Nationscup Config & Rules Released

image: nc

For those who've not yet noticed, crossfire's nationscup was recently announced. To follow this, the release of the rules & config for the cup are also now available.

Rules can be seen in the sticky article to the left, along will results, captains, and lineups soon. The config can be found here.

Notable changes to the config include:

Simpleitems can now be selected by b_simpleitems 1
Ambientscale is now forced to 3
Rate is now forced to 25000
Maxpackets are forced to 100
Maxfps can be between only 60-125
MG42 is disallowed

edit: Config was updated at 19:30 on 25th June, please update if necessary - available here
pings have to be below 80, PLEASE ThAT WOULD BE AWESOME
East Asian teams, USA etc. will be in the cup, so prolly not :P
oh ye idd, forgot that, my bad :p
why the hell do you guys always want use and asian countrys to play in it :/ ? playing with 150pings makes no sense... just keep it european, it's not that some asian country has ever won NC... just kick them out
usa was in quarterfinals or halffinals last year...
what is a halffinal ?:D
sorry semi-final...i forgot...but i guess you know what i meant...
you are only thinking urself :x
turkey + israel + usa + canada will play too you cant just kick them out with ur own desire :x
he is too stupid to understand it
he is banned anyways :P
turkey?::D hwuahwuhaaw
and whats with fps lags and low pc's if i got on grush only 50 fps and normaly 76 ?
It would be unfair for most of guys who aren't living in Belgia/The Netherlands or in Germany
u r in spain? :]
No, I just want them to win EC!
now thats what bfm doesnt want to :D (at least from what ive heard yesterday during esp vs rus match :D)
Germany will stop them, nP.
seems as if the people behind the nationscup want to change basic things in et's competition... not that i'd care too much but i dont like the ambientscale forcement rly... i guess the default value is 1 .. so why don't you let people play with it instead of forcing it?

IN 1-3 imo
default is 0.5 and yes, I was kinda shocked to see it in such a retarded way.
IN 0-3 would make a lot more sense indeed.
maxpackets forced to 100... Are you serious?
Quote by hentaiRate is now forced to 25000
Maxpackets are forced to 100
Maxfps can be between only 60-125

you're joking, right?
best thing every happend to non-polish.
Fucking nice settings, that's what I wanted since the beginning of ET!
Thx hentai!
ye all the lowskilled people will love this cause they don't realise how maxpackets, rate and maxfps work / relate, but atleast now they can't complain about packets when they lose, even though in reality the person playing won't have 100 packets, more like half of that.
indeed. People should first know something about fps/maxpackets and then they wouldnt make these stupid changes which actually will make the whole thing worse :D (average packets sent by ALL players will be lower than with those settings we've had until this change)
25000 rate and 100 maxpackets, why?
avoid lamers!
Why would it be lame to have other settings, if it works best for you?
being "hittable" might have something to do with it \o/
Uhm, when people whine about that on me I say change your settings aswell then, I still foon them and then they become quiet for some strange reason!

Only when people have 80+ ping, then they're unhitable, so disallow people that have 80+ ping imo!
but ur a bijlmerboy poener pls :p
You should have that same feeling too now, playing with a REAL Bijlmerboy!
online ja :XD::X:D:D
yeah, being hittable with 56 maxpackets...
Some people will get even more unhittable with these settings (bad connection & ISP)
cuz 'working best for you' = shit for everyone else
100maxpackets is a nice idea.. still won´t help against polish or other "lagger nations"..

still would make some players more hitable :P
btw: no b4 suxx :(
ambient scale sounds "good" -> all dark-config players will play liek they got hacks with glow models now !
Ambient scale doesn't work that way. It kinda adjusts to your gamma, so you wont get bright models when setting gamma to 0.1.
ah okay
gonna try this out then :)
dark configs dont work that way though, they use r_mapoverbrightbits 1, ignorehwgamma 1 and r_gamma 3.
Seems like it only makes a difference on areas with light.
hmm, ok
there are some maps that will be ridiciolous with r_ambientscale 3 and sheeps config though, ill make some pics
for example, from scanning a frostbite demo it seems the players are fullbright everywhere on this map, dunno why. there are no dark corners, the players glow everywhere. this is a map for example where r_ambientscale actually crosses the line and makes it too easy.
image: img_84ebe712b64442a594d94535007f1f53
ololololol :DDDD
can i has your cfg plz? it looks perfect.
i dont actually play with it, but it's sheeps config with my mouse + fov + controlsettings made just for testing purposes, my own config looks totally diffrent. you can get sheeps cfg from his profile i think
ohh too bad, i play with sheeps cfg :XD
well i just remembered that i edited some colorbit stuff also so that the cfg isn't so green and ugly, if you want to try it ill upload
for me it wasnt rly green, just abit DARK >:D

i want to test the ambientscale ingame 8D
you might wanna test santjes cfg.. its a bit the same only lighter..

