ETQWPro takes a giant step, from 0.03 to 0.4

The biggest ETQWPRO update to date has just been released featuring gameplay improvements, game fixes and some additions. The focus of fourth public release is to polish old features, work against full holds on certain maps and make the community rule set as automatic as possible, making it easier to follow. A lot of the features in the update were used in the CDC4 build of ETQWPro and at the people at the LAN seemed very happy with them.
And with this major update we hope that people that have quit ETQW will come back and try out the mod. Because we are getting closer and closer to ETQW as it should have been from a competitive perspective. And we have gone a long way in improving all sides of the gameplay. ETQWPro is a lot more about skill through precise aiming, more balance and less about spam / vehicle dominance. So if you ever tried ETQW and felt it was too spammy, aiming was off or that you felt the balance didn’t work in competition we recommend you try ETQWPro 0.4.

And as a teaser I can tell you that there are already some features ready to be implanted into ETQWPro as soon as they are balance tested properly. So you can look forward to more big ETQWPro updates this spring.

ETQWPro 0.4:
ETQWPro wiki:

ETQWPro gathers
The gather channel #qw.gather on quakenet is running ETQWPro gathers around the clock in both 4on4 and 6on6. So if you just want to test out the mod this is an excellent option. Each week more than 120 gathers are played, that’s more than 15 gathers each day.

I grabbed Germany hannes to ask him some question related to the release:

With 0.4 being a major release, how far do you feel ETQWPro is developed compared to what you want it to be?

Well if you compare 0.02 and 0.4 you cannot deny that we made an impressive step forward. At moment I am pretty happy with the development of ETQWPro and the ETQWPro server count is going up each day. (Editors note: passed 100 a couple of days ago) And coming from ET an aim based and tactical shooter, Quakewars vanilla was just too much spam. Now with some restrictions, important events and leagues have chosen to use ETQWPro over pigmod and SD comp mod. So as it is going this game gets more and more into an aim based shooter again. Due to our very own Spread Manager headshots feel right now and are not that random and the new heavy Vehicle rule helps turn down the amount of vehicle spam.

What are you looking into for the next release of ETQWPro, any specific things you can talk about?

Well the next release will be more into fixing any bugs which can popup in this release, statistics, HUD, and some minor not so important stuff. And of course, if Splashdamage releases its source, we still plan to re-build this mod on the SD comp mod.

Major additions/changes in 0.4:
- Fixed a big spread Issue when jumping and shooting, making the extra spread stay for a while
- Added a config, which should make it easier for you guys to create an own one!
- Weapon restrictions are added now
- Removed the scope effect from the strogg HUD
- If vehicles are forbidden on the last Objective stage, players will get ejected by the mod!
- Turret restrictions reworked and should work now
- Added clientside mapscripts!
- Implemented the vehicle rules! If the cvars are set, your team dont have to worry about using too many vehicles at the same time, the mod will either allow or not allow you to enter any vehicle.
- Added cvar for shooting in third person. (Switching positions is still allowed)
- Current ETQWPro version will also be available in the Server Info!
- Added an "announcement" whenever anyone connects on the server. (No sneaky specs anymore)
- g_noTVChat now also available to clients!
- Screenshots are now saved into the review folder
- Added a set timer command which can be your very own
- Made respawnTimer yellow
- Stopwatch is red

Map changes:
-Strogg/GDF spawntimes on salvage are now 15/30, from 15/35 in 0.03.
-Added g_fastVolcano 1 as an option due to volcano being a very slow map and not being played at all in 6on6 in its current state. Now the map should be doable in around 10 minutes. g_fastVolcano 1 ends the map after 2nd stage (when generator is blown)

New cvars:
- g_skipPostProcess skip SDs PostProcess, for more FPS
- g_skipAtmosphericEffects only change before loading map, removes skips rain, snow etc
- g_disableTracers show tracers?
- g_useMapScripts execs a cfg on every teamchange! mapscripts/<mapname_teamname>

