Quakewars Pro Mod 0.02 release

We've waited since december.
We've waited since the first release of an SDK version.
But now it's here. The first official release of an ET:QW Promod version.

Due to some crashes a new version has been released with the same features (0.02), download links at the bottom of this newspost.
- New commands, have a look at commands.txt
- Aliases for commands to make it easier for players that played other
games before
- New server cvars to restrict the gameplay, have a look at commands.txt
- Command fixes like "ClientClass" for describing the different classes, introducing a simpler and easier to use system for creating for example a class script
- Fixed glitches when trying to enter a vehicle
- Automatic demo recording
- Louder headshot hit sound
- All players are automatically in the same fireteam
- Visual tuning commands, like the possibility to disable muzzle flash

gameplay changes
- Pistol / Blaster spread decreased
- Gibbing is faster now, instant gibbing with knife/spikes when aimed at the head
- Spawn protection for spawning in spawnhosts is decreased to 1.5s
- Stroyent tool is now faster to use (half of the initial time)
- Supply crates no longer supply grenades
- Hitting the head with knife/spikes does more damage
- Removed radar of third eye cam and mcp

map changes
- All GDF spawn times on volcano have been set to 30 seconds to balance the map.
- GDF spawn time for last objective on Salvage has been set to 35 seconds.
- Strogg spawn time for last objective on Salvage has been set to 15 seconds.

Client Commands
clientclass - Select class and weapon for next spawn, for example bind f1 clientclass "0 1" will select soldier/aggressor with 2. weapon
g_autorecord - Automatically records a demo
g_autoScreenshot - Make automatically a screenshot of the scoreboard on the end of the round
g_disableMuzzleFlash - Disable muzzle flash of weapons
ready - Readies the player
readyteam - Readies all members on the team to start a match
setspawnpoint - Selects the spawnpoint for next respawn, 0 = mainbase
teamready - Readies all members on the team to start a match
unready - Unreadies the player

Server Commands
si_allowAttackLean - Allows players to attack while leaning
si_allowLean - Allows players to lean
si_maxAPT - Maximum number of apts
si_maxAVT - Maximum number of avts
si_maxAIT - Maximum number of aits
si_maxHeavyWeapons - Maximum number of heavy weapons
si_maxSnipers - Maximum number of snipers
si_maxRocketLaunchers - Maximum number of rocket launchers
si_allowProne - Allows players to go prone
si_allowRadar - Allows infiltrators to deploy a radar
si_allowVehicles - 1 = no air vehicles, 2 = only icarus, 3 = forbid all, 4 = allow all
si_allowVehicleAnansi - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleBadger - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleBumblebee - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleDesecrator - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleGoliath - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleHog - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleHornet - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleHusky - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleIcarus - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehiclePlatypus - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleTitan - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleTrojan - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled

Client Classes
0 = Soldier / Aggressor
1 = Medic / Technician
2 = Engineer / Constructor
3 = Field Ops / Oppressor
4 = Covert Ops / Infiltrator

Weapon classes are starting with 0 for the first weapon.

So be sure to grab the first release (fixed version) of the the ET:QW Promod here.
More information are available on the Modder Homepage
sounds good actually
great job guys :)
- disable lean&shoot
- max snipers 1
and force the amount of hyperblaster to 1 aswell!
good news :)
Less spread plx and this sounds nice
i really dont see _ANY_ nameable improvements! Maybe the remove of lean / shoot! But the rest we already have in this pigmod or whatever. Well lets see whats next to come ...
well two maps should now be playable for CDC :) thats huge tbh.

strogg revives are faster, autorecording demos are also big stuff tbh
hannes i saw you whining on irc and saying you're brilliant mod creator. One question. Why won't you support those guys?
cause spacecommander refused his help
im am now actually coding for it and got the first stuff done. Pause will be available in the next rls as well as some spawnpoints fixes
thats great! thanks
sounds promising, waitin for next version allready :)
Great work guys! :)

<3 Spacecommander, thoor, staal
btw this is a BETA, please give feedback in the ETQWPRO.net forum:

There will be issues and the faster they get reported the faster they will get fixed :)
sounds nice...except lean and shoot disabled, no reason for that imo
yes there is, its lame and makes them more unhittable
ah yeah, i forget that some ppl r using it during 1v1 fights
yes that is why :D
yeah its a really big problem on a high level :/ being abused 247
You call it abuse, others call it smart movement (I didnt like it either btw)
its abuse nevertheless, u just lean and tilt ur crouch button, theres no movement.
I dont use the tactic myself, but arent you required to adjust your aim while leaning or do the bullet follow the same path?
not really, its almost the same.
thiz waz najz
won't make the game less boring!
fine for a 0.01 release, but nothing more
Hope they add additional spawns on some maps in future versions so you don't have to run 30 seconds to get close to the action. Would make some maps more playable such as Salvage last stage or Ark first stage.

