ET:QW Official competition mod beta announced!

Later this week the Official competition mod for Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars created by SplashDamage will enter beta stage. Though its not 100% sure what kind of beta, a public beta is most likely the case. The mod touches various aspects of the game including some minor gameplay changes, though most features are controllable by the user.

The mod source code will also be released, this means mod designers can continue on working on improving the official pro mod with their own features!

SD community manager Badman has revealed some of the features this mod offers;
Quote by feature list * Added cvar-based limits for classes, weapons, deployables, and mines.
* Added ability to permanently enable XP unlocks such as Faster Sprint, Grenade Launcher, Reduced Weapon Spread, Extra Clip, and Scoped Assault Rifle.
* Added pause functionality: Teams can call time-outs, and Admins can pause and unpause the game.
* Added ability to toggle camera between killer and nearby medics when unconscious.
* Added ability to automatically record demos and take screenshots of scoreboards.
* Added ability to scale pitch and yaw values for every vehicle to fully customize mouse sensitivity.
* Added "Auto-join" button that joins the team with less players.
* Added setSpawnPoint command with several options to allow keybinds for selecting spawn points.
* Increased Technician health to 100.
* Reduced Radar range.
* Increased vehicle spawn times.
* Added map-specific changes across the board to improve gameplay for competition (including number of vehicles).
* Added various Spectator improvements:
o Names displayed above player's heads.
o Time remaining on planted charges.
o Pressing use while looking at a player spectates that player.
o New "spectate" console command to switch spectator players, jump to players currently constructing the objective, or jump to a preset angle and position on the map.

Note: The above list of features is not a complete feature list, more information will be available on the SplashDamage wiki soon!

Official blog entry
Some big features right there!
* Added "Auto-join" button that joins the team with less players.

Quote by Sainted
QuoteAdded "Auto-join" button that joins the team with less players.

Best feature evah :P

So, 3 mods now, huh?
One mod to rule them all
one mod to find them
one mod to bring them all and in the darkness bind them!
Millions of my sperm died as you posted that. Thank you very much.
don't see anything about lean or weapon spread... maybe it'd be nice if sd could be arse to ask about qw some qw competitive players, so far best solution is etqw pro or pigmod. and why the fuck they want to keep radar when in most of the leagues it's not used?
Remember, this is not a complete feature list so you'll have to wait a bit longer to see if leaning can be disabled or not.
Reduced Weapon Spread,

its there only thing we need is no lean shooting in that mod.
Its a beta so prolly no big dea lto add a cvar for lean shooting.
the current weaponspread is awful, it needs to be reduced.
@ aA1

* Added ability to permanently enable XP unlocks such as Faster Sprint, Grenade Launcher, Reduced Weapon Spread, Extra Clip, and Scoped Assault Rifle.

u simply can enable reduced weapon spread whats really nice ,but nothing etqw:pro couldn't do aswell
yea but you have to enable the xp unlocks and i dunno if this any good :S it's suits public gameplay more like than competitive gaming, oh well we'll see how that works anyway.
why? you chose what unlocks to enable it wont be xp based:P
2 crades + 4 granades lunchers@volcano xD
lol you don't understand. XP unlocks wont be enabled. It is just a command that allows you to choose which XP unlocks you want as STANDARD. So you could set 'Reduced weapon spread' as a default, and all players of both teams will have this unlock throughout the playing time.

This doesnt mean that after 20xp medics get a second supply crate, nor does it that engis will get nade launchers.
in my 2nd answer i didn't mention anything about xp unlocks(and yes i've undestood that from sondac's post) i just said it'll be a nice spam if things like granade launchers will be able to unlock :P
rather this than promod:P

im quitting ET
Actually the pause feature was already present, but now its available for non admins as well.
muhaha nice!
ET:QW Official competition+ETQWpro+pigmod= ?
Mod developers can use the source code of the official competition mod to improve their own mods or they can choose to support the mod by suggesting features. Though ET:QW Pro and pig mod are no longer needed with an official SD pro mod out, maybe once the pro mod hits final ET:QW Pro can take over again.
Not sure why you say ETQWPro or pigmod is not needed when they dont have the same features or the same audience :)
it think its better for the community if the swallow there pride and do mod together
maybe based on ET:QW Official competition mod
(18:09:36) (@taken`) its not like SD wants to work with ETQWPRO
The source is being released, is that not like working with everybody? What is your expectation of mod team and dev working together?
i pasted takens quote because i didnt know better and i trusted him that the etqwpro team talked sd. but i must admit that it is very kind to give out the source code
hehe, I'm not bitching but I've seen a few comments like that so just wondered what exactly people did expect is all :P
read my comment a bit down! its just the best SD could do <3
we will add qwpro stuff to this mod. and use it as a base!

So this is maybe the best thing for the community that could ever happen! <3 SD for sharing their skillz
Exactly the right thing to do & in my humble opinion the 'product' of both sd and the qwpro team should still be called ET:QW Pro Mod.
that is fucking great
inflix8 on 03/02/08, 22:27:10 GMT

"it think its better for the community if the swallow there pride and do mod together
maybe based on ET:QW Official competition mod "

Hannes answered your prayers ;) "that is fucking great" indeed Hannes.
QuoteNames displayed above player's heads.

drawplayerarrows 0
sD will fail again.
They have try to destroy the perfect RtCW gameplay but ETPro was there to help us. Now with thier own game, they are auto-fucked !
ETPro didnt change any global gameplay elements, at least not the way people were meant to play the game. Instead they fixed bugs (bad hitboxes, broken multiview, bad netcode), added competitive features (class limiting, heavy weapon limiting, ettv, referee system, hitsounds)
Yes i agree. ETMAIN and ETPRO are the same.
If you look at it from a GAMEPLAY related view, yes they are closely the same.
Its very diferent. Try to think about a Clanwar at etmain...or without a decent cfg.. ahaha .
Its different yes, but not because they changed the gameplay, or at least limited these changes to the game mechanics. And you can discuss this with me all you want, but even the creators of the ETPro mod themselves say the objective of the mod is not to change gameplay at all.

QuoteET Pro is a mod specifically targeted at competition play, with features specifically designed for administration of competition servers.
Sainted I know you for ages now so I have nothing against you but have you ever played an etmain match ?

I mean, I played Wolf: ET in the beginning and it was a fucking spamy pubgame shit !

With ETPro it was a better game axed for clanwars.

The only bad things they have not change it's the choice we have to grab the smg from the other side. It give less tp between medic and fo, but nothing is perfect.
I think I played W:ET in clanwars with a lot of different mods; etpro (3+, 2+), etpub, shrub, etmain, and the great thing is that you play the same game whichever mod you choose. That said the game can feel very different in different mods because they changed elements of the game like hitsounds, better hitboxes, limited the amount of panzers, however you still feel "This is ET".
and how long have u played ET?
well playing early etmain and current etpro is way different, another game even.
If you say so
be objecive (or however this is called)

those are two diffrent games.
if they made a good game at the first time they did had more ppl playing the game. they are trying now to get more players on but there more leaving than playing etqw is dead soon imo
It will take a time till we have what we want, same procedure as ET and RTCW had - both games are great to play now.

The same chance has ETQW imo.
looking forward to playing it :)
Beans of coolness, in other words, Coolbeans
still hoping to see more changes etqwpro .
i am happy people is working on mods :)
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