Gaming while BuLL was playing for Europe Vicious and Evil placing image: cup_silver and 4th. at CDC3 we saw the brothers in arms playing for the same team, Netherlands Kreaturen placing 4th. Surely you can expect the movie to be worth the download and most likely you won't be dissapointed.


Game: RTCW:Enemy Territory
Starring: BuLL & M1lk
Producer: M1lk
Released: 26-11-2007
Filesize: 349MB
Length: 13:31min
Resolution: 720x400
Codec: x264


Thanks to Satz for helping me with the codec.
Thanks to everyone hosting this file.
Thanks to all of you who've helped me in any way 8).


Ennio Morricone - Ecstacy Of Gold
Apocalyptica - Path 1
NERD - RockStar (Jason Nevins Remix)
The Prodigy - First Warning
Marz - Out the cage
Mashed & Tosspot

Movie Download Links
was good
really nice movie!!!!
bulllllllly m1lk <3 najzzzzzz one ;b
awesome. gj!

but sry that i ask ... but why NEWS ??
not much news atm and in my opinion it was one of these better fragmovies so I believe it deserves this.
i think u cant compare it with kamz movie, and u guys didnt even want to publish that in the beginning. nothing about this movie, but kamz did a fucking great work.
"you guys" does not apply here.
*admins (except a few)
but kamz is a fucking retard.
ye its called ur oppinion...but he still did a great job, not only in my eyes, check the responses of the movie.
yeah well it's not admins fault that he decided to act like he did. I consider his movie being rather irrevelant in this issue.
ye what kamz did, facts...but u watched his movie? or just not coz kamz is a retard? he got like 150 + comments and not too much negative...ok, Slovakia superboyy...but tell me one thing what superboyy commented positively!
How stubborn can one be?
kamz's movie might be good but considering what he has done to this site and how he has acted during the years, I don't think his movie would have been posted in the news section even if it would have been an oscar nominee. He can blame no one but himself tbh
what he has done to this site? how he acted is personal. everyone can act like retard. no matter anyway. he did great job. its a fact.
spamming EVERYTHING with team india for example? The movie might have been first page news, but as I said the movie isn't the reason it isn't
for spamming and etc u can ban like everyone here... and after all Tosspot and Wesbo would talk here only...
Member For: 9 months and 25 days
You were probably not even here when that happened so you have no clue what i'm talking about right? he made like 1000 journals, forumtopics, newsposts, columns, EVERYTHING with some shit about team india.

Anyway seems you don't seem to get it, if you want to continue arguing about it pm me instead, this is a news post about m1lk's and bull's movie so let's leave it that way
i have a 1,4 year acc but donno when happened
he used a script to post thousands of the same journal/forumpost/news etc, so that everything on the site was only about team india or whatever stupid other thing.

He wasn't just your regular spammer, he fucked up the site royally.
uh seems i know a bit about kamz dark past
lol I remember that picture he posted of the ass with the writing on it : D
He used exploits (vulnerabilities on this website) to take advantage of things, yes, he was a lame script kiddie. So obviously he didn't get taken quite seriously around these areas
Member For: 2 years, 1 month and 24 days
Get off his dick, faggot.
eh, did he really do the job and ideas himself..?
in the fucking deed. the best part was actually the one he copied from your clip tbfh
You are so right
I think this is way better, and I'm not really fond of this myself. Kamz movie was another boring movie like I've seen hundreds of times.

kaktuz, Max, and quaky are all miles, MILES above kamz
random idiots screaming 10/10 doesn't make his movie good, it was average frag flick, shit frags (for a player who is better than most of ET players) awful music and almost no creativity, it's as news worth as your mgc cheater squads
i rly hope u will get some fun in ur life.
shit frags, while using an aimbot*
and you're over the random average line though ?
because you clearly talk like you would be
yeah, you can't compare it cos this is way better
lol kamz's movie was a mistake :/ i fall to sleep...

was no offense here..<3
so pro, 1 of the best i've seen hahaha at jackie :D
are bull and m1lk brothers or something?
not bad... mainly the end i liked...the shoutouts etc...nice bg and fonts
sounds like fun !
Woooooooo, gonna download! Waiting for this one since ... I dunno how long :D
nice movie, gj
really nice dudes
seriously.. can someone give a little more detailed opinion about this then nice or awesome or whatever

would be useful for people like me who aren't a big fan of ET but still can appreciate a good fragmovie
ding ding = headshot
iets da gij ni veel hoort
Enjoyed it, some of m1lk's frag's are truly impressive!