- g_fastVolcano ends volcano after second objective
- si_limitHog Only allow one hog at the same time
- si_limitDesecrator Only allow one Descrator at the same time
- si_limitCyclobs Only allow one Cyclob at the same time
- si_limitTrojan Only allow one Trojan / APC at the same time
- si_limitTitan Only allow one Titan at the same time
- si_heavyUseDelay Time in seconds after a killed or decay'd heavy vehicle is useable again
- si_allowTimerset Allow the clientside ETQWPRo timer
- si_allowLastObjectiveTitan Allow titan in the last objective
- si_allowLastObjectiveDesecrator Allow Desecrator in the last objective
- si_allowLastObjectiveCyclobs Allow Cyclobs in the last objective
- si_sprintStyle 0 default, 1 allow reload while sprinting
- si_AutoLockTeams Auto lock teams at startup
- si_aimstyle 1 = ETQWPRO Spread Settings, 2 = W:ET Spread Settings
- si_allowFastGib - allow or not allow faster gib
- si_gibScale - scale the damage a player gets when he get gibbed
- si_gibCenterDistance - how near do players have to be to instant gib players with knifes

//ETQWPro cvars
Seta si_allowLastObjectiveTitan 0
Seta si_allowLastObjectiveDesecrator 0
Seta si_allowLastObjectiveCyclobs 0
seta si_allowAttackLean 0
seta si_allowAttack3rdPerson 1
seta si_allowLean 1
seta si_maxAPTs 1
seta si_maxAVTs 1
seta si_maxAITs 1
seta si_maxNukes 1
seta si_maxMortar 1
seta si_maxArty 1
seta si_maxRadars 0
seta si_maxHeavyWeapons 1
seta si_maxSnipers 1
seta si_maxRocketLaunchers 2
seta si_allowProne 1
seta si_allowVehicles 1
seta si_allowVehicleAnansi 0
seta si_allowVehicleBadger 1
seta si_allowVehicleBumblebee 0
seta si_allowVehicleDesecrator 1
seta si_allowVehicleGoliath 1
seta si_allowVehicleHog 1
seta si_allowVehicleHornet 0
seta si_allowVehicleHusky 1
seta si_allowVehicleIcarus 1
seta si_allowVehiclePlatypus 1
seta si_allowVehicleTitan 1
seta si_allowVehicleTrojan 1
seta si_aimstyle 1
seta si_sprintStyle 0
seta si_AutoLockTeams 1
seta si_limitHog 1
seta si_limitDesecrator 1
seta si_limitCyclobs 1
seta si_limitTrojan 1
seta si_limitTitan 1
seta si_heavyUseDelay 60
seta g_fastVolcano 1

//ETQW cvars
seta si_rules "sdGameRulesStopWatch"
seta g_allowMineIcons "0"
seta g_warmup "0.35"
seta g_allowLateJoin "1"
seta g_warmupDamage "1"
seta g_autoReadyPercent 0
seta g_autoReadyWait 0
seta g_logObjectives 0
seta g_logProficiency 0
seta g_muteSpecs "0"
seta g_maxSpectateTime "0"
seta g_kickBanLength "0"
seta g_teamSwitchDelay "0"
seta g_gameReviewPause "0.5" // SL|FLorian was bitching me that he needs some more time to realise he sucked after the matches Sad
seta g_gameReviewReadyWait "0"
seta g_execMapConfigs "0" // EXEC map cfgs should be used for further rulesets
seta g_noRouteConstraintKick "1"
seta g_noRouteMaskDestruction "1"
seta si_minPlayers "1"
seta si_readyPercent "100"
seta si_spectators "1"
seta si_noProficiency "1"
seta si_teamForceBalance "0"
seta si_teamDamage "1"
seta si_xpSave "0"
seta si_disableVoting "0"
seta g_votePassPercentage "75%"
seta g_voteWait "0.1"

g_showPlayerArrows "1"

