ETQW Community rules v. 1.1 released

The members of the Community rule vote have once again voted on how ETQW should be played. The biggest change this time is the decision to add ETQWPro to all matches.

The Community rules are supported by ESL, Clanbase and the top ETQW teams and will be used at the upcoming CDC LAN with a shortened maplist.

General rules:
ETQWPro must be used in all matches and all features that are included in ETQWPro are allowed or specified through cvars.

Teams are only allowed to use vehicles from one heavy vehicle spawn on all stages with more than one heavy vehicle spawn. Once a team have used a heavy vehicle from a heavy vehicle spawn they must wait until the vehicle gets destroyed and respawns before using another.

Please make sure that the ETQWpro auto record is running. Demos are required from all matches.

Heavy vehicles are not allowed during the last objective, even if you were using the vehicle during the objective was enabled. You have to leave the vehicle.

Use of 3rd Eye Camera is not allowed.

Maximum 1 Heavy Vehicle per team.
Maximum 1 Medium Vehicle per team.

Heavy Vehicles include: Cyclops, Desecrator and Titan.
Medium Vehicles include: Hog and Trojan APC.

ETQWPro cvars:
si_allowAttackLean 0
si_allowLean 1
si_maxAPT 1
si_maxAVT 1
si_maxAIT 1
si_maxHeavyWeapons 1
si_maxSnipers 1
si_maxRocketLaunchers 2
si_allowProne 1
si_allowRadar 0
si_allowVehicles 1
si_allowVehicleAnansi 0
si_allowVehicleBadger 1
si_allowVehicleBumblebee 0
si_allowVehicleDesecrator 1
si_allowVehicleGoliath 1
si_allowVehicleHog 1
si_allowVehicleHornet 0
si_allowVehicleHusky 1
si_allowVehicleIcarus 1
si_allowVehiclePlatypus 1
si_allowVehicleTitan 1
si_allowVehicleTrojan 1

Maplist: (Unchanged)
Area 22, Volcano, Salvage, Ark, Refinery, Sewer, Island
1st and nice!
Moar liek taken ruleset 1.0 amirite?
Nice ruleset =)
OK that is good.
looks nice :)
More like Taken Rules not Community :XD
can I be your friend?
Funny how the community voted and how I didnt decide anything.

But whatever floats your boat. Or sinks it.
Lol idd. The 'Community' basically means the 2 top clans and the like the head admins from the ladders. Thats about it. Some 'community' they talk to ...
your informations seem to be wrong, dude.
Community vote consist of current top 11 teams (was more before, but the scene is smaller now)+leagues.
Nice rules
cant u code so u get thrown out of Heavy vehicles during the last objective.
and disable 3rd Eye Camera.
Please dont call this a community vote as you never asked the community. The rules are fine but stop calling your group of 10-20 people the community.
If I am not mistaken 8 top clans voted for their rule set and this is the result.
this vote represents the wishes and thinkings of clanbase esl and 8 top clans.

So yes it is a community vote
hannes who from CB ETQW was there plz?

Joined: 21 Sep 2007
Posts: 12
Location: Poland

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:02 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Should ETQWpro be used: yes
Novi got told, also Novi we (TCM) was going to get a vote I think but we not pro enough or something so we wasn't allowed.
in the vote almost everyone agreed.
so If you would have gotten your vote and been against those rules written above , everything would stay the same
I'm not saying I would have voted against it but I think a poll somewhere would have been a 'community' vote. Although lets face it there are about only 8 clans in ETQW 8D
who cares if you got a vote, the rules are good.
thats everything that counts
Did you just not read what I said?
Quotewe (TCM) was going to get a vote I think but we not pro enough or something so we wasn't allowed.
I never said that lol. That was chris :) Well played
damn i wanted anansi and hornet... now i can sell my steering wheel again T_T
next vote will forbid hyperblaster in general :D
Knife only please!
who voted ?

Dignitas, 4k, Kompaniet, Pelit, Speedlink, Infinity, Ocrana, Stofftier + ESL and CB

I guess
Komacrew aswell.
etqwpro at last

btw: this rule
Teams are only allowed to use vehicles from one heavy vehicle spawn on all stages with more than one heavy vehicle spawn. Once a team have used a heavy vehicle from a heavy vehicle spawn they must wait until the vehicle gets destroyed and respawns before using another."
will be misunderstood by many.
Working on making it clearer, will be updated soonish :)
sometimes it seems some people want to create a second version of et and its ruleset...
and i don't like the heavy weapon restriction.

si_maxHeavyWeapons 1
si_maxRocketLaunchers 2

could someone explain that to me?

