Evenbalance reply to nC
26 Mar 2008, 23:38
Evenbalance the site for Punkbuster have today released their retort to netCoders recent attacks on their anticheat software;
However on the same day, netCoders have announced their exploit now works in Call of Duty 4 and Battlefield.
However on the same day, netCoders have announced their exploit now works in Call of Duty 4 and Battlefield.
How effective can the memory scanner be without searching for text strings that can occur without a person cheating.
What 2 do, what 2 do... I suggest dancing on a picture of the CEO of Evenbalance !!!!!!!!
simple as that.
ppl just spam it on irc
thx for the tip! :x
They are unbelievable :D
hahaha. reminds me of infomercials.
Read: We don't know how to fix this, and probably we will never come up with a solution. Bibuy Evenbalance.
it works for all games (and in et the old strings still working). u just have to know the right pattern
Then they shouldn't install any anticheat or antivirus, period.
Does it matter play with xiter in team? for a lot of players not...
-PB is forced to take the game serious again, to recover some of their reputation. this means better anti-cheat support
-PB isn't going to be used at all anymore, killing "business" the code-kiddies. this means the end of payed private hacks.