The Last Straw!

image: 396
The Last Qualification Day

And there we are, finally the qualifiers are coming to an end. Some of you might be happy that I will tell you that this will be my last newspost concerning this ec as I will have to practice with my own team from now. Therefor I hope there will be some guys that are willing to take over my ' job '. It takes maybe 15 mins and in my opinion does something for the community. So let's see whats gonna be the final match ball.


United Kingdom Sheep
United Kingdom Squirrel
United Kingdom Ross
United Kingdom eVo
United Kingdom w3st
Sweden Savage


Sweden Nordan
Finland olBaa
Sweden Slajdan
Slovenia snail
Belgium X
Belgium isEN

Gamestv info

My prediction

Not much of a prediction to do on this one, yesterday unKind had the upper hand after a hard fought battle. Today is a new day and things might have changed but it is and will stay a hard world for yesterdays losers. Playing a clan you lost already certainly gives you some motivation but when it is back to back things just seem so much more difficult. The loss is still fresh in the heads but lets hope people like olBaa and my belgian companion X will be there to raise up expectations and maybe take the win this time. unKind on the other hand must be feeling pretty comfortable. Having recruited Sheep you have to admit he has just entered the team but already you can notice the difference, things just seem to work out much smoother for the unKind team and then having an allstar player like sqzz just adds to their teamplay. To put things together, its theirs to lose.

Final score: 4-2 in favour of unKind IF the decider map would be an objective running map.

My player to view


Well I might be abit a fanboy of this player because he, and I will quote my good friend vila here is one of the only players in the game that is capable of doing that we just can't achieve by practicing. His strafing skills are just a pleasure to watch and entertaining as hell.

ps. altho speccing eVo @ rifle is aswell entertaining as hell, no offence ;D


Well I must admit if he hadn't played with me in team belgium I might have picked someone else for this but as I have played with him I can only say: great player on comms and has his days in aiming.. Can be a topaimer if he has his day.


image: ec17_logo_small
damn that bird !
eazy bash for unkind!11111 stop using hide functions for lineups~!
gl both, all nice guys!
unkind should take this if gingergirl is at her best
gl unkind <3
WIM!!! <3
gl lads!

go on gav son <33
gl eVo ! nice read Lio again !
bad formating, not good to watch at, look up some older match posts and copypasta it
gl to both..
and ofc to the sexy belgium homies "isen & .X." !!
there he goes again!
sqzz = "player to view"? he is not in the lineup for today ;)
Squirrel aka sqzz smartboy <3
hm shit i need to change my gbooky-bet :D
good luck unkind
w3st :>
Easy for HARD.
Fuck you Facebook friend!
: -D Oky, well its not easy but they will take it :)
gl 2 the guns of brixton
unKind lineup has gotten a lot better of late! Good luck I guess ;)
good luck w3st and badboy gav ere :P
If it takes you 15 mins to write you should be able to continue even though you've got to train with your team ;D gj anyway!
held og lykke savage :)

wnb bosnian
Not to offend the players in any way but I don't think eVo, Ross and w3st are EC-material but they play with sexy savage, super sexy Sheep and squirreL so that's the only reason I don't mind seeing them in EC.

Good luck <o/
first time in history, i agree with you
hf ross & savage
gl both teams. Nice write lio
gl X!
No X, no win !
hf mate
stopped spamming me for a 3o3? :p
but u like when u're playing with me beacuse than u see what's owning by Polish guy :D hehe

don't talk tath u love me again ! :P
on bremen unkind never seemed to have 6 alive on spawn, and after that I think they just lost heart a bit. first ettv game Ive watched in a long while, wp all.
gg guys ! :)
nice read
grats hMg :)
however. i missed the game. but would love to see it on an ettv replay.. so.. what's the url to the page where i can find ip's and such? :>
I knew you could win guys, with olBaa's Angeraim, everythings possible. Gratz hMg
way2suck sheep! :<
2bad for unkind :L
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