but anyway good to see this rules
its ok, since before you used like 3-4 hyberblasters because their did so much dmg and you had 20 hp more. when you have a hyber you will most likely always take 1 guy out atleast, :>
yeah but i think with this kind of restrictions you take out a lot of tactical options and as we see its working with loads of hyperblaster atm but maybe i 'm just wrong :p
< si_maxHeavyWeapons

does that mean teams can use one type of heavy weapon but for example with the rocket launcher, two of that type? Otherwise its kinda contradictory
afaik, si_maxHeavyWeapons is just for hyperblasters/gmpgs.
true, btw we need to meet in vt. got a lot of flame for you!
just feedback on meltdown
Well I changing 2nd stage abit after 6 on 6 test. Be online for bit at home later to talk (2 hours)
just bitch me @ invite chan once your back
you are allowed to use hogs / APC*s from both spawns? :>
Its funny that even with a competition mod there are still so many rules to think about while the purpose of a competition mod is to prevent players from having to care about them.

Btw if the community only consists out of ET:QW top teams we will soon be playing W:ET with a quake theme soon.
Aye, that heavy vehicle stuff needs automating somehow.

Also I wouldn't say that whole community is all top teams just that rest dont get a say.
Doh - dont like the new heavy vechile rule at all. Making tank drivers to wander around map useless for a minute. (and after respawning back to tank spawn, noticing that hog was camping it) =)) Or even worse, camping on the tank spawn - preventing it from spawning. Was is necessary to change the gameplay again?

This rule makes people to camp @ empty heavy vechile (preventing it from decaying by shooting it with blaster or something) and then camping ON the spawnpoint that the tank wont spawn there :) Good changes, gonna speed up the game definitely.

(Im not even mentioning the facts that tank drivers must be more defensive now and camp & spam in some corner and be sure that they wont get broke)

Soon we gonna see clans who see the tank useless and use 6 inf instead?

I dont care who is doing the voting on these rules but I would be happy if they would have even brains so they could be able to see the consequences of changes of rules.
Soon we gonna see clans who see the tank useless and use 6 inf instead?

As soon as this would happen ET:QW would get atleast one player more by instant.
sure, it will give +1 player, and 5 would stop playing
getting better all the time, innit?
Well there is a reason the heavy vehicles got long spawntimes, its to balance them versus other vehicles and infantry. Teams will just have to make strats where tank person does something useful while waiting for respawn.
Good stuff.

As other's have stated I think it's important that the vehicle restrictions be fully automated to make it impossible for teams to break rules either intentionally or accidently.
Well we are working on it, but some things might never be 100% automatic due to Splash Damage not releasing the map files making us not able to edit the maps/spawns etc :/
Corruption in action ladies and gentlemen
dont like me

Teams are only allowed to use vehicles from one heavy vehicle spawn on all stages with more than one heavy vehicle spawn. Once a team have used a heavy vehicle from a heavy vehicle spawn they must wait until the vehicle gets destroyed and respawns before using another.

si_allowAttackLean 0
si_maxHeavyWeapons 1
si_maxRocketLaunchers 2

what mean?comunity,you never asked to me if this rules like me.20 ppl aren't comunity.
In italy we are 50 but noone ask us,and i think in other comunity.

This stuff make this game died,coz this rules like only the 20 ppl of top team(5 team)

now we called etqw (r:et 2)
where the hell have you learned to write english like that?
if all ppl had votes we would have valley outskirt slipgate ansi tromentor ect. allowed. tbh all games always have the rules made by the best players and the best teams.
Would have been nice for some open discussion at least to see the opinions of ordinary players as well and to see what are putting people off from playing ET:QW competivatly.

To assume anyone who doesn't play at a high level must like large maps and spam vehicles etc etc is a pretty narrow view to hold.
ok play in 5 team,nice game with all 5 teams really?

or better release promod for top team,and release promod for the real comunity
Was that meant to be reply to me or wormie?
Those rules will turn down even more teams from already inactive game...
After another read I have found that this my friends, is bullshit:

