EuroCup: Playoffs kickoff

image: ecbw4

game's rescheduled to thursday -_-

To everything comes an end and so it did for the groupstages as sunday Europe Impact and Europe FatGames played the very last match. The match was quite highly anticipated as it was going to be the match of group B. Unfortunately though, FatGames weren't exactly up for the challenge and were overcome by the allstar lineup of Impact quite comfortably. That left FatGames in second placing for their group meaning they were to take it up against the team that placed first in group A, Germany MegaProGaming.

image: capturegd7

date: thursday the 1st
time: 20:30CET
playoffs round: WB round 1
maps: teams pick

Europe FatGames
Poland FG - s4rna
Poland FG - kot
Poland FG - buzka
Estonia FG - Holz
Germany FG - urtier
Belgium FG - mAus

Germany MegaProGaming
Germany pro - wEAK
Germany pro - haZer
Germany pro - butchji
Latvia pro - Clown
Scotland pro - razz
Austria pro - potter

As said FatGames, even though they won the rest of their games, were put aside rather easily by Impact. Although I am not entirely sure I am assuming they today again have to play without their team leader Ireland sol which doesnt quite add to their chances. MegaProGaming on the other side have been looking very strong indeed throughout the entire groupstages and after their latest very powerful display versus Finland Incomplete!, surely they will be able to take this one away as well?


Quote by snoopI think it's gonna be an easy one for mPG. So 4-0 for them after FG got bashed on both maps.

Quote by twidiI haven't really had time to watch any ETTV games lately and we haven't been praccing with vae so actually I don't have any idea about the current shape of these two teams. By just looking at the names I'd see fatgames as a clear favourite to win this game, but the core of mpg has been playing together for so long time already that I'd think their teamplay is currently on a better level. I think this game will be a close one and it'll most likely go to 3rd map, which I think mpg will manage to win and beat fatgames 4-2.

Quote by perfoThis one isn't map dependant I think. MegaProGaming seems to have more teamplay than FatGames do, judging from the pracs we played against both teams plus their gunpower is overall stronger I'd say. I don't think fatgames will be able to take a map from them, 4-0 to mpg

On a sidenote for those interested, tonight the match between Finland Vicious & Evil and France muse is also on schedule for the ESL EMS qualifiers. Aparently the ESL admins have not added it on gamestv. If interested you can hop by on (quakenet) and see if you can get the ETTV info.

Good luck both teams!
France muse will perform like any low+ team, no ettv needed.

will be a tough match between mpg and fatties.
lies you have 4hs freek lugeronly
hairy potter gogogo
Nice write up rbnt, i don't know what the consequences will be for potter replacing drago, tbh i think their line up will be weakened alot and FG might have a chance to beat them... on the other hand fatgames haven't looked to strong lately so who knows, looking at the line ups right now i can only say FG's looks stronger on paper.. will be looking football anyway tonight ;D gl both ! <3 razzy boy tho ;D
imo with Drago mpg wud ezbash but with potter in, i haven't seen him play much and he's obviously not an old mpg player like drago :P so teamwork might be iffy? Shud still be a nais match tho ^^
my 6th sense is telling me that mPG is gonna rape fg :(
potter power, please go panzer.
like butchji said, rescheduled
i heard it's rescheduled
allow placing bets @ CB !!:b
make me proud!
of what ?! of drinking vodka ?! :DD
hehehe...i know they cant follow me there, so stick with et guys ;-)
gl yermans :)
Rescheduling sucks donkey balls.
Rescheduling only, maybe stop this shit some time?
Playing on thursday is better? You know what that is?
I don't know about the new date. :-)
viel spass am herrentach! :D
Well it's just rbnt copying random gamestv comments into his news.
Quotend time right after the FG vs impact official (decided who we will play against).
So what ? :DD ..doesn't really matter, or does it for you? :O you have to be ready for each enemy :D ? You made no sense with that part of sentence 8))))
Obviously Fatgames is not ready.
well, thats another point. :)
But sentence which you wrote before was just like you have to play with 2 deferent styles :XD - what makes no sense : )
Was not really my point.
I understood it like, but nvm :)
easy for mpg, gl razzji :)
Match result megaProGaming e-Sports e.V. win from FatGames ('noshow')

wtf gg
good luck potter
Fatgamers should play more together. Names means nothing...
potter suuucks! <3
MPG will totally roll them i dont think this will be a close game at all even though potter will surely have a nice fuckup
gogo mPg!!!
hf gl razz <3
FG Gl!!!
gl ReavEr
the game got forfeited in favour of us, since both teams couldnt agree on date anytime soon.
how can it be in favor for you if BOTH teams couldnt agree on new date?:D
it was them to reschedule
Aufm 1.Mai zocken na gg :D
When the match will be?
K, so basicly you can just denie all proposals for reschedule and win? THATS SMURFTASTIC!
The only possible dates were Friday or Saturday for Fatgames which were no options for us.
afaik, easy for mpg
potterlein machts allein !
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