//PB cvars
seta net_serverPunkbusterEnabled "1"
pb_sv_cvar g_mineIconSize IN "0 15" // not really needed since g_allowmineIcons 0
pb_sv_cvar g_playerarrowiconsize IN "0 8"

- Fixed Screenshots being black at the end of the round
- Fixed a message Overflow (caused client crashes)
- Fixed spawn Select
- Fixed class selection (see later)
- Fixed ready Team (there may still be some issues)

- Removed player class (weapon) restriction (broken)

- Demos are now named like "date_time_map"
- Demos will start when countdown starts
- Demos will end as soon as the map ends or @ a match reset
- FireTeams now show Members HP
- latched Classes
- Hitsounds are really hearable now
- weapons spread adjusted

- Introduced Pause function.
Every team has 3 Pauses which can last 2 minutes.
Only Team Members and admins can unpause
Unpause will have a delay of 5 seconds

- Introduced setSpawnPoint / setspawnpt
setspawnpoint will print all available spawns!
setspawnpoint <id> will let u spawn at the chose spawnpoint
setspawnpoint -1 will let u spawn at the Frontline!

- Introduced class Command
class <classid> <weaponid>

- ClientClass reverted back to normal
clientClass <classname> <weaponid>

- Introduced aliases.
pause -> pauseGame
unpause -> unpauseGame
readyteam -> teamReady
setspawnpt -> setspawnPoint

To everyone that attended CDC4: if you want to watch CDC4 demos you will need the CDC build of ETQWPro as 0.4 have new features that makes it unable to play CDC4 demos. You can download the CDC4 build here:
wish i read ETPro
- g_skipPostProcess skip SDs PostProcess, for more FPS - do i can has 2 fps now?
you actually read it?
yes ofc - i was lookin forward to this update o_o'
lol more like noobmod, removing skill elements FTW!!!
read it a bit
and when i saw "turrets" ... i remembered how boring this game was
Thats pretty good, when reading about Call of Duty 4 I just need the game name to remember how boring it is to play.
Yeah, have to say that it is a REALLY big part of this game, and makes so fking much damage!!11!
getting better and better.
might be a time to test this game
Way to go!
Some positive improvements esp. vehicle restrictions being enforced automatically, which rocks and stops us all shouting "is anyone in the hog??" over vent <3

also noticable are...

si_heavyUseDelay 60 ~ means you can now take any heavy vehicle from any spawn, but once destroyed all other heavy vehicles are locked for 60 seconds. The old rule of worrying which spawn to take from or only using one type of heavy vehicle goes out of the window.

seta si_allowAttack3rdPerson 1 ~ means vehicles can still shoot in 3rd person (my personal opinion is they should not be able too. At least now the cvar is there for future changes to rules if deemed appropriate).

seta g_fastVolcano 1 ~ volcano is now 2 map objective instead of 3 map objective according to community ruleset above. fair enough tbh imo.
Great work guys. Step forward for ETQW. Hopefully automating everything will make the rules a lot easier to follow, or at least less easy to break.
first they have to be bugfree (not that i would know any atm)
wouldn't it be rather easy to make a new volcano instead. with a new 3rd object (in the same building as it is now). blow something up, repair or w/e :o
Well only changes to the retail map we can do is through the map scripts due to Splash Damage refusing to release the .map files. So we cant change any objectives, textures or stuff in the map. We can only move or change values.
we actually can, but we are too retarded to do so, chris ftw
isnt it time for u to get back? :p
coming back to qw!
I was thinking that SD should relise some infoo and stuff that moders can start makeing maps etc.

Would be cool that there will be like 5maps without any tanks and flying shit around. Only infeltry.

Smaller maps would be cool too. SupplyDepot to QW!
Well map tools are out and I know atleast two infantry maps in the making :)

And ETQWPro plan to try to mod refinery so it will be almost inf only. (If it works out good)
So waiting is all I can do.
Thinking of quiting ET coz of all the cheaters around. Now lio and alexllll could not belive my fucking eyes/ears
Well with the new rules there isnt that much vehicle spam and really only one map thats vehicle dominant. (ark)
New ET-esque small Inf map: Meltdown.