"Teams are only allowed to use vehicles from one heavy vehicle spawn on all stages with more than one heavy vehicle spawn. Once a team have used a heavy vehicle from a heavy vehicle spawn they must wait until the vehicle gets destroyed and respawns before using another."
Add: It's forbidden to block entrances with crates/vehicles
thats the only matter what vehicles are good for in this game!
yes but i hate them and i find it really lame. But with that new tankspawnthiny it might come less usable. But most entrances are blocked by apc's or something (look at island) so maybe they should do something about that.
island has more than one spawn :p
Those Heavythingy could be handeld by reapairtime. Double (or maybe more) the time it takes to repair a Heavy vehicle, thaught 'bout that?
how retarded... there is more teams than just the so called "top" 8 teams in the community (who ironically dont actually have all the "top" players)... on top of that the mod isnt even ready...
Agree with first bit and all about the community but I think ETQW:Pro is an improvement on ET:QW Main and a step in the right direction, this was made apparent for me when we played you last night on main after playing on pro for just a few days.
we werent asked :x
There is so much more to talk about.. Red arrows, mine detection warnings, pure, team damage, timelimits, complaint system, ready settings, footsteps, proficiency, etc. Why limit these "discussions" to mods only?
because profincy is just bullshit in wars, mindetection is back to normal g_allowmineicons 0,

teamready is live, footsteps? i think i saw 4 in total in this game by now...

those red triangles are part of the game, so why discussing about it. wasnt it you who always "pro's" the pigmod because of no gameplay changes? and now you want to change the game completly with starting a discussion on those triangles?
Discussing as in deciding what to do with them and include them in the global ruleset so random clans cant use random settings in random cups (whether the value stays default or not)
well i got to agree we need a real server config. The topic of this thread has to be changed to: etqwPRO ruleset and not global ruleset since these are only etqwpro settings
It's not like people are forced to play with this mod. if all the low end teams want to hold a tournement og play matches they can just play with old rules and old settings. these changes are made to make the game more balancing for the teams who know how to play. and know what matters in a match.
The vechicle rule was made so you dont use 2 titans on ark. thats the only map it matters on you are still allowed to use clyclop and deso just only 1 at the time...
Woudlnt a map specific rule be better for it then?
"Youre allowed to use only another spawn for tank in ark."
map specific rules are the suck :[
nice, but the formulation of that heavy vehicles rule leaves a lot to be desired tbh.
i think the heavy vehicle rule is just that you have to pick only 1 heavy vehicle spawn when there are 2 available and continue to use it for that objective. Prevents people just getting another one in a few seconds which doesn't reward teams for winning any vehicle fights etc
Cant we just do the 'only vehicles at current spawn' rule?
probably, i don't make this shit up!
I know, was just pointing it out.
you cant because on maps like sewer defence on first objective would be overrated deso vs titan and apc
Wrong. They get momentum which they should be able to use as advantage. If they fail at it, its their own bad. Thats the way cookie grumbles.

Everything respawns back, you just got to be eager to use your chance. Its same with infantry and vechiles.
opinion on the internets counts for nothing eh!
"advantage" indeed...

With a lucky spawntime a dececrator can return to the objective in ~15seconds on sewer, if the destroyed heavy was from the mainbase. What about medium vehicles? Its the same drive for a APC drivers on ark first?

Imo map specific rules can be much clearer atm, since modders cant meddle with the original maps much.
Finally.. waited long on this one :))
There is problem since the beginning : maps and vehicle aren't well designed for 6v6 wars, so a mod is needed (or because some people want levelling down game species), so there is a diff between random FFA server and "pros" (lol). The problem is that competition people aren't enough to make the game healthy and don't choose the official mod, that some players don't want those rules.

You're in a dead end, and just accelerate a bit more.
/me is jumping off the game
great job with promod :)

i like it ! Hope mappers will make more infantry maps too.
good map chris and thanks for the walk around i look forward to seeing it in action in the near future!
Okej now one last thing...get this ruleset to cb and esl...

post says leagues are supporting this ruleset, but check their sites now...
We will not switch to ETQWPro today, but it is highly probable that the situation will change in the next days. But anyway, if both teams agree to it, they can already play the match on an ETQWPro server.

there you got your confirmation, and that was before they voted to use it!
- etqwpro is not ready, it still have many not fully documented fatures ;), more over, it still cannot restirct some things - i beliete that ruleset will be active when competition mod will be released ant the etqwpro will take the advantage of the sources for setting restrictions - but then the ruleset will be out of date cause there will be approximately extra 30cvars to control the game
- cvars for turret are not named properly - they are taken from readme that is not properly written (unfortunately), i have reported that issue on etqwpro forums, and entering listcvars si_ will show you that turret cvars ends with 's' letter. so now your cvars would do nothing
- explain 'community' please, i want to see official statement of those clans, and not some comments from 'teh internetz'
- missing restirctions about health crates and door blocking with crates/vehicles, if any

i guess that ruleset is currently useless, as i stressed in first part: we should return to the discussion when competition mod will e available adn then etqwpro will e updated to the really working version with small amount of bugs - i expect it will be in 2 months.

talked with some ppl on irc i know the offcial statement of one clan ;) and so on.
we need more comments plz
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