No more pranks please!

Yesterdays big news Sassquaando Lan was every gamers dream! It was a news that was so big that almost every big news site$ published it. However what did seem to be too good to be true; a 100.000 euro eSport event in Holland, with a big poker company behind, turned out to be a prank.
Visitors on the site were after some hours redirected to Youtube with a video of Rick Astley with the title "Rick rolled".

However this rather innocent & stupid prank putted the people behind the-eXperience and Antwerp eSpot Festival to a test as the supposed event would colide with the earlier mentioned events. To assure total stability there has been a big dialogue between the one-time rivals; eventmanger Jens Christian Ringdal from Roskilde eSport who is organizing TEX and the organizer of AEF Steven Leuens.

Offical statement from Jens Christian Ringdal, Roskilde eSport:

"It seemed to good to be true, but with eSport you never know, in particular at this moment when eSport is experiencing such huge succcess and breakthrough. The first thing that came in mind was to contact Antwerp eSport Festival and see if we could coordinate things, should the supposed event be true. In Roskilde eSport we have always strongly believed in corporation and communication between organizations, we believe it is the key to success for eSport. This coordination between the-eXperience and Antwerp eSport Festival will hopefully benefit all participants and eSport in general. We do our best to realize the dreams of gamers."

Offical statement from Steven Leunens, Gamevibes:

"It always saddens me when I see yet another eSports hoax, it is exactly what is damaging this scene. However this hoax has led to me coming in contact with Jens and the hoax led to something positive after all. I'm excited about a closer cooperation between the-eXperience and Antwerp eSport Festival and I can only say that this will improve the experience people will get when attending the-eXperience or Antwerp eSport Festival. I'm looking at this partnership as something long term that will help improve the standard of competitive tournaments throughout Europe, perhaps we can see some other tournaments joining this coalition in the future."

To avoid the kind of colliding in the future and secure the best possible experience of all participants thats attending both evens, Roskilde and Gamevibes have decided to coordinate their lans not only for this year but also in the future. This also means that the lans wil use the same rules and try to coordinate travel etc. to benefit partners and participants.

Our very own Crossfire director Stuart "Tosspot" Saw had to say that "if either Steven or Jens asked me about this I'd be very open to what they have to say. However, I'm in regular contact with both of them on a number of issues from events, eSports issues and QuadV so the channel of communication between the three is already pretty warm"

Lets hope for the best.

1st!: D
Why does ppl fake like that? O_o
What's up with the Midwest Challange then? Did it turn out to be fake as well?

I don't see many teams there :P
Nope Midwest Challange is for real.
ive heard that they had a lazy webmaster :D
haha pwned
How fucked up one has to be to fake things like that :XD
i can think of some worse things to fake than that :-F
Me too, but you still need to be pretty retarded to do something like that!
internets is not a place for serious business
But the thing is, it is.
Expected! Though a rick roll is quite funny :XD
someone must be really bored
Could've at least used something funny and original as a joke.
nice idea!
stikcy! news! hit it!
Best rickrolled' ever :D
A Rick Roll is always fun. Even this one.
What a badly written news post.
could you tell me why?
It's Rick Astley not Rick Ashley.
It was a news that was so big that almost every big news sites published it.

Calling it grammar is stretching the point.

And putted the people? were they playing human golf?
late april joke
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