Evenbalance reply to nC

Evenbalance the site for Punkbuster have today released their retort to netCoders recent attacks on their anticheat software;

QuoteWe rarely announce anything regarding commercial cheats and hacks. However, we are aware of the numerous "You Tube" type videos and posts on various sites where hackers who sell cheats make claims that are false but sound believable about PunkBuster and hack detection status. We receive numerous emails daily by concerned honest players regarding advertisements for undetectable hacks, etc. The truth is that via recent enhancements to PunkBuster's detection capabilities, we have cracked down hard on cheaters who pay for hacks in the games we support. Some commercial cheat sites have closed down due to our new methods and others have private forums where punks routinely complain about getting caught with the "undetectable" hacks, demanding refunds, etc. We have always maintained a strict policy of not giving money to punks, but thanks to community volunteer moles who have helped us obtain access to private hacks via donations of their time, etc., PunkBuster has been catching hacks from virtually all commercial cheat sites in recent weeks and months.

One of the recent enhancements involves our memory scanner which aggressively scans for patterns included in known cheats (public and private). A commercial hack site where we have had recent success catching their subscribers has recently staged a few demonstrations of inserting text-based patterns via certain chat-related systems such as IRC, Instant Messaging, etc. directly into the memory of computers. These are specific text patterns that we have deployed in some supported games in the recent past. It is clear that many of the demonstrators are cheat-supporters willingly participating in the demonstration, but there is evidence that some innocent players had PunkBuster violations triggered during the past few days by the hackers who sent specific text patterns into the chat programs that were open during gameplay. We are removing these text based patterns from our system and encourage admins to not ban for PB violations that occurred during the past few days.

Online gamers who play with other programs running should always enable security features in their messaging and chat programs to deny auto-download of files and only accept downloads from people they know and trust. As always, from PunkBuster's standpoint, if a known cheat pattern is in the memory of the computer during gameplay, then a violation will be triggered. We have always suggested closing other programs while you are playing multiplayer games on PunkBuster servers and that remains the safest policy. Leagues that require chat room usage for competitive play should take steps to ensure that only league participants have access and suspicious activity should be reported to us when there are concerns about manipulating the system.

However on the same day, netCoders have announced their exploit now works in Call of Duty 4 and Battlefield.
omfg the netcoders ...
So the million dollar question:

How effective can the memory scanner be without searching for text strings that can occur without a person cheating.
Thats actually a very good question. Does this mean the end of Punkbuster?

What 2 do, what 2 do... I suggest dancing on a picture of the CEO of Evenbalance !!!!!!!!
"We have always suggested closing other programs while you are playing multiplayer games on PunkBuster servers and that remains the safest policy."
simple as that.
recieving files from unknown person? lol?

ppl just spam it on irc
We have always suggested closing other programs while you are playing multiplayer games on PunkBuster servers and that remains the safest policy.

thx for the tip! :x
netcoders ruining their own business! Thats fuckin clever.
Not really, they just want PB gone. But at the same time they could end up with a lot of players /quitting.
not rly... if pb is gone, any hack would "work", so who would buy 1 if you can get 1 for free?
PB is more powerful than you can imagine
PB killed my father!
he didnt finish the sentence
die pamsmuckel kanker
Thanks for working as a mouthpiece for that cheating group, Crossfire.
I think I've read this about 3 days ago...

They are unbelievable :D
typical imo
just got kicked for multihax in cod4 \o/
the only winner coming out of this is Crossfire and the loser will be ET just like the fusan gate shit. Using the game that MADE jou to gain more CF users. Go to COD4 kk naab.
You kid, are a retard!
klapp klapp
duh uh nuh
Quote by evenbalancePunkBuster has been catching hacks from virtually all commercial cheat sites in recent weeks and months.

hahaha. reminds me of infomercials.
QuoteWe have always suggested closing other programs while you are playing multiplayer games on PunkBuster servers and that remains the safest policy.

Read: We don't know how to fix this, and probably we will never come up with a solution. Bibuy Evenbalance.
"their exploit now works in Call of Duty 4"

Tosspot u r a bit late ;p, its from 25, and yesterday (26) nC announced that the problem still exist and people who tought that pb is fixing it or fixed old string got owned yesterday (26):

it works for all games (and in et the old strings still working). u just have to know the right pattern
Poor response from EB.
So let me get this right.. punkbuster have done what? removed the string that was getting sent to people so they wont get kicked? Ok thats all well and good, but I'm betting nC have lots more strings to use. Not to mention that many people are AGEINST the deep scanning of the virtual memory so what punkbuster has really wrote here is "We've had a few days to reflect on this matter, and we don't care. Heres a quick fix that will give everyone fauls hope towards us again." .. Nothing has changed! PB are still remaining useless and still doing what most people have said they aren't too please with how they work.
Yeah I'm sure it would take you less than 48 hours to think of a totally new anti cheat method when the core of your current system is no longer effective
No, I couldn't. And if I had the skills to do so at all I would at least be working on developing a new way to do things. By whats said by PB it sounds like they aren't going to be and they are going to be sticking with their scanning of the memory method. Which is the over all problem, so all they are doing is giving a quick fix and hope all this goes away... false hope.
"Not to mention that many people are AGEINST the deep scanning of the virtual memory"

Then they shouldn't install any anticheat or antivirus, period.
cod4 now as well !
cod4 had already more lans than et ever had .D
doesn't matter to me, I'm online only anyway!
dont think so
where do we find money to go on lan? =(
I lol'd a bit :)
This situation couldn't get more retarded... Or could it? :/
as long as we got pb working on things, there's still hope
welcome to yesteryesterday!
Now also known as "The day before yesterday"!
cool... cod4 and battlefield will be dead soon too
Evenbalance has just offered a 1000 dollar reward to anyone who designs a new anti-cheat system for them :P
sorry but atm cheaters are winning
not rly, /ref kick id_xiter

Does it matter play with xiter in team? for a lot of players not...
im not saying about playing with xiiters but the fact that every1 is getting kicked, even without hax
how they winning then?
this could benefit ET in 2 ways:

-PB is forced to take the game serious again, to recover some of their reputation. this means better anti-cheat support
-PB isn't going to be used at all anymore, killing "business" the code-kiddies. this means the end of payed private hacks.
2nd is a long time shot no game would survive!
ET survived over a year without decent support, sure it can survive with any support at all. just make sure people get banned and hated based on evidence like demo's etc. it would definitely mean the end of payed cheats.
What is it about these pictures that can trigger ?
so if someone receive PB ban in CoD4, he need to buy a new cd-key ?
imo as a gesture of goodwill they should (or maye do already) give a new key for free
BS since et is not supported by PB anymore.
Well Punkbuster have disabled kicks for their memory scanner now, instead they silently log all violations and might ban you later.
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