War§ow QCup – Supplemental

18 days of duelling, 18 days of competition, 18 days of QCup madness. Like all good things it had to come to an end.

First off all, let me take this oppertunity to thank both Crossfire and QPad for hosting this cup and making the effort to invest time and money into the War§ow scene. The game wouldn't be where it is without them.

Even though Germany BoBel and Poland Victim are the victors in the cup but I do have to say that all of you preformed with excellence making the community the true winners. To me this was a great cup, both in player numbers and enthusiasm (Netherlands H1o springs to mind in that regard) and it also helped me to get more involved in the community as a whole, something that I believe is important for an admin. Yes there was the “Nazi-schedule” but it worked in the end and you all pretty much accepted it.

Finals Shoutcast
Demo Pack

Now even though this cup is now at an end this is most defiantly not the last Crossfire War§ow cup. I’m sure that many of you are looking forward to the Crossfire Devotii Challenge that’s coming up at the end of February. Now currently there are about 12 signups and I have to remind you all that the deadline is the 6th of January so for the love of God, lets make this event bigger then the last time so signup for a spot.

For now, this has been Netherlands A_Spec, you know where to find me if you need me.

See you next time. Oh, and Merry Christmas.
Well done Netherlands A-Spec, great job!
*insert a comment about rectal violation here*
I can fix that typo in your CF username! :D
it was a nice cup and yes we need more sign up for cdc \o/
I would surely want your babies if you had slightly better genes!

(thats a compliment when you're dutch ;p)

gj <3 :)
okay who won? you fail to mention #1 #2 and #3 in the whole of this news post and just talk random stuff that i couldnt care about (no offence, just being constructive and lame) i guess bobel, victim, hyrveli - plz add this in

happy xmas
I thought you said goodbye to Warsow, remember that rediculously melodramatic thread?
i did, thats why i dont play it, i also dont play ET but i follow the results for that, its just nice to know the results and not information about everything else :P dont take it offensively, i was simply pointing out you didnt write it
qcup bobel me hyrveli/jannis
ec me bobel sand :)

merry christmas everyone

Be sure to tune into the game. Updates about time and place will follow.

im was still waiting for the great update, but yea...
Updates were posted in that topic.
was expecting a new item
gratz bobel and gw a_spec :)
Bobel <3
Was a real pleasure to watch this cup, well done A Spec!
Can we have demos from the other matches, not just the final? :<
yay BoBel!
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