EuroCup kicks off tonight!

image: ecbw4

Europe FatGames 4 vs 2 France dESIRE - april 2nd 22:00CET

EDIT: After an unconvincing performance on braundorf by fatGames they went on to fullhold on radar and beat the and then take it to a decider by winning the offence round with relative ease. Third map was supply and fG had to put their shoulders in to it in the end to grab a 4-2 win and apart from some strange black screens popping up it was a pretty straightforward match.

MVP: Estonia Holz ! :D

As yesterday's game between United Kingdom impact-gaming and Europe Tag was wildcarded by the latter, tonight will see the official kick off for Clanbase Eurocup XVII. And what a kick off it is as we may be in for a real treat.

image: game4655At 22:00CET Europe FatGames will face off against the surprising frenchies of France dESIRE. Both of these teams had to fight their way in to this season's EuroCup to prove EC-worthy, and both teams struggled a bit to have their opponents (respectively Europe oceans6 and France muse) bow out with dESIRE actually needing a qualifier map against their fellow countrymen. Arguably though, these two teams had the strongest possible opponents for the qualifier matches so no credit should be taken from them there. Now it is time for them to show their worth. For group B, this game might prove important by the end of the groupstage as the second place behind impact gaming is still far from written in stone.

time 22:00CET
group Clanbase Eurocup XVII group B
admin EC|mst
maps braundorf_b4 and radar

Europe FatGames
Ireland Sol
Germany urtier
Poland kot
Poland s4rna
Poland buzka
Estonia Holz

Statement by Germany FG|urtier
QuoteI guess we should be able to win the match 4-0 if everything runs smoothly. Radar suits us pretty well I think. Braundorf is probably not the best choice for us, as it has way too many walls for online competition in ET. We will see about that.

France dESIRE
France Bruce
France Rizzle
France Sinus
France Karnaj
France eht
Spain Wezor

Statement by France dESIRE|Bruce
QuoteI think it will be very hard for us to beat FatGames. I hope it will be a close match and I hope we will be able to surprise everyone!

On paper FatGames should absolutely be able to take this one away and grab their first win but with a map like braundorf things are never certain. The guys over at Europe Tag will probably be following this one with interest as the result may prove of importance for their progress as well. Personally I feel FatGames will take this one but I'm afraid chances are big they will need a decider to do so (all for the benefit of the spectator of course!)

And finally, my personal take on the player to watch for this game: Poland S4rna
This player may not be recognized yet as one of the top players of this moment but he is of major importance to his team when on top of his game.

Good luck to both teams!
haha urtier :D
haha olbaa :D
haha sukka :D
haha Krista <3 :D
lol'd at urtier's statement btw :-D
GL fatgames. When can someone explain me, why the desire guys never got banned, although their ban requests were submitted. :(
Don't know either... they should be dropped from EC even if they won the qualifier match against muse.

Muse is lanproofed - and they even owned at CDC, so it makes no sense how such obvious players even get a chance to play in EuroCup :<
They are not even good enough for ec anyway.
did you pm donex?
Mmh, not directly. But I talked with him (if I remember right, it was him) about the case, while the last OC playoffs. It was about, whether he should force the bans. In addition, I whined about it in nearly every post about clanbase here and told it koe.
im probably 99% sure he would have banned them if you pmmed when lio's and alexl shit happened

or just before ec was about to start
Well, it's not as they don't know it imo. I actually pmmed it koe.
he was at a good mood back then:< he was like instaban
Because the bans were caused by personal dislike.
who doesn't hate frenchies?
Poland hekker vs France hékkers
too bad Poland s4rna is not a hacker :(
but hes damn good :<!
Good luck sol :)
hf urtier kot
hey admin if ur gonna change my beautiful hide tag into a dull readmore tag then at least remove the [/hide] as well ffs!! >_<
lol urtier :)
" as it has way too many walls for online competition in ET. We will see about that."
I'd be mildly surprised if this game is actually played tonight :D
how so :O) both teams expect to be playing afaik
Mostly pessimism that I'll never see an EC game this season before I vanish again (I'm in Paris from tomorrow until late evening Monday, Glasgow on Thursday next week and there's a good chance I'm off to India or China on work for a few months in a couple of weeks).
aww chin up :P i bet u can slip out during the evening and watch from an internet café! :D

besides paris and china, even if for work, are still better than any random ET match init :P

oh and thanks for spamming my inbox
gogo Wezor and RizZle <3
Gl both : )
Quote by The guys over at [flag=eu Tag will probably be following this one with interest as the result may prove of importance for their progress as well.
Yup, even though FG will win it x)
bullshit, it wont affect our raging, we can easily beat them both, even together
eZ for dESIRE the french powerhouse
^.^ pas de la sarcasme
=( i guess you're allowed to correct my french since i corrected your english :P
yeah for sure np xD
C'est une blague hein Bruce? S'il te plait dis que c'est une blague le sacrasme.
ah en effet j'avou pas bien vue. sarcasme :D
my last french class was 5 years ago :P
4-0 FG izi bash imo
gl desire. A part bruce car il pue.
"as it has way too many walls for online competition in ET." : DD n1 ur+ier
easy for desire

we dont have skill but we sure have bots
GL S4rna
ridicilous, urtier is damn right, b4 is perfect for the hacker desireteam, since they have 0 wall in it.
GO GO DESIRE!! GL both ;)
well i would like to see fatgames win this 1 because it's comical having urtier in a team with that name and 2 because i'm a closet Holz fanboi.. never really seen much of dESIRE but i heard they're pretty iffy? :P
gg wp fG although u allowed them to come just a little bit too close :P
gl dESIRE!!
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