Jackie's ventrilo thing is priceless!!
any movie that involves Jackie and Ventrilo is a must download for me!!!
admins on this site are the best ! ohrly

nice movie anyhow
ja de admins zijn weer leuk aan het spelen..
very nice
its good but bit over hyped
very nice :o)
1680 kb/sek :0
UKEGMILK + UKEGBULL . ah thats when they were good :P nice movie girls <3
Did they eventually leave because you outclassed them? :o
luli buli ;)
nice one...hard jonges!
Heh I liked it, especially the frags where the opponent gets humiliated from a 180-turn :). N1 movie m1lk the terminator <3.

Come play cod4 with me xpaz
bundy on vent for the win :D
m1lk u suck so fucking hard x')

<3 boy's ^^ (or girls)
Loved Farmerboy 2k5..

like it and the last part is nice :D
Najz not mentioning me in aegruS ;(
Really liked it, nice editting, not big, very nice frags, nice going jackie!;d
nice movie, nice soundtrack... the quality could be better but I'm not complaining(i wouldn't be able to run it at higher quality)
Naiz Movie.
i like it ;D
cool , will download now :-)
i like it :) great sounds (nice edit), and frags.. config.. hmm could be better i think. 8/10 : ) wp

m1lk .1. no shoutout for me? beh :'( and btw cmon frags vs Portugal? AHAH and 6s! LOL x)
can someone put it on own3d

ps omg check my profile
lal jackie :>>>
nice movie

check my profile
dlling :o
nais movie

Imagine how good it woulda been if he actually made it for public viewing
really nice :)
8/10 , reso on my widescreen sucked :(
Nice :D Well done!
wow! really nice, enjoyed it alot!
nice editing, some syncing and lol at jackie :D

still I was expecting a bit more fragwise..
yeah i have hundreds of unmarked match demo's to look trough but i just stopped going trough them after a few days when the timeline was full.
and bulls frags were actually all made from the moment i started doing some work on the movie until cdc3.
apology accepted :)
awesome, really enjoyed it
nice movie
great movie, gj
too many fake kills
Seemed kind of laggy, but maybe that is because I watched a stream and didnt dl. nice movie btw 8)
The first song is used in Shewie and ganon 3rd level. I know its a remix but still :<, but everything else is great 9/10
part of one of the songs is used in max chapter 3 aswell, but this movie was being made at the same time so its not really stealing, whatever I dont really care unless the soundtrack is the same as in some other movie or if the song has been used several times like metallica's die die my darling.
Quote by decempart of one of the songs is used in max chapter 3 aswell, but this movie was being made at the same time so its not really stealing,

I don't like techno/house whatever that crap is, so thats why i put 9/10, not because of the first song, just mentioned it. Like that song, I think its called Own Little World by Celldweller, its used in like 3 fragmovies, but that doesn't bother me.
it's not own little world, I have that song as my alarm so I'd recognize it even without hearing it, the songlist is there though.
Heh little bit of missunderstanding. I didn't say own little world is used in this fragmovie, I've just pointed it out cuz its used in alot of other fragmovies.
ah, yeah. well I love the song but after hearing it so many times I've started to dislike it, gotta change my wakeup song, been like that for a year or so.
been there, done that :')
And years ago in an unreleased LoTiX fragmovie!
Damn good movie, good job :)
proud to be Netherlands Dutch , great movie :D
A lot of random frags. A couple of nice frags though! And I like the funnies parts!

