EuroCup: an action packed evening!

The title does not lie as tonight you will all wish for an extra pair of eyes with a very full schedule. No less than three matches are planned to be played this evening!

Yesterday evening saw a very strong Belgium OVERLOAd with a performance that surpassed anything I've seen of them before to date literally steamrolling a disappointing Germany HighBot with lioco taking a predominant position. The Belgians' decision to take on two foreigners turned out to be a good one as they confidently took adlernest only to go on and fullhold the Germans at the tank defence. As it is now the Belgians seem very likely to take the first place in their group and appear determined to improve last season's placement.

Tonight the sides comes in action once again as they take it up against a renewed Europe nice. Other than that it is group D's turn to dig in to the second matchweek...

image: cortanavshardboyskw5

Aparently this game has been wildcarded!

Croatia cortana versus Europe ephix
time: 20:00CET
group: ClanBase EuroCup group D
matchweek: 7 - 14 April
maps: adlernest, goldrush

Croatia cortana
Croatia cortana - rimi
Croatia cortana - Komar
Croatia cortana - aCoZz
Croatia cortana - calisto
Croatia cortana - gmx
Switzerland cortana - GuNnEr

Europe ephix
Finland ephix - olBaa
Slovenia ephix - snail
Sweden ephix - slajdan
Sweden ephix - nordaN
Belgium ephix - .X.!
Belgium ephix - isEN

Kicking this EuroCup evening off will be the boys of Europe ephix.ET taking it up against Croatia cortana.
Cortana have not had an easy few weeks as they have lost two important matches in a row for both the EMS qualifier series as the CB-EC first round. The return of Croatia aCoZz to the team was expected to raise the Croatian's game but it has done nothing of the sort. The question is whether they will be able to get their things sorted tonight.
The guys over at Europe ephix have also had a rough start of this EuroCup coming up against a very strong Finland vicious and evil side. They did indeed manage to take one round from them however so they may be going in to this with some more confidence than Croatia cortana is. This evening we will see whether this will be enough to grab their first win.

image: overloadvsnicewn3

OVERLOAd 4 - 0 n1ce

Belgium OVERLOAd X-Ray versus Europe n1ce
time: 21:00CET
group: ClanBase EuroCup group C
matchweek: 1 - 6 April
maps: braundorf, radar^

Belgium OVERLOAd X-Ray
Belgium OVERLOAd - acid
Belgium OVERLOAd - Kevin
Belgium OVERLOAd - lioco
Belgium OVERLOAd - vila
England OVERLOAd - Sheep
Finland OVERLOAd - Matias

Europe n1ce
Italy n1ce - dio
Italy n1ce - mama
Italy n1ce - vegeta
Hungary n1ce - nonix
Austria n1ce - xet
United Kingdom n1ce - hype

Tonight we will finally round up the first matchweek as the new lineup of Europe n1ce goes up against Belgium OVERLOAd.
Many will agree with me that the new additions of n1ce are an improvement but it can hardly be enough to withstand OVERLOAd if they play like they did yesterday.
The likes of Hungary nonix and United Kingdom hype will still be struggling to settle themselves in the team and it is to be seen whether there is enough teamplay to prevent Belgium OVERLOAd from running straight over them. I hope n1ce will be able to stand ground for a bit but everything tells me that the Belgians will meet a negligable opposition tonight.

image: ffvsvaehh8

FF 4 - 0 vae

Finland Vicious & Evil versus Poland Fear Factory X-Fi
time: 21:30CET
group: ClanBase EuroCup group D
matchweek: 7 - 14 April
maps: adlernest, goldrush

Finland Vicious & Evil
Finland v&e - Iron
Finland v&e - Squall
Finland v&e - torspo
Finland v&e - twidi
Finland v&e - lettu
Finland v&e - Lepari

Poland Fear Factory X-Fi
Poland FF - uf0l
Poland FF - s0me
Poland FF - Wiaderko
Poland FF - Fragstealer
Poland FF - r1co
Poland FF - Wrobel

Keeping the best for the last as we ought to, at half past nine tonight the match of group D will be played. The Poles of Poland FF have started off their season with a very strong win in their qualifier match versus Poland authentic and another impressive result verus Croatia cortana last week where they gave their opponent no chance. This week they go up against a much stronger opponent and it remains to be seen how they will fare.
Finland Vicious and Evil have been top3 favorites straight from the moment they announced their lineup and have not disappointed their fans as they took their first match against Europe ephix. They did however need a decider map to take it which wasn't expected and some people will ask themselfves if the Finns really are that strong. Their first real test is tonight and it will be interesting to see them go head to head with a strong Poland Fear Factory side!

EuroCup this season does not allow for one to rest and as you have noticed we have another very action packed night ahead of us. After tonight group C and group D will both only have four matches left and we will be half way through the groupstages.

GL & HF everyone!
vae ephix OVERLOAd kk thx / wiesiek is not playing any more... :x
oh ye i heard about that :O) any idea whos replacing him?
templar i heard
r1co I heard :>
gl to all the teams, will be some nice matches :>
cortana <3
nicely done :)
nice read
Except cortana forfeited/wildcared I dunno what.
gj rbnt!

Nice write up btw.
overdose and vae will win 4-0
Should be some nice matches, nice write up rbnt :)
Your doing some good work rbnt , it's always nice to read about EC.
gl cortana <3
hype@ec experience

hf all
nice newsposts. The only thing im missing are the links to gtv (for each game)
ephix, ovr, vae
- noon - templar / + ufol + r1co + vae will own us :(
LOLOL why not 100% nade acc templar anymore?
btw @lan just remove the first "1"
r1co already back at FF? =)
Yes, he is in Fear Factory :)
Because he is working in Poczta Piwna Center atm
Croatia Cortana 4 - 2 Europe ephix
Belgium overload 4 - 0 Italy
Finland vae 4 - 0 Poland FF

GL & HF !
Great work rbnt!
cortana vs ephix is wildcarded i heaaardd
gl dio hype mama :D
gl .X.!
gl !!
np 4 FF
poltards own
best of luck FF
Np archy XDDDD
u learn how to reply! x), gl next games :*
it made my day 50% better :D
I tried to avoid the 'no life' comments ;P
no life > army life
nice by FF. this team sure is surprising alot of people
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