Epsilon eSports

A new Multigaming organisation is born. The former GROF.QW member United Kingdom Luke Baldrick Cotton has just announced his new project Epsilon eSports. The clan starts with teams in seven different games, supported by Puma, Gigabyte and Smith & Stewart.

Battlefield 2, Crysis, Counterstrike: Source, Halo 3, C & C 3, Call of Duty 4 and ET: Quakewars are the games, which get the support by epsilon esports. Whilst one of those teams is the former Quakewars Squad Sweden Kompaniet, the Call of Duty 4 Squad is noone else then the former Finland DIE / kojak team.

Epsilon Quakewars
Sweden Mathias “Mson” Eriksson – Team Captain
Sweden Göran "LAondA" Holm
Sweden Markus "xeTyk” Miettinen
Sweden Julius "Wayf" Forslund Nilsson
Sweden Fredrik "rvn" Rosell
Sweden Michél "Soltis" Åberg Wiklund

Epsilon Call of Duty 4
Finland Ville "id3" Järvi – Team Captain
Finland Ville "fix" Järvinen
Finland Jani "jani" Keskinen
Finland Timo "dae" Lahtinen
Finland Antti "sec" Sinisalo

Managing Director Baldrick had the following to say:
QuoteEpsilon eSports is pleased to announce the opening of its new project; the formation of a new professional eSports organization. Supported by Gigabyte, PUMA and Smith & Stewart and with a number of teams with a great deal of potential representing the Epsilon brand, the management is confident that the organization will take the eSports world by storm in 2008. Epsilon will enable its teams to compete at a number of upcoming LAN events throughout Europe. Epsilon’s first event will be the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4, where both its Call of Duty 4 and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars squads will be competing. Epsilon will also be represented at the European Cyber Games (Germany), Level7 (Finland), ShokLan (France), Multiplay i33 (UK) & Gamers-Assembly (France).

Press release
no schoooooool jasper???
not at that time :D
lucky u!!! all fine?
yeah it's okay. you as well?
im okay. bit sick, fighitn with my jealousy but uhhm im fine :D
fighting with your jealousy... uhh that's not so nice! (not uhh la la! :D)
and be well soon ;)
hehe true. thx will be better soon. at leats at cdc!!!!!!! :DD
ville järvi & ville järvinen LoL
id3 + fix
nice sponsors,

a totally new clan without a homepage sponsored by puma.. mhh..
why would a digimon be jealous of this?
Someone should start a clan called pokitas and then we'll have digimons and pokemons lolol!
nice having image: puma_lg as sponsor 8D
hehe nice gl
try not to fuck up baldrick ;p

gl m8s
good luck gents.
puma as sponsor hmm... nice... Jack Wolfskin and Kojak ftw!
(anyway if its true or not, i dont understand why would a sportswear company support for example with clothes some fat esport kid. for me its a lil bit weird)

anyway i dont wanna be such a negative person, good luck guys!
have a look at SK & Adidas?
or mTw & Kappa?

and what's the definition of nerd?
retarded people who spam stupid comments 24/7 on crossfire or people who used to play a game and get something back?
serious business for a journalist would have been to get a statement from PUMA instead of copying & pasting ;)
give me contact details
;D owned :D
You would be better to contat Puma in Greece, we will have more announcements on this partnership over the next few days.
if u were part of puma - where would u announce ur new projects? And who would u assign with the press releases? Ur own portals / proffessionals that u pay for - or xfire / swine?
my brother is part of Hama´s esport-section. supporting new teams is weeks of work before including press releases and announcements on HP´s... AND it didnt help me to be his bro´ though i´d liked to - even with HFD.de it was like "HaHa - such a small Clan". I always lol when i hear "i know someone of copmany XYZ" - since i know for sure that this is not the point at all!
but gl for ur hopes anyway, dont mind bout me if u recieve ur millions next week ;)
Hamas esport branch.. hmm
imo the players!

EDIT: if u play to get something back, that is pretty retarded imo.
if i play i do it for fun, and not coz i saw some price, like the dignitas guys did some months ago.
So everything you dont do is retarded? Thats a great and clever argument.
i m just afraid if i do it, i would look like you.
GL in life :)
you seem like a nice guy, don't push it! 8[
your flame sucks
+ MYM with HUMMEL :)
Good luck, especially to the Kompaniet guys. Sadly though I can't help but feel this isn't quite right, not least the fact that an international brand would choose such an in-experienced team and manager.
umm..for you to notice: there's lots of other teams who's sponsored by an international brand like puma or adidas, so I think this isn't so dramatic if puma decides to sponsor another gaming-community ;d
for example?
for example SK has adidas. And one german team has Puma as a main sponsor ;d i can't remember its name
but i don't think a team that is totally new will get some sponsor like this but we will see ^^
nGize is sponsored by PUMA also

and some esportstuff by puma...

