CDC4 is over!

The doors have closed on the biggest event to hit Crossfire yet, after hundreds of matches and some nail biting moments we have our winners!

Final Rankings

Call of Duty 4
Sweden Fnatic (3000€)
United Kingdom The Last Resort (2000€)
Czech Republic eSuba (1000€)
4th France oXmoze (500€)

Enemy Territory
Europe The Last Resort (1500€)
Europe New Project (1000€)
Belgium EDiT (500€)

ET: QuakeWars
United Kingdom Dignitas - (1500€)
Sweden Epsilon - (1000€)
Germany Speed-Link - (500€)

Netherlands scoobz
Netherlands h1o
Netherlands jannis

For all the CoD4 brackets and fixtures, please visit here and here.

For all the ET brackets, please visit here.

image: small_cod4image: small_et image: small_etqwimage: small_wsw
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Find all recent news from this CDC Newspost here:

If you have missed the past few days, you probably won't have seen most of the great interviews Pedro created from Enschede. You maybe did not get a chance to read a few, with what some of the the teams said and what went on in the past few days. We're trying to bring as much of the LAN home to you as we can. For the first time we just caught up many people in the Lancenter to talk about their expections, recent and upcoming games and much more. We caught up with Estonia Night who just went through to the Upper Bracket final after United Kingdom TLR's win against Germany Vicious and Evil late at night. Just before Night the, whole Germany Speed-Link team was cheering out side our room while they overcame United Kingdom 4Kings in an impressive fight and joined the Upper Final aswell, were they are to face United Kingdom Dignitas this morning. The interview is entertaining and has the post match reaction to that game. Switzerland Melkor had the caht with Pedro, right after with such a detailed and lovely report that you just can't help enjoy. Europe Random is playing Germany VAE in the Lower Bracket right now and just before the match came up the most loved CF admin and Random player Ireland sol. Together with herbal, was really able to be face to face with Pedro and just had a really fun time chatting in our admin room fun to read interview on what he expected came up.

image: mint image: david image: luk image: night

The favorite participant in the Upper Bracket Final for ET showed up in time aswell, to give us a prediction on their performance and details about the tournament from their point of view. With Europe New Project Players Belgium mAus and dAv1d showing up. Finland twidi who just qualified with VAE for the playoffs, had some time aswell to give us his prediction on the recent matches his team played and for the tournament in general. For Call of Duty 4, we met Speed-Links Germany Trigger on Friday, talking about his matches. Check them out here as well. And the major event for this LAN so far, was the coverage on the Fnatic vs. SK match which was played on Friday. It was an impressive match, with lots of predictions and reports about the teams from the community, including interviews with Sweden mintR and Germany iFEAR.

image: urtier image: sol image: twidi image: ifear

10:46 United Kingdom TLR versus Europe np is well under way in the winners bracket final and with TLR tanking the tank in under a minute, this is looking to be one hell of a game.We also have had two of our CoD4 quarter finals kicking off, with Sweden fnatic taking on Netherlands H2K and Germany SK gaming competing against France oXm.

11:08 Europe np take the first map over Europe TLR, in n action packed edition of Goldrush. With TLR only able to set a time just short of 15 minutes, np easily bettered this, winning with 5 minutes to spare. Highlights of the match include an eight man killing spree from Estonia Night, accumulating over 1500 damage in that time and Catalonia Winghaven losing the objective next to the allied forward spawn with cheers from United Kingdom TosspoT of "What an idiot!". The next map is just about to start and will be Radar. The pressure is on TLR, as this is a must win for them and playing Radar is anything but random at times.

11:30 Moving onto Radar, United Kingdom TLR managed to pull one bac, showing Europe np how it's done. np suffered the same fate as TLR did on Goldrush and had real problems at the start of the game and wasted so much time trying to secure the forward spawns. np never recovered and in the end, after some exciting parts running and some good temorary saves by np, TLR secured the east Radar parts and the match now goes into a decider!

11:42 Good news for Call of Duty! There is one very close match running with Fnatic and H2K going to a third deciding map. Find the scorebot for all CoD4 games in IRC from now on:
Join up in Quakenet.

12:12 Just a few minutes to go with the teams Germany Vicious and Evil and Belgium EDiT setting up their computer right now to prepare for the next deciding Lower Bracket match for the ET tournament to meet Europe The Last Resort in the LB final. Don't miss the match on GamesTV.

12:41 Sweden fnatic are through to the upper bracket semi final, with an amazing game with Netherlands H2K. Requiring another decider, there was some confusion and drama selecting the deciding map but fnatic had the superior tactics on Crossfire to bring the win home! Sweden mintR's sniper defence on Crossfire was just far superior than the defence H2K could come up with and in the end, fnatic only had to defend one bomb spot where as H2k had to contend with two.