Roflpantoffel at Netherlands buNdy 8DDD
which were random ?
nice movie :)
just BORING. M1lk you have better frägs please use them or don't make movie at all
nice movie.. easy on the eyez :)
enjoyed it very much, props
i really enjoyed this one
great editing
1 van mijn duizenden nicknames kwam er ook in voor, ik ben beroemd.
een zambrooottaaa swaa
was cool, ty :)
lol @ mesq throw up :)
nice movie, was fun to watch

but like you said yourself already, the frags are pretty poor sometimes
Must.. resist...posting bull porn
really liked 180-turn pwnage's ;b
but without cheats!
!!! hmm i dont use any kind of cheats soz , give proof if u have! <3 btw :)
Beginning and ending were very good, middle was decent, enjoyable overall.
it's been long time since i enjoyed a frag movie from this shitgame

lovely visual effects & especially the end credits were like WHAT ZE FUCK

the jackie thing made me piss my pants

maar toch own ik jullie beide in cod4 met men dtk power
'shitgame' ?? Didnt you play it for years? :)
shit game for shit player!
i would rather be a shitplayer in a game then a retard for life
but you're both, ain't that kinda sad? :(
oh, I just remembered that u werent shit at ET, it was because of your positions 8D
"but you're both, ain't that kinda sad? :(" see what i mean by RETARD u can't even find a decent reply

+ i wasn't high+ and because of that i had shit places wich made me suck even more , someday when your iq rises above the magic number 2 u'll understand that
maybe I am retard then, just because you say my reply wasnt decent, forgive me o almighty..
I've met both of you in RL and i can honoustly say SneeK is 200 times a better person then you'll ever be :)
I would say your opinion is quite biased, but I dont really care.
about 5 months ago it became a shitgame , since cheaters just keep coming and not getting banned , that's why i call it a shitgame

The game itself is the best there ever was & will be tough cod4 comes pretty close
nothing special... boring...
nice movie only at own3d.at it laggs
180-3hs frags are so awesome....shit cfg but who cares if you have so much cinkcinkcinkilink frags xD

btw impressive intro&outro....I like it ouh i like it!
geht ab :)
great movie <3 M1lk =)
outro worked out very nice :)

nice work m1lk! Too bad you didn't find the motivation to finish it the way you initially wanted to, but I still rather have this than nothing. Excellent and entertaining movie.

BUNDY!!! classic recording :)
i still have 4 dvd's here full of unmarked demos, if yuo want to be bored for the next couple of months, let me know :P
thought u dont want to make movies anymore!
btw why are u dead @ irc?
ja hoor pnwers
snoop: L°L
LOL...that's not me man ! i dont know what the f*ck that guy is talking about :P:P M1lk sluttenbak dat je bent
Better name for this movie:

M1lk got bullied
mmmh.. the parts I stood awake were amazing too bad 90% of the movie was against opponents who couldn't move and shoot at the same time which made it horribly boring to watch. =(

I liked the movie's name tho
fuck you you're so wrong who cares who the frags are made against ?!
you know who you're taling to? ^^
i guess i'm taling to some random noname retard, who the fuck do you think you're{/i] taling to?
was just wondering ;p
is this important? :O
how dare u talking to the real rmplr this way LoL..

u got some balls mister!
hah fuck you
fuck you[/]
you're such a fucking kid
yeah. you think you're so good but you're such a fucking kid lol. that's irony.
could some1 pls upload the song "Marz - Out the cage" - thx in advance
he should have made it 6 seconds longer.
nice movie dudes, good job
leuke movie, jackie is wel lache :)
awesome, really enjoyed it :)

9/10 :)
awsome movie gg ;)
hehe nice movie =d

liked the ":D"s after the azure frag xd
nice Roberto :D and bull ofcourse :D awsome frags in there :)

awsome "rending" ^^

edit: what happened to the KoRn song :<?
because of this movie I played et on pub for half of day, after few months break, amazing game.
You have been fooled.
Nice engrish news description, but overall nice movie :)
they never impressed me in any way
(18:17:36) (BuLL_) :X
(18:17:39) (BuLL_) id.no|biqq :D:D
(18:17:46) (BuLL_) kkmongool
(18:19:30) (M1lk) :p
(18:19:50) (M1lk) denk dattie de movie niet heeft kunne zien zn tiete zaten er voor
(18:19:53) (M1lk) vette pad
nice movie :>
jackie is the best
Really nice movie, some frags where pretty amazing.
thnx for shoutout <3
man this is just so great!
It was good but hyped too much, not so special after all
best outro i've ever seen
some very impressive frags
very smooth movie, never saw a movie where the music matched the frags that good

wp bull & milk :o)
nice production :o)
funny you are making news post but still it's not popular like with is most hated xDDD
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