I think they are more likely sponsored by a shop giving them puma products
could be, i don't know the background excactlybut afaik there's a puma logo on the ngize page and also a direct link to this page which looks like a youthstore from puma or stuff
i think they more likely sponsored by that guy olympus who buys puma products, but ofcourse i am just causing unnecessary arguements so ignore me, i really do not care. gl team.
Wow. That's LOTS!
SK got addidas. Epsilon got Puma, why not? =)

Trevize, fat kids? Talk to yourself fattie ;)
SK got 10 years of experience, top teams in the biggest eSport games, established org and a website with over 800.000 users. Cant really compare :)

But epislon got a rich guy, that should cover things anyways.
And who is this mysterious, rich guy?
No, I don't think that my brother is involved in this. :p
olympus, president of the thing.

Same guy that have used 1000s of euros to pay people to play battlefield 12on12 and etqw beta matches (edit: in GROF)
Sorry but that's just a retarded comparison :XD
QuoteTrevize, fat kids? Talk to yourself fattie ;)

Why bother replying to that comment? It's an immature and unneeded post and should therefore be ignored.
strange but gL!
gl, etqw team isnt too bad :)
hmmm nice, I wanna ask its european team or itsflagship of some country? UK? Thx
Sorry but epsilon isn't a new organisation, it's just back... epsilon had a squad in RTCW long time ago.
That was epsylon :->
that was epsilon :o) and it's the same organisation. Epsilon was leaded at this time by French people.

Source: Crusher <3
It's not the same organization.
didn't you star in pulp fiction Zedd?
just a popular name
And a 3on3 ET team!
gl jani!
new kojak jackwolfskin imo.
olympus have already used more than 10.000 euro on GROF last year I would guess, so even if the sponsors dont contribute much the organization will have money :)
why I didn't see grof @ winning lans?
You saw them at #1 on CB ladders :)
no I didnt, or maybe in BF. but wtf :D? if they get money like that why are they only playing cb ladders :?D
CB ladders, woohoo
plz, same thing as kojak, ur gonna get screwed noobs :DD
It wont be like KOJAK since it's leaded by experienced managers. The head ( not baldrick ) is also working for GROF who is, at the moment, the biggest organization in Greece. You can't compare tbh
biggest mgc in greece! that says ALOT, can you name other mgc from greece?.. dont think so.. =D. well I know that GROF was kinda big but their managers were shit imo, because even they got money like that they didnt win any lans in games like cs, cod, wc, fifa etc.
money doesn't buy a team

Since when did GROF attend a LAN other than i32?
Btw, has anyone figured Olympus' motives out already? Why put thousands of euro's in teams without any profit? Ofc no one cares as long as they get paid but im just curious.

random shout -> money laundry? :DDD
Was asking myself exactly the same when I read everything through.
Guess he just is rich and want uber eSport team :) (playing games outside the main eSport circuit)
I can think of 1674 things that I would rather spend the money on.
I've been involved with GROF previously and been the one getting paid as well. Guess they had great sponsors as it was a huge multigaming community, yet it was lacking the professional atmosphere.

So I'm pretty sure we are staring at the motive as we speak = making a successful mgc.
QuoteEpsilon’s first event will be the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4, where both its Call of Duty 4 and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars squads will be competing.

we'll see ;]
...both teams have allready payed their tickets (by epsilon ~1 month ago or smth).

so you will see them there allright.

best of luck to both the cod4 and et:qw-team. and kompaniet - well deserved!
typical Swedish sentence "and et:qw-team. and kompaniet" :<<<<<<<
what's wrong with it? seeing this ain't an essay.

perhaps i should've added another "the" infront of "et:qw". but that's it :p
I kinda like the logo! too bad you aren't supporting W:ET :[
GL with the organisation.
Yes some of us already knew Kompaniet joined them like a month ago, but i wish all of you the best of luck.
epsylon or epsilon ?
That's either a very smart or very stupid question to ask. I won't say which i think it is, since i'm unsure, but the title does say epsilon.
very stupid
I was avoiding that, being a nice guy 'n all.
I mean, why shouldn't they get sponsors? both their et:qw and cod4 squads have been playing at the top and have had really good results in the past.
FinlandVille "id3" Järvi – Team Captain
Finland Ville "fix" Järvinen
this whole thing must be fake, lol
gl kompa i want to see that pink dress of yours!
idd, gl kompaniet <3
gl kompaniet - a team that deserves a more experienced orga imo.
no ET, dont care
no ET, dont care
no ET, I care
"ET, phone home"
ET is alive
no ET, no party
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