check my profile if you cant find santje! xD
ok thanks ill try it
Try to find it plox.
find what?
That config edited by you! :p
what do you mean find it? i have it
misunderstood ;x, could you upload it then pl0x?
but first u will only have realy 100maxpackets with 100maxpackets and 200maxfps
what kind of idiocity is forcing maxpackets to 100?
it won't help vs unhitable people and will make those who have fps drops more unhitable since their packets will fall down every time their fps does

imo just force fps to 125, packets to 100, ping not higher than 50 and max settings config only and you will have the selected 14 players in NC
i agree with the first par of ur post :D but forcing fps to 125 would disable everyone playing on LCDs @ 75hz where the only smooth fps is 76 without swapinterval :o
yeh, I was being sarcastic in the 2nd part ;)
:D my sarcasm-o-meter wasnt working xD
QuoteRate is now forced to 25000
Maxpackets are forced to 100

low n00b cup, I won't play
can't you win without an unhitable script or something in that way?
rate 15000
maxpackets 40!
Guys. Try delete this ruleset and make a new one this is one is just lame!
Don't try to make some cool/pro rule about netsettings and fps if you don't know anything about them ...
You're actually making it worse
Maxpackets IN 62-100
Maxfps IN 62-125
Rate IN 16000-25000
Ambientscale IN 0.5-3. Don't force it.

cheater opinion doesn't count!
cheater opinion doesn't count!
are there people on this level playing with rate 16000????

I agree on the fps, pax and ambientscale there tho, shouldn't be forced to the max value imo.
You hardly ever hit 15K rate limit on competition servers. You only need high rate on public servers. Also its a client command which only affects your own client, no matter what rate you choose your opponent will never see / feel a difference.
Heh thanks for the explanation :P
agreed, the current ruleset is retarded.
"Ambientscale IN 0.5-3. Don't force it." HF WRITING NEW ETPRO MR PERFO
I figured that out afterwards :)
what does ambient scale 3 do?

what will change?
Quote by ClownIt kinda adjusts to your gamma, so you wont get bright models when setting gamma to 0.1.

we wait so long for that great cfg....

Maxpackets 100
Rate 25000

now we can see pure skill versus haxors
no more warps at least !!!!
now even camper behind corrner ...will be so much easier to hunt...
I smell whine from meez coming up about the maxpackets etc;
whats even worse is i even helped him with the config (not knowing he would pull something as idiotic as this)
what is simpleitems?

oh and pls why 60fps? =[

oh and i loled that so many guys were whining about unhitability/forcing packets to 100 etc and now i can hear the whine that forcing to 100 is wrong.. hahaha hahaha :D
server location?

and game times?

in the clanbase NC, it's pretty much useless for australians to play, force us to wake up at 5am and play with 350-400ping. if that is the case then i'd pretty much say australia would not be applying to play, or you will see a 3rd rate team (and there isn't that many players left! so low+)

If it is in fact similar to the wc tourny that mtm or someone ran a year or so back, where we were able to compete with equal pings and play on a sunday night (afternoon for cet) then i would say the chances of australia playing with the top team would be extremly high.


(probably goes the same for japanese, however they are more dedicated!!!!)
Hope it will be suitable for you guyz from far far away countries! <3
No other teams would be needed to participate this cup if Kad and Team Australia decide to play. It'll be total pwnage!
About the server location: GTV matchservs are mostly used for matches like this, we have servers in the UK, DE & NL, if you could provide a matchserver (ettv enabled) which is ok for you and your opponent, please let me know.
well in the world cup we used a west coast american server which of course had ettv enabled, then an ettv slave was connected to the server: )
If that's the sandals server, that should be fine ^^ (if not i'll try to find something else :P)
Exceptions may be possible in the case of non-european teams, if a supervisor allows.
just keep the cb config :/
Nice rules!
Nice config :)

+ nice rules

Can play for the country they live in if they've lived there for more than 1 year. wohooo :D
Rate is now forced to 25000
Maxpackets are forced to 100

fucking owned :D
lolz banner
nice no more warp scripts :) at least i hope so
simpleitems are nice
mg gone is great
ambientscale shouldnt really be forced but many would use 3 anyway i guess
rate affects client only so its stupid to force it higher to avoid lagging only thing it will do is make few people lagg even more coz their net cant handle that high packetflow
maxpackets 100 is useless also but it doesnt matter much
Maxfps can be between only 60-125
why why why?
i cant get 60 fps
u cannot set lower limit to fps : )
and 1 good thing about 100 packets is that lagscripts become useless
ye and now he'll get unstable fps when he's used to playing with 43 for example
ambientscale should be allowed, not forced
You gonna code new ETPRO? :)
wut? Oo
fix the football game pl0x!
We can't set ambientscale within 0-3 because it's cheat protected (etpro) we can only force it in the config to 1 forced value
So dont touch it. Ur changing the way ppl's configs look. Either find a way to allow ppl to change the value to their likings or dont touch it. Force changing a cvar isnt really ... acceptable.
who said you're playing? :] (k)
rofl, ambientscale has no effect on FPS idiot.
this is retarded
let's just hope the next cb cfg won't adopt this maxpackets and maxfps crap. com_maxfps 111 ftw
nice fuckup hentai!
CB is going to force packets to 100 in their next configudpate:

Spain Spaintard: It's fucking 2008. Even the cheapest connections these days can handle 100MP.