Tested and v.good so far (pretty much finished).
It look's nice, great job!
Removed tracers + Atmospheric Effects gone = win! Also the game feels kinda smoother now what made me cry out few happy tears.. :)

Gotta say that this indeed is one damn big step for ETQWPro!
nice work
Finally! Nice work again.
Ip's of pubs running this mod?
in etqw only ranked server are used as pubs (yes statswhoring)

a list of all etqwpro servers is here:
Thanks, will try it for a bit. :]

Edit: Nvm, all empty... :[
ranked servers do not allow any mods :)
Maybe an idea to include that the game actually tells you wich files are missing? I'm trying to connect to a server running etqwpro 0.4 and it gives me the message "unable to download required content" without showing me the files I need. :[
just download the rar, and install it like etpro.
You should drop by into #qw.gather @ Qnet and join a gatherto try out some 4v4 action ;)
looks nice but the fastvolcano thingy is sh*t. Remake the map (can't as i read above becuz SD dont give their code away) or dont touch it. Now you will see times from 3-4 minutes on Volcano, it's sh*t.
excellent work!!!

now we need hardcore mappers to make some infantrybased maps to get over the ET ppl to ETQW !
need a spawnselector
once SD releases the source code for the official comp mod this will most likely be implented
Thank you for this great release!
I start to like ETQW more and more thanks to this mod.
fu, now i have to find the new offsets ;c
Fucking good job guys! :D
GJ hannes and co :D
The mod is nice, but you really need to add more cvars to manage the gameplay changes so more public servers start using the mod
Well if you look in the config you will see that we have quite a long list of cvars :) but no mod can be based 100% on cvars, the team needs to take some decisions on its own and as its a competition mod those decision are favoring less spam and more skill.
was rly nice at cdc, hoping that the impression is the same on the inet as on LAN with 0.04.

gj hannes and mod team.

and n1 taken for making news n shit ^^
100% shit mod . !
some feedback to help improve it is more useful than bashing it
go play Fuel of War plx
Frontlines: Fuel of Shit
good work guys its going from strength to strength :)
Awsome. Looking foward to playing some games tonight.
Again little bit closer to buy et:wq

Keep up the good work!
got moar fps now at least that...
Nice! Good job hannes and the rest!
gj awesome!
good job :D !
we need ETPro updates .. really wth are those guys doing?
Really nice improvements, especially those vehicle/turret/weapon restrictions! A really big step forward!
rly good work
good work but "oh my" the sniper is sooo accurate.. was testing it in some gathers and pcw's today and you can hit people unscoped for 130m away. no complaints though since i am the sniper in our team. It's good stuff for me, the sniper needed a little boost after the cutback in patch 1,4.
its a bug and will get patched back asap
"its a bug and will get patched back asap"

Owned! :D

the only comment i can make is:

" :'( "

i'd rather have them to cutback the number of grenades the technicians have. Been playing some scrims yesterday where you just died 5 times in a row by grenades.
thats up to admins to decide, and not the mod :)
so there is a command which allows it to be limited? that would make a huge difference especially in 4on4s
seta si_allowAttack3rdPerson 1

My opinion is this should be changed to '0' i.e. allow 3rd person in vehicle for looking/moving, but do not allow shooting in 3rd person. I believe this has been voted upon, by the 10 cdc clans & admins responsible for the community ruleset. However I think it should be reconsidered if enough people want the change.

Vote on ET:QW Forums:
(Would be good to see a vote on crossfire too)
Setting up a public link for the community ruleset now: and soon :)
this is a really good mod
tested and enjoyed it

shoot's feeling is way better now, seems to play with old id games :)

now, better jumps and faster moves, (like sd competition mod ) would be the goal!

thank u hannes & co.
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