CDC4 Replacement slots

Due to problems with teams rosters and what not, we now have spaces available in the Quakewars and Call of Duty tournaments at CDC4, I can also confirm the Warsow status.

CoD4: 2 Spots remaining (38/40)
Quakewars: 3 Spots remaining (9/12)
Warsow: We will run an 8 player Warsow tournament, we've currently got 9 people that want to come, so we'll work a way around this. However WSW at CDC will happen.

If you would like to attend, please message me on irc or email me at tosspot at gmail dot com. Seedings, groups and schedules for all games will be released at the end of the CoDQCUP, as that will represent for the most accurate standings available to us.
et now most reliable? hahaha oh the irony
38/40 coming

pretty damn reliable tbh
9 teams have already been replaced :P
Still 38 is still 38 that are prepared to go to lan

Compare that to 9 quakewars teams

And its reliable don't you agree?
Well I'm sure we'll see 10+ ET:QW teams at CDC4, so I think you can only say anything about the reliability of teams until they actually show up at the event.
kk point taken

During CDC I'll have another reply ready :D
if Sainted goes to lan, you might be able to even reply irl.
Even if he was I wouldn't be lol
Can there be a payment list of ET, want to see who allready payd :O
there was one, few days (week) ago
I didnt pay yet^^ me is going for the online only status.
Netherlands Lavod = ur brother? :D
Mah Brother from another mother!
no use to flame etqw, will be deleted anyway :<

gl hf all n stuff
<put random ET:QW comment in>
brb fast delete
good to see the warsow tournie is still going ahead! great stuff :)
I'm pleased the warsow tourney is still going ahead as well as it was great watching the games at cdc3.
make q3 tournament instead of warsow next time
last time there was a q3 tournament and warsow.
guess what game got too few signups/payments :)
times are changing, lots of great players coming back :)
don't get me wrong, q3 is a great game- and yeh, playerbase is much larger than warsow
but it's good to see larger support from the likes of crossfire for warsow- where as quake 3 has already had it's moment 'in the limelight' so to speak, and still has eswc to look forward to :)
When quake zero gets released warsow = dead! :P
it will fail almost like q4 did.
Quake zero will be a free version of Quake 3 Arena (ad supported) with some optional graphic upgrades and more tournament features, its not the next Quake Arena game, id needs to screw up really hard to let this fail. QUAKE 4 was made by Raven while Quake Zero will be a real id game.
i know all that, but even considering it, believe me, I smell fail. I hope I'm mistaken though.
hate to say it, but could be very true. ALOT of players will stick to warsow, but i for one will be sampling the delights of q0 and (hopefully, and if it's any good) seVerity!
Yeah severity sounds good as well, since its being developed by a real studio and no longer just the CPL :P
i guess he's talking about q3cmpa tournament which is a slightly different thing.
we're trying to support rather than 'cpl' a tournament which is why CPM was chosen. Support a game thats still active and still trying, rather than a game thats been there with stupid amounts of money and as ESWC has proven potentially still got more money in it, which is why Q3 OSP was not chosen.
I did ask around see whether a 1k tournament cud be popular in Q3 OSP and it didnt look like i'd get a the players neccessary to make it happen, and so here we are.
that was my point, CPMA all the way!
CoD4: 2 Spots remaining (38/40)
Quakewars: 3 Spots remaining (9/12)

i can see the games are equally popular!
cod4 is just new?
what exactly does it have to do with the fact that it's more than three times more popular than et:qw?
/me thinks it has something to do with the "4" in its name
:D in fact i believe if it was cod1 it would have just about the same number of signups as et:qw!
yeah qw has had even more time to gather players :)
qw is amazing!
if they cant find the QW teams tbh they should whack in a few more
ET teams xD keep it going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! w00p w00p
qw tournament should be 8 slots :p
idd and ET 20 ;D
idd bullvox xD
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