ET:QW QCup Match Day 1

image: v4

Today was the first match day for the ET:QW Qcup tournament.
One of them was Germany eGamespoint versus Finland Team-phonetic, which has been casted by United Kingdom Splodge from QuadV.

Germany egp 4 - 0 Finland phonetic

Splodge's Matchreport:
QuoteArk: egamepoint set out with a point to prove and did just that, destroying the generator and constructing the mining laser in just over 2:30 minutes. From them on phonetic were going to struggle to withstand the attacking team but for 3 extra minutes they held on to give themselves a chance in their attack.
Phonetics attack on Ark never really got started and were held at the generator stage for the full time limit. They were no match for the concrete tactics used by egamepoint and clever use of the Titan and roofs made their defence unbreakable.

Island: Phonetic started off slowly on their attack with them taking around 6-7 minutes to get their hands on the data discs, from then on it was reletively easy for them to complete the final objective and managed to set a respectable time of 8:45 egamepoint's weak final stage defence left them with some work to do, however a fast attack on the first two stages enabled them to leave themselves 3 minutes to transmit the data disks, however a string effort from phonetic meant that the objective was completed with just 30 seconds to spare.

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Germany Stofftiere 4 - 0 Germany return to Germany

Swine's Matchreport:
QuoteIsland: Stofftiere started to defend Island versus rTg, which is known for his rtcw history. After 5 minutes rtg manged it to grab the docs for the first time, but they couldn't secure it.
SFTO's defense started to go better and rtg couldn't set a time. Then SFTO started to attack and after a spawnkill by Germany Icarion at the Generator Stage they managed it to get this stage faster than their enemies.
Another 2 minutes later they already grabbed the objective and managed to secure them after they cleared out the infield in front of the radar.

Ark: This time SFTO started to attack, but rtg put up a pretty good defense, so SFTO lost more and more time. After 5 minutes Austria t0m managed it to get the plant down at the generator and his team was able to defend it.
So they started to attack the mining laser. That stage cost the team 5minutes aswell. At the end and some more problems at the last objective SFTO set a time of around 17minutes.
Now rTg started to attack and came up with a fast plant rush with the hog, but both guys got killed by the austrian powerhouse Austria t0m. Another 3-4 rushes later they sneaked through somehow and
got the plant down. A double artillery teamkill by Germany juICE, who replaced Germany bigmassa at SFTO for that match, secured that phase for rTg.
When it came to the next defense stage, SFTO could do a bit better and put up a good fight against rTg, even if their sniper Germany tyro was on fire.
With 2minutes left on the clock rTg broke through and went for the pland and the new spawnpoint, but couldn't plant the dnyamite in time.

All in all Ark was realy interesting and rTg had a great comeback. Well played.


Other matches from today:
Poland Random Gaming 4 - 0 United Kingdom Coolermaster
Germany schwarz 4 - 0 Poland Triada

Finland Retroactive 4 - 2 France Scara-B
Demo Sewer (Decider)

Finland Logitech 4 - 0 Italy ExAequoitalia

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nice info from matches etc. been missing this from other cups
"powerhosue Austria t0m" = "powerhuso Austria t0m"?

gg guys xD <3
good job swine
yeah nice swine. you are really engaged and really competent :>
nice coverage and thx for the stream.
Yeah, really nice coverage swine & Splodge!
nice swineee!
its England Icarion!

wp ica & the rest and enxt time we want ze massa!
he will be back on monday...
moved house and stuff, no inet yet
:D tnx tnx
t0m tha awesome owner!!!
ah geh bitte beim tomislav geht doch nix rayn ! :)
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