I'm hoping for more accurate weapons as well :-)
Good luck getting map sources to do so.
no other way m8?
I think there is but I need to look into it more, it involves editing the .entites file and obviously adding to mpa script, I know thats how the wheels of war mod added their track model layouts to existing maps.
Agree! Im really slow @ running so it takes 60 secs not 30 for me!
but now you have arrowkeys, everything will change! xD
problem is the map files, as I understand it you cant do this through mapscripts
get sk1ll nigger?
someone finally dragged themselves to do a news post! xD
it was released kinda late so I was sleeping :( typical germans!
So we dont have an option to limit vehicles to correct number? only enable or disable? In PIGmod its possible to actualy set allowed number vehicles used at the moment...
I dont really see the logic in si_allowVehicles, what does "0" do, the same as 4 or does 4 overwrite other vehicle restrictions?

Btw the post is updated with a new release as there were some crash issues in 0.01
"* limit # of active vehicles players can control."
-from your newspost

thats all I know about how pigmod does it. But by the sound of it it limits the total amount of vehicles a team can use at a given time and thats not important. the important thing is to limit so you cant use for example two tanks at the same time.

Problem with that is that the vehicle spawns are in the map files/scripts as I understand it. So it will require more modding to get it working, seems that pigmod have only a really simple fix that really dont do much good. I might be wrong here as Im not the modder, only the flame other mod/pr guy ;p

But dont think pigmod have a valid solution yet and we will look into the maps after CDC.
Ehh, okay, I knew that, however it does not answer my question.
:p too early to write stuff!
Interesting Stuff. I wonder how this will compare to SD's official Competition Mod.
balance the gdf assault rifle (1.2 was the boon) and make it as strogg lacerator PLZ.

this is really important to make 90% of players enjoy the game as before
it's not et with mp40 and thompson
It would make the game a bit better though :-)
if they touch the weapons, they should make the lacerator shoot faster and not the assault rifle shoot slower imo. But they shouldn't be changed at all.
At the moment aiming is more like a crosshair-shaking-spread-show.

You could track the opponent perfectly and hit worse than a guy that is shaking around with the crosshair 2 meters next to the model.
ummm they should BALANCE them :)

accuracy of lacerator now is too heavy, and gdf rifle is randomized cause the big spread applied with 1.4 (css style)
i hope it's good ^^
Btw auto record and auto screenshot should be controllable by CVAR, doesn't matter if its client side or server side, but I don't want my Hd to be filled with them while playing on public servers :P
3rd person shooting?
can i has some tape?
no improvement at all...

still lean/shoot not disabled and still no increased accuracy for all weapons.

shit mod so far, not worth waiting 3 months
That has actually been fixed, you can't shoot while leaning anymore.
clueless kiddo
no its just a cvar, who knows if they add it to the leagues
when has QW been worthwhile
yes it sucks
word, i hope for 0.03 :>
as rglaf said its in the mod but it needs to be set up in server config =)

3rd person shooting out of vehicles is still allowed ,cuz it was buggy and will be in later
we'll see...
any testservers avi yet?
Nice great job :) ET bis?
"gameplay changes" : this is the worst error to do to any FPS nowaday.

Any gameplay change just cut the casual player from the competition. The n°1 rule of a Competition mod must to NOT change gameplay. That those changes are good or not is not the question, the question is to be the same as out of box and for competition for everyone or not. More features, more command are ok but if you do 2 gameplay you just divide the community. Just look, for exemple at Q3 : a lot of people is supposed to play this game, but in fact you have 100 guys playing only ctf, 100 RA3, 100 cpma, 100 urban terror etc.
The ET:QW player basis is too few to choose this option, this will just accelerate the ET:QW falling down and make a "no futur" story.
A lot of newbie people don't want to play 6v6 with comp rules, they just want to play ETQW, not the idea of what it should be, and some wil definitively won't play with a game who have not the same gameplay than on FFA server.

(the error n°2 is to do a mod to do as a game already existing)

The competition mod must be the splashdamage one to be legitimate
QuoteJust look, for exemple at Q3 : a lot of people is supposed to play this game, but in fact you have 50 guys playing only ctf, 3 RA3, 200 cpma, 50 urban terror etc.