12:56 With a consecutive overtimes on the second map between Germany SK gaming and France oXz, we've gone into a third and final map between these two giants! Eventually winning with a score of 19-17, oXz have forced the third map on Crossfire and have the momentum to maybe win this whole match now! To quote United Kingdom TosspoT about oXz they are "ot ot ot!"
The deciding map Crossfire just past and after a very close fight on the second map oXz just overrun SK Gaming with a clear 13 - 3.

Belgium Tek9 verus Czech Republic eSuba is just about to kick off as this game is going on, with my favorite underdog of the tournament (Me = pedro) eSuba getting a crack at the Belgium giant killers who sent United Kingdom Dignitas packing!

13:24 Belgium EDiT just went over Germany Vicious and Evil in a very great match with a 4:2 over three very nice map. VAE gave away SW Goldrush TE and the match was decided on Bremen in a very close and tense fight EDiT went out in a better shape taking the win.

13:48 Europe Dignitas and Sweden Epsilon are going to meet each other in a few minutes for the Grand Final in the Quake Wars tournament. While Dignitas went on road with their favorite role in the tournament beating third placed Speed-Link in the Upper Bracket final and Epsilon once already in the semi finals with one very close match they are still up to get a proper 4:0 win. Sweden Epsilon did fine aswell with only one loss so far. Viewers and Quakewars fans will definitly hope to get an as close fight between these two teams as on the last map from the semi finals.

15:04 Czech Republic eSuba overcame Belgium tek-9 in a two mapper in the quater final a few minutes ago and will meet Sweden Fnatic in the semi finals. eSuba did well on every CDC so far and it is great having them in the semi finals and the prize money ranks eventhough they have to meet the next favorite in hopefully a very entertaining match.

15:18 Europe Dignitas and Sweden Epsilon just went on the third map with a dramatic end deciding in the very end. When senji was actually the last Dignitas player alive on his way finishing the objective Dignitas was almost cheering about their win but right in time and 5 seconds before the end and they are going for the decider in the first best of three right now. Is Dignitas now going down under the pressure they have set on them? Don't miss the decider with Splodge on QuadV right now.

17:22 Sweden Fnatic is facing Czech Republic eSuba at the moment on the third map right now finding the opponent for United Kingdom The Last Resort in the Final to play it right afterwards for Call of Duty 4.
Fnatic won District with a 13 - 7 rather easily but eSuba got back eye in eye with them just taking the second map Crossfire with 13 - 7 aswell. Currently live on QuadV it is Crash, the deciding map.

For all those ET: Quake Wars fans
ETQW was up and running since the start till now and probably was hard to find on other pages, so here you go for the IPs and the most recent mod version just created for the CDC:
ETQW Stream 1:
ETQW Stream 2:

image: thumb_fnatic image: thumb_ufgaming image: thumb_gehswineqw
Visit the Crossfire gallery for the most recent pictures, the few one above might not be the most recent ones.
When is np vs TLR (winners bracket round 3) scheduled for?
It's getting set up and starting incredibly soon.
awesome :DD
Excellent coverage :)

hah about those red eyed ppl! (Pedro's wide smile <3)
btw, not that I care that much, but why don't warsow brackets show anything?
Switzerland chosen and myself have been trying since Friday to try and get the results from the Warsow players. They haven't given us anything and we don't have time to constantly ask them. :(

I'll try to get some stuff sorted today.
No warsow match? :(
Germany Netherlands Switzerland France chosen: keep it up!! :D
you forgot Poland
Pedro is polish!!!!!!!
go to sleep !!!

btw: when will you return home?
just arrived 11.00 here, pedro is upading every aswell
just arrived at the lan center => so i was sleeping before! Gona go home 2moro afternoon
thought you where at home already, so i have to wait another night :(
as you are just around to wait for me ;<
just till 2 o'clock then i will go play handball :p
Finally you got some scorebots for cod4, took long enough!
probably, you should be happy that we do offer them actually
CoD4 IRC Scorebots
Join quakenet and find all for local matchservers offering the whole matches live in irc:

Why do you use a very old version that is only compatible with CoD / CoD:UO and not the CoD4 compatible version?
Qiute poor ETQW coverage overall.. Only few groupmatches on gamestv, etqwtv was on, however etqwpro was publicly avilable only for later matches and it would be nice to be downloadable from the tv servers since they are visible to all players in server browser.
Epsilon is European not Swedish or Finish ^^
Clans are flagged usually by where their MGO is based/comes from or by where the players are from. We alternate between the two for some teams, otherwise every single flag on our site would be a European one, which is pointless.
Our ETQW team is Swedish not Finish.
Fine then, i'll change it.
SK epic fail?
single elimination is bad choice
Double elimination would have meant less teams and by less teams I mean halfing the size of the CoD4 tournament. It could have been done like that but it would have meant less people being able to play at the LAN.
dont think so, on 1st day much more cod4 matches were played than on 2nd day
To be honest it wasn't really single elimination because the format of the playoff matches was best out of three. In my opinion best out of three is much more interesting to watch than a single map (though a lot of people might disagree with me on this).
When there will be prize ceremony
Surprising results in the Quake Wars tournament, also SK failed!
wp both, nP and TLR !
wp tlr & np, great finals to watch, ty! :]
awesome finals wp all !!!!!!
great finals
Apart from the delays we had an awesome time with immortal, Morg for King of England, chillest admin I've ever met at a LAN tournament.
i'll second that asskissing thing!
SK was a disappointment in cod, otherwise kinda expected results
gG @ SL n00bs winning tiebreaker <3
what are the top 10 results of et?
1. TLR
2. np
3. edit
4. v&e
5. random

