ETQW: Bite The Bullet night Cup #1

image: nc1588kc2

The climax of the first ever Night Cup took place this evening. The final was between United Kingdom VAE:ETQW and Poland#Onis and was the second meeting of the 2 teams in the competition. Poland #onis making there way through from the losers bracket having been beaten over 2 maps by United Kingdom VAE earlier in this double elimination cup.

The cup was not without problems being the first of its kind for Plagued with drop outs and no shows we battled through the fixtures to get the final underway. The cup was played over 2 nights instead of one to allow for the long map times and the time differences. Lessons learned we will be using one of the many mods next time.

The Final

The final was to be played over two maps:

Salvage:image: maps_salvage_entities and Island: image: maps_island_entities

This being double elimination the rules were slightly different. Poland #onis had to win both maps were United Kingdom VAE only needed one after being Place in the winners bracket. Poland #onis are currently 4th in the CB 4v4 Infantry ladder and this being an infantry based map it was not all plain sailing.

Poland #onis attacked first and completed all objectives setting a time of 12 mins. United Kingdom VAE showed there strength in attack like they did on refinery earlier in the cup smashing Poland #onis's time. They turned out to be far better than the other teams in this cup and thoroughly deserved the victory. I expect them to go on and do great things. I wish them all good luck for the future.


I would finally like to thank all the teams that took part for excellent sportsmanship and no whine at all in the whole cup. This i would love to see in all gaming competitions. it was a pleasure to admin.

Man of Match

Player of the Tourney imo image: uk VAE.madbone for his destructive vehicle work, it was very close though!!

- VAE Roster

Admins: Bulld0g and Tront
#cupwars @
Nice to see up and coming clans get cups to play in! :)
yeah there will be more and better run :P
Can I plays in next one?
so n1ce brian
good job vae
nice one vae =)
very nice read =)
where the f*ck are the good teams?

Good to see new teams coming up!
immortal Longbow's View:
"Due to the lack of teams signing up that play on a professional level, we expect not to much trouble in reaching the finals. However, we should not underestimate any of our opponents and will give our best shot to win tonight's cup."
Translation : where the f*ck are the good teams?
GL in your nightcup UL.

Good games and thanks to Bulld0g & Tront for running the cup.
wow you've done your homework =D yeah that nightcup's signups were crap as well!
use etqwpro mod 0.03
try too release it first ;)
believe me, HE is trying
more like: IS he trying =P
a small tournament with good atmosphere and ggs. It gave VAE.QW a good oppertunity to work on teamplay and co-ordination ahead of larger tournaments comming our way as well as a small confidence boost.

Thanks to organisers and refs for their hardwork.
Congratulations vae :D!
Nice one, shame we been bit inactive of late to take part, maybe in next one.
yeah cool, the cups are in there infancy like the game we hope to get plentybig teams in the future.
then make sure the better teams know about it :) Never ever heard of this cup before :( But can also be my fault :p
yeah just started it off low key didnt want to arse it up infront of the big boys :D not that vae are not big ;)
why? thats excatly what qw needs. more and way more attention. qw is and should be an attention whore! But dont to one day cups and dont to them in the afternoons!
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