Tonight NC Final

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Tonight 10 April 20:30 CET the grand finals of the ETQW NC are being played! Lets hope we can watch a nice and fair ET:QW game tonight. Can Sweden Sweden continue their winning streak? Or will they be beaten by the Netherlands Dutch force of Netherlands Lukos? You can watch it all tonight on ETQW TV.


The Netherlands
Netherlands RuFiO
Netherlands 7ele
Netherlands DmasterX
Netherlands Lukos
Netherlands Waste
Netherlands Viper
Netherlands Longbow

Sweden Mson
Sweden xeTyk
Sweden kik
Sweden pliXs
Sweden rvn
Sweden Soltis

Wish them the best of luck!

Source: ClanBase
Good luck Team Netherlands, and nice first news post DmasterX!
He's just saying it because there aren't much ETQW news/posts atleast this shitpost means something for ETQW players... that they exist \o/
hf with your ban :D
Just stating the truth, and you have to agree that the banner is bad and if you compare this text to smth like -> well , you know ;p
gl both :-]
izi for dmx powner
go poke and rufio! :o
I dont need to have a key to watch etqw tv right? If not i will watch the final.
You only need to create an account for online play - so you can use the DVD of your neighbor, family, friend or dog to watch ET:QW TV without needing a key code.
i doubt agon's dog has an etqw dvd
i have 2 dogs.. and one of them had a heart attack weeks ago! :D
aww =( rip
she is still alive :D but she cant run like before (he moves 10cm and stops.. 10cm and stops xDD) and she cant make sound (i mean not soo loud.... only some strange sounds xDD ) but its getting better now xD
lol :D you evil... laughing at poor dogs ;(
not laughing :<
thx gonna watch then :)
banner is a joke :D

looks slightly better now
ez bash for Netherlands Daan
go holland!
Im rootin' for the swedes i guess :P
One of the worst banners ever, well done!
and its offi, posted by CB...
explains it
wtf @ the banner

gl 7ele!
I heard that the best banners are made with paint
So that's what i've been doing wrong all those years... thanks for the tip!
dunno whats wrong whit the banner?
yea thats bad yea rofl
ez bash voor Daan
lol dmasterx in team nl :D shows the lvl of etqw
don't compare etqw to ET
? dmasterx is wasnt good in et but nows hes in the nc team of etqw
that's exactly my point, dmasters former level of play has not much to do with how well he is performing on etqw
ofc it does it shows that every med skiller of et can be high in qw
every medskiller can become high in every game .. though the chances of a medskiller reaching a higher level in a new game are larger, especially if you adapt fast and put alot of time into it. though your comparison of skilllevel from ET towards the skilllevel on etqw is false :)
no it just shows that the level of etwq is fairly low
so let's say i'd say i'm med- in ET and i would start playing Warrock and i would suck at it, would that mean the level of warrock is high?
erm read your sentence again ...
edited, typing mistakes saw should be say* (fat fingers :[)

Anyway the point is.. you can't compare the skilllevel of two totally different games. What you could say is that the number of players is alot lower in etqw then in ET and therefor the ammount of competition is lower. But comparing the skillevel of one game to the skilllevel of another game just doesn't make sence.
well if u hear stories of player on topteams who doenst even use cfgs on lans it seems quite weird. and like every et player who does plays etqw plays in a top team, it seems quite logical that the skill needed to compete in a topteam in etqw isnt alot
i laughed myself aswell when i heard that there were players actually playing without a config during cdc, but that is very well possible because there were not alot of scripts at time and you can set the necesary stuff through the settings menu, though it's recommended to use the same settings as you have used to practice with.

about the etplayers, probably alot of etplayers have an advantage in etqw over the battlefield players because their are alot of elements of ET inside etqw. this however does not guarentee you a top-spot in the etqw-scene. For instance my good friend United Kingdomkipster was med-/med in ET and can't get further then low+/med- in etqw.

your opinion on how much effort it takes to become good in etqw is a bit missplaced in my opinion, even though i experienced to road to the top myself from a med- ETplayer to nc silver etqw.

(Why don't you give the game a go yourself? :D )
i play with 40 fps et :P
etqw was to addicted for me so i played it almmost 24/7 and in a few months i became on a high lvl of playing and atm praccing 2-5 hours a day will rlly increase your skill so plz stop whining
not whining just saying every et player can be high at etqw
but thats whit every game ? if u just put your time in it
no its alot easier in etqw than in for example cod4
epic fail cod4 is much simplier to learn
easier to be highskill?
hij is de kenner, hij weet waar hij het over heeft
gogo Teleranger!
gl 7ele <3 <3
gl NED

Hope to see the rush tactic you used against Germany, if you play sewer :P
DmasterX LOL! Gl kerel! :D
gl 7ele
GL EkonomeN
viewer peak of 83, nice etqw is alive!
failmatch of failcountries in a failgame! good luck both!
n1 logo!
look at where the logo is uploaded xD (
ya i saw someone posting it was the real clanbase logo, so i decided to check the source of this logo.. i can't believe what i saw... couldn't trace the user-account on sugababes though.. can you?
thats my account
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