dunno more :>
5.- 6. muse
5.- 6. random
7.- 8. ephix
7.- 8. [8bits]

argh you should know... attentionwhore :(
dunno it looks strange imo we and 8bit should have played against each other:> same for muse and random
well 2 much delay and stuff!! :D
online only
Just got home, had a geat time @ CDC =D
Warsow plyrs dont get any money? What's the point of attending CDC then? xO
RtCW lan at cpc2 had no prize money either, but you get some great memories.

Im sure they got some hardware/peripherals.
they get money. 1st got 200, 2nd 100, third something as well
Crossfire Delay Challange...

oxmoze 4th.. /kickout for using hax? oh no they didnt know they couldnt use it sorry forgot :)
If there weren't problems with the PCs teams would fuckup themselves, drop2trash took 30minutes to set-up, then they warmed up for another 45minutes. That's over an hour that 10 PCs (theirs and ours) weren't used in a match. If only 5 teams do this, well you do the math on how much delay there is without any real problems, let alone when some PCs die, or the electricity disappears.
congratz tosspot & co on another tournament well run!
i really enjoyed following some cod4 matches and the award ceremony :)
any etqw demos -_- ?
nice event,

ggs at all cod teams there. i feel a bit sorry for teams like tek9 and SK who did in fact put up some great fights and offered some really niced matches but its good to see esuba performing so well and getting to a third place =)
also wp @ oxmose.. rly seemed like a bunch of nice and sportive guys.. good for you that u got to 4th place! \o.

ul @ speedlink for losing one of their main lineup players :( although their match vs TLR didnt rly look very promising :D
trust me, oxmose looked like an arrogant bunch of assholes.
(At least, that's what we all muse guys thought)
i bet they just thought u were a bunch of losers because you play ET ^.^

hehe well anyway dunno then... perhaps i have a bad impression but towards their CoD opponents they were very sportive etc
had fun there wp all the admins and players !!!
"Oh man I'm so gonna get drunk" "story of your life" :D
hehe i never let myself down :P
was fucking great, need more ET next CDC
well played, congratz, great work quadv and cf :)
image: melkr_tired

But everything else was mostly fantastic!
Cheers to everybody I met again, or for the first time.
cheers back
ILL be at CDC if there another!
Your mum wont let u out!
shit doesn't give 2 shits
lol why even say it , we all know like every other uk twat that you wont actually turn up.
course im gunna show up i have money ... unlucky u :)
i heard Italy mama won 1v1 cup... is that tru?
Another awesome event, i hope everyone enjoyed it as much as i did.

Now i can get some sleep!
sleep is for the weak. lol . ye great event etc. to many randoms though imo i prefered it when it was smaller.
gratz eSuba
where are the "awards" like spam king and stuff ?
Posting tomorrow :)
hope to play again one LAN @ Netherlands !!!

( red light district > LAN )

idd it ownz more then lan :))
i think you barely know what a LAN is... look stats then talk..
Mind is not swedish, ignore him. x-(
You were on the LAN?
Damn, so I did a shoutout for nothing.

What place did you end?
i also was specting your awesome game vs FiF :DDDD

and we ended 10th or something
Too bad you ended lower than Ephix.

And I hope you specced our awesome game against new Project too!
1 ^hOVERLOAd ^hfoSt 302 229 1.32 61 22 2.16%
why can't I find the gallery.. ? :F

Gimme the blind guy a link plx !
on the mainpage there are banners to the gallery , video on demand etc.
ah, thanks mamito :D
inStead of fist fighting, meet me next time ;>
wp TLR

nice scoobz0r
thanks to all the admins, it was a great event once again. Too bad there was a delay again and the schedule was getting mixed, which wasn't really nice, but ok :p

If the next cdc is with BYOC or with some sort of rental methode, where everyone can rent a PC if he wants for €XXX,-, the delay will be reduced to zero. If that's not the case; remove ETQW (even though it got huge MultiGaming support)

If it's not in the last week of July/first week of August, you'll see me/us again :p
cdc5 would be better of with two separate weekends. One for CoD4, the other one for et, etqw, warzow etc etc.
was there or was there not any prize money in wSw?
who played worst and who was impressing compared online playing?
it was a great weekend
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