CoD4 QCUP - Config Update

image: v4

This is an important update for all teams currently participating in the Crossfire QCUP Call of Duty 4 tournament.

You may remember we decided to switch the required configuration for all Call of Duty 4 QCUP games from DAM to PAM last week. Since last week's beta release of PAM, there have been some nasty bugs discovered which affect gameplay massively.

The bugs, largely known as "lean bugs" are only present when using the PAM4 beta released last week and affect both LINUX and Windows servers. When a player leans, his 'hitboxes' mess up producing some undesirable effects. It effectively makes bullet registration completely random if you are shooting a player who is leaning. Unfortunately this bug is fully exploitable at certain positions on most maps.

Concluding testing done by England Penn, mark from United Kingdom TLR and juL from Germany KomaCrew e.V., the Crossfire QCUP admins have decided that PAM4 will no longer be used as the mod of choice for the Crossfire QCUP Call of Duty 4 tournament.

All teams who are playing Match #3 games must have this config installed. The .rar file contains the DAM server files as well as the updated Crossfire config which will automatically switch teams at the half time period of 12 rounds.

We will continue to use this setup for the remainder of the tournament, regardless of any other mod updates or releases. We would also like to apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused!
n1, keep it up
linux fix is out. why dam? it fixed .ff bug and lean bug. PAM rulez!
so it was linux server bug. fit it with this fix:) (btw: remember to have the "m" lowercase in your comand line or the *.ff file will download in endless loop )
Also it was linux server bugs (lean bugs) not PAM. But I`m not talking that PAM is bugs free ;).
PAM is 10x better working than DAM and the lean bug was a linux error which got fixed by a hotfix released some days ago - working perfect, tested allready.

To change from PAM to DAM is imo more then stupid as every league settings from CB, ESL and also crossfire are added in PAM and everyone use it. So just for you now they have to install and deinstall it all and all over again as PAM is a must in CB for officials.

Better think about that once again...

listen to trigger! he knows what he's doing :>

so he's right!
like eveyone said here already. a very hasty and foolish decision since the lean bug is not caused by PAM but the 1.3 linux binaries which have been fixed! playet with the fix all day yesterday, including our Qcup war vs dcc. it works perfectly fine and DAM do not have all things that pam include. DAM was just a cute thing while waiting for PAM, and NOTHING else.

admins make mistakes which is fine aslongs as they correct them when they've been proven soo wrong.

that's all, thnx.
Check your PM.
so? still dam ?:X
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