n!faculty with Quake Wars
25 Feb 2008, 20:08
n!faculty, one of the largest and most influential multigaming organisations in Germany, announced the pickup of an ET:QW squad. It is no one else then the former team Bumblebee To The Rescue, also known as <3. The lineup is mainly based on the ex-OCRANA team, as well as fliXX and faux from KomaCrew and NeoX from Team Thermaltake:
Mike mikeX Krack
Kevin CopyKill Schröer
Martin outc1der Janowiak
Dennis NeoX Rentmeister
Axel Nager Jürgens
Andre fliXX Schäfer
Mathias faux Wewezer
Statement from the team captain, Mike mikeX Krack:
#faculty - faculty.de
they made a big step at the beginning of the year when they announced that starComa will play from now on under the label of "n!faculty". they also got a donation of 10000 € by Computec at the end of 2007 ( http://www.pcgames.de/aid,623679/Computec_unterstuetzt_den_nfaculty_eV_mit_10000_Euro/ ) and make a lot pr for eSport in Germany. together with hoorai they are on #4 in germany (after sk, mouz and alternate), so this is a quite nice step for etqw ;)
and the german "big" 3 are SK, mouz and alternate imo even if you count out SK faculty/hoorai come with a big gap between the 2 or 3 leading clans from germany. faculty is just one of these clans that will never get any real attention on an international level.
some more articles:
let's stop the "battle" <3
if they want to build a "vereinshaus" to look for new talents or to get better bootcamp possibilities. WOW thats what clans all over the world are doing for ages.
and starcoma influencing the wc3 scene maybe right but it is also right they lost their team to alternate so this isnt really a faculty thing.
And no, most clans dont have a 'lanhouse' or special central, G7 Teams do, but thats far from all. Research n! activities before flaming them with no reason.
- cologne with public relations
- different esport clans with lawyer help
- esports with presentations and articles
Yes, largest cheater's organisation...
gl anyway :)
What is this then?
Well np i don't know that much about the team maybe i have made a mistake but who knows.