That's better.
stop including bots in those statistics ;D
Ah too tru.
I agree, just make the most necessery things, but dont touch gameplay, the game is horribly broken with this current mod, its useless untill they fix instant spawn hosts and instant revives... not sure about supply crates too, but they are kinda a balance thingy to the spawn hosts, and you cant have them indoors anyway.
Decrease spread, fix hit detection on mid/long range imo.
YEEZ more months :D
guys whats up with the connection reset error? is that fixed already? :<
great stuff Team SPEED-LINK ETQWPro by FSHost.de

runs with this settings:
si_allowAttackLean "0"
si_allowLean "1"
si_maxAPT "1"
si_maxAVT "1"
si_maxAIT "1"
si_maxHeavyWeapons "1"
si_maxSnipers "1"
si_maxRocketLaunchers "1"
si_allowProne "1"
si_allowRadar "0"
si_allowVehicles "1"
si_allowVehicleAnansi "0"
si_allowVehicleBadger "1"
si_allowVehicleBumblebee "0"
si_allowVehicleDesecrator "1"
si_allowVehicleGoliath "1"
si_allowVehicleHog "1"
si_allowVehicleHornet "0"
si_allowVehicleHusky "1"
si_allowVehicleIcarus "1"
si_allowVehiclePlatypus "1"
si_allowVehicleTitan "1"
si_allowVehicleTrojan "1"

si_allowAttackLean - Allows players to attack while leaning
si_allowLean - Allows players to lean
si_maxAPT - Maximum number of apts
si_maxAVT - Maximum number of avts
si_maxAIT - Maximum number of aits
si_maxHeavyWeapons - Maximum number of heavy weapons
si_maxSnipers - Maximum number of snipers
si_maxRocketLaunchers - Maximum number of rocket launchers
si_allowProne - Allows players to go prone
si_allowRadar - Allows infiltrators to deploy a radar
si_allowVehicles - 1 = no air vehicles, 2 = only icarus, 3 = forbid all, 4 = allow all
si_allowVehicleAnansi - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleBadger - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled (its the Armadillo)
si_allowVehicleBumblebee - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleDesecrator - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleGoliath - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled (its the Cyclops)
si_allowVehicleHog - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleHornet - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled (its the Tormentor)
si_allowVehicleHusky - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleIcarus - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehiclePlatypus - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleTitan - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
si_allowVehicleTrojan - 1 = vehicle allowed; 0 = vehicle disabled
at last! someone used those restrictions...
i agree and increased accuracy is needed for all weapon except snipers.

- remove the fast spawnhosts, set it back to 5sec.
- strogg res at 2sec (not less) is ok tho. (if not possible to separate make both 4sec)
- even higher sound for headshot would be nice

otherwise pretty ok mod, good with SOME clan support coming. better then nothing
003 has now real L O U D hitsounds,
significant spread changes!
revive is now 1/3 faster than its original change. (002 is 2/3 faster)
What Mson said, and perhaps decrease the weapon switch delay time from 150 msec to 100 msec or something?
- less spread.
- better hitsound for body + headshot.
- still bugged with zooming in with weapons, sometimes.
- etqw got fucking bad sound.
- etqw need better hitboxxes.
since when u play it? :P
started with beta1, did not play beta 2, and started with fullgame and i played for eyeballers, untill i got bored of the fucking heavy vehicles.
check profile u see =p
gangstarn, you got kicked.
haha, no i did not get kicked but my friend did get kicked. And i told eyeballers IF my friend get kicked aka qw3rty i will leave the clan and i did that. And i did not try to get a new clan cuz i was bored of the game, if u dont think i talk truth ask som1 in eyeballers. But after a while eyeballers asked me to join again so i joined eyeballers again, but now eyeballers have folled so :).

check cb site ;)
and remove fucking heavy veichle!
You play ETQW and not ET 2. Don't touch the Gameplay!
It needs to be touched because right now ETQW is margin game, only few players/clans play it. If same situation will continue game will be forgotten soon. I wonder why its even accepted to CDC4, theres a lot games which are more popular than ETQW.
is there any possible way to make people drop weapons like in et (only usable by your team)? fops is so fucking useless in indoor areas and losing your defensive positions just because of ammo-selfkills sucks.
The solution could be: give fops scoped AR by default! its very easily achievable with unlocks on, so i think it should be on by default for fops @ competition :P
And give covert ops silenced machine pistol by default, would make a litle more worthy using one :>
It kinda sucks that everyone starts with full ammo right away, but adding weapon droppings is not something a mod should do. We should ask SD to give that feature to us.
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