ET:QW Official competition mod beta announced!
3 Feb 2008, 20:42
Later this week the Official competition mod for Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars created by SplashDamage will enter beta stage. Though its not 100% sure what kind of beta, a public beta is most likely the case. The mod touches various aspects of the game including some minor gameplay changes, though most features are controllable by the user.
The mod source code will also be released, this means mod designers can continue on working on improving the official pro mod with their own features!
SD community manager Badman has revealed some of the features this mod offers;
Note: The above list of features is not a complete feature list, more information will be available on the SplashDamage wiki soon!
Official blog entry
The mod source code will also be released, this means mod designers can continue on working on improving the official pro mod with their own features!
SD community manager Badman has revealed some of the features this mod offers;
Note: The above list of features is not a complete feature list, more information will be available on the SplashDamage wiki soon!
Official blog entry
one mod to bring them all and in the darkness bind them!
its there only thing we need is no lean shooting in that mod.
Its a beta so prolly no big dea lto add a cvar for lean shooting.
* Added ability to permanently enable XP unlocks such as Faster Sprint, Grenade Launcher, Reduced Weapon Spread, Extra Clip, and Scoped Assault Rifle.
u simply can enable reduced weapon spread whats really nice ,but nothing etqw:pro couldn't do aswell
This doesnt mean that after 20xp medics get a second supply crate, nor does it that engis will get nade launchers.
im quitting ET
maybe based on ET:QW Official competition mod
So this is maybe the best thing for the community that could ever happen! <3 SD for sharing their skillz
"it think its better for the community if the swallow there pride and do mod together
maybe based on ET:QW Official competition mod "
Hannes answered your prayers ;) "that is fucking great" indeed Hannes.
I mean, I played Wolf: ET in the beginning and it was a fucking spamy pubgame shit !
With ETPro it was a better game axed for clanwars.
The only bad things they have not change it's the choice we have to grab the smg from the other side. It give less tp between medic and fo, but nothing is perfect.
those are two diffrent games.
The same chance has ETQW imo.