CDC Payment list

As usual the CDC Payment list is somewhat 'not full' which is allowing for some additional places to be made available in other tournaments. I'm currently in the process of investigating where missing payments are and whether teams are still coming etc, but in the mean time here is the list of teams that have either paid or have mitigating circumstances. If your name is not on this list but you think you've paid, you should contact me ASAP.

1) Random
2) Ephix
3) EDiT
4) Kojak
5) FiF
6) Overload
7) New Project (amenti)
8) 8bits Gaming
9) TAG – Hope, vynl, overdrive
10) N1ce
11) muse
12) TLR
13) vae
14) unKind

1) Wave esports
2) UF Gaming
3) EDiT
4) Fture
6) Serious Gaming
7) TeK-9
8) Infinity
9) Bathing Ape (internal)
10) oXmoze
11) DIE
12) Impact
13) eSuba
14) Evergreen (zykon)
15) DMH
16) Dignitas
17) TLR
18) Fnatic
19) SL
20) Logitech
21) Roskilde
22) LowLandLions
23) neophyte – have problems
24) Mercury
25) 4kings
26) Koma Crew
27) H2k
28) vae
29) suxus (d2t)
30) evergreen

2) Pelit
3) TCM
4) Kompaniet
5) Dignitas
6) SL
7) 4kings
8) Komacrew

1) Scoobz,
2) Bruns
3) Tbon3
4) Djevil
5) Jann1s

At the moment it looks like we may cancel the Warsow tournament but that will be taken under advisement in the coming days. On the lighter side of the news, each event I call HSBC and ask them to list every payment thats come in and there are always a few names/jokes that make the teller crack up. This events award goes to Bathing Ape for the name, and zerender for his message "Drugs and Weapons LOL".

If you are a team wanting to replace another team, now would be a good time to email tosspot at gmail dot com.
1st , gl
fuck go and payed ......
capital z...
(17:31:26) (@zerender) seriously
(17:31:30) (@zerender) when will this fucking stop?
What the fuck, Warsow? :x
Thats already 1 more than yesterday :P
I heard them saying 'I dont like wsw 0.4 enough to go play it at cdc4'
Savage inet died so they drop also, cuz of lack of training!
savage is in 8 bits afaik !
that's not true -_-
dno if you've already seen it

but it still says evergreen twice in confirmed cod teams

#14 & #30 is evergreen?
are you serious?
Hm, no I don't think they will drop, but that his inet died is true.
his inet is getting repaired ! and we will attend, in any case..
No we are not going to drop out, I am just having some internet problems. They will most likely be fixed during this upcoming week. So I hope to see you at cdc4. ;)
we won't drop, wtf are you saying retard
your spelling is the reason I have "vynil" in my highlight list on irc
vynil niggah
crazy Zerendererererer LOL
well done; egp, ocrana, logitech, fx, komacrew for not paying
pretty much out of our hands atm, doing all we can though
go start a rich mgc
well done; egp, ocrana, logitech, fx, komacrew for not paying
We will pay 100% and we will play 100%
cu lan.

hab extra neue jacke gekauft
Wenn du endlich mal aufhören könntest mir deine geklaute Jacke unterzujubeln! Ich könnte den kleinen Fetzen noch nicht mal an den Füssen tragen!!
Nice zerender :DD
well done; vynl
ZerendeR is cool
bathing ape is such a shit name for a clan ... + zerender is uber cool n stuff
lol crazy russian
well cod4 and et teams are reliable
the big qw mgcs arent :O
25% of cod4 teams havent payed yet so ET > * :P
40% percent of qw :P
Well its pretty sad, though explainable because all these organizations aren't as rich as they seem so I guess the players still need to fund a lot themselves.
true but if im not mistaken all big cod4 clans paid
As in ET you mean? Don't seem to be a problem for ET-players, why should it be for QW?
Why should I explain that? I gave you a reason why they haven't paid yet, not to explain why ET teams (or their organizations) have payed and some ET:QW teams haven't
I'm not asking you for a reason, I'm telling you your explanation is bollocks.
he said the "big ET:QW mgcs arent reliable" and I said the "big ET:QW mgcs" do not fully pay their trips so the team has to pay something as well, so the "big ET:QW mgcs" aren't the (only) ones to blame but the teams as well
Just want to express my dissapointment in ET:QW.
Maybe the game is just shit and its already dying?
Which big ETQW MGC's is that? :X
If they can't pay the trip, then they aren't a "big" mgc
Notice the "don't take this to serious" marks around big ET:QW mgcs
Enemy Territory FTW

HF guys <3
seems ET pays faster than it signed up ;)
don't u have netbanking in UK ?
cya there!
wsw really reliable ppl, nice
Nice to see that all the ET teams payed :)
ooooooh 2 times Evergreen? :P we are just 5 players ;)))
If you look at it, most of the teams for ET have been to their fair shares of lans and know how the system works. QW...not so much.
it are mostly the same MGC's as in other games, they all know how to pay.

And how hard is it to make a money transfer? I can do it, so almost verybody can do it.
please, what a shitexcuse :D
yeah.. transferring money requires so much experience!
It could :o.
They should have been killed by aevitas whine ages ago!

too bad, they were a good team :(
but their news is one big joke, saying they were a Top3 Team in Europe beating Dignitas... lol sorry...
Can't read it, its german!
I heard all med+ ET players have become high skilled in this new other game called ETQW. The competition is reported to be furious.
In my opinion the med+ ET players are even less skilled in ET:QW but the competition hasn't evolved enough yet, so they get away with it.
u should start ET:QW then as a random med+ ET player !
well if we consider komacrew the team you play in as a top team the game must be quite izi :P
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