2bad4isdn users :'(
and where`s the use when you got 56 packets sent acutally? this is completely useless, just bowing down to whiners who have no clue what they are even talking about. damage > use in this case
then Spain SpaintardX should learn a thing or two about how things work and that it's not only dependant on the conn ppl have
rofl, the only people saying "nice config" are the retarded noobs who don't know shit about how ET or netsettings work and whine about packets when they suck. this config is fucking retarded and it does more bad than good.
nice fuckup through most of us wont play anyway ;p
Ambientscale 3 is shit, others are fine.
best config evarrrrrrrrr
Nice config :)
Simpleitems can now be selected by b_simpleitems 1
Ambientscale is now forced to 3"+

Rate is now forced to 25000
Maxpackets are forced to 100
Maxfps can be between only 60-125"

su, finally i good cfg
you do realize people won't have 100 maxpackets unless they play with 100 fps, right? I could play with com_maxfps 111, cl_maxpackets 100 and in reality that would translate to 56 packets.
im sure he cares
That is not due to r_ambientscale, cuz that's quite frankly impossible.

The value of r_ambientscale is used by an algorithm to calculate how much of the surrounding light the models are affected with. This algorithm is running constantly so regardless of the value it's still doing it's calculations. The lower the value, the more surrounding light affects the models, so if anything IF it had any effect on FPS, a higher ambientscale should actually increase your FPS since the higher the value, the less effect it has on the model.
stupid config, some people with lower connection speed could teleport because of those packets and rate, and just look at 60 com_maxfps...
not that i care about ET, but i for example cannot play with 25000/100 cause i only got ISDN upstream (64kbs)

So with these settings u make this game unplayable for some ppl.

60maxpackets is the maximum i can play btw, rate 25000 should be possible with low codec settings in comms.
there is no reason why rate should be forced, its the speed at which you download information off the server. It doesnt not affect the netcode. It does not affect anything in the game but your client.
have you ever seen or played a dude that is using a rate of 15000, they teleport like hell
has nothing to do with rate
like you will play this cup...
well that was not my intention, more that this kinda netsettings will maybe be used in further cups/leagues if noone complains about it here...
I dont know I thought this is just a random cup, its not connected with CB afaik.
btw, i am getting a 32mbit connection soon, so i don't really care about netsettings anymore personally :D

But i just wanted to share that ppl with ISDN might get problems with these kinda settings.

Are u living in spain meanwhile or just random flag ?
Jeah I am living here. I have 100 ping and I ordered 10mb internet an d it downloads with 0,5 mb NICE. But I still can set mp as high as i want still working...
Ambientscale is now forced to 3 => IN 0,5 -3
Rate is now forced to 25000 => no point in regulating this cmd, remove it
Add b_helmetprotection if you want allies to be a tad stronger and make the game a tad more aggresive
my opinions do not represent australia as a whole, however from what i have learnt, australia IMO will not be putting its best team forward if a team at all.

as i have previously said, the best australian team (which has a track record of finishing 4th best) will more than likely not be competing due to not being able to play on an EVEN ping server at a time that would best compensate both teams.

this is due to hentai having the opinion that, majority wins (whatever that means) and not (one of the better) teams getting a fair and EQUAL chance to play in a _NATIONS_ cup.

05:27.24 ( hentai` ) (20:25:05) (hentai`) i don't give a damn how good you are

if you want to see the best of the best from around the world, then i will implore opposing teams to allow australia to play on a server that will allow for a server that will offer the most even base in regards to ping, that being a west coast american server, on a time frame that will not be punishing towards both teams. that being, around, 15/16 cet and 23/00 australian time. on a sunday.

as it stands, from my understanding of what hentai has told me, for some reason this _NATIONS_ cup is "( hentai` ) it's a european cup" that may or may not be able to accommodate nations from around the world.
i cant speak for whole team finland but i would want to play on american server against u it wasnt that bad in wc when we both had 250pings
would not be fun to pingrape on some euro server 50 vs 300 :/
Australia rules! Hentai can go and suck it.
Don't mind hentai, he's a 16 year old kid that likes to abuse his position and wants to act wannabe-cool by having a big mouth.
On behalf of the European community I'd like to state that we actually want to see a nationscup with Australia in it. You really spice things up with your team. Imo, if you talk to your opponents, I'm sure that something can be worked out. Like Lettu said: it's no fun for the European teams to play with a huge ping difference. And previous cups showed that playing in the afternoon (CET) is fine too.
buy polish connection then u can play every where everytime with anybody with good pings:P i can:)
nice config i like it, fuck the lamers with their netlimiters&lag script
+ 3/4

maxpackets IN 60 100
maxfps IN 60-125
rate IN 20000 25000
ambientscale 0.5 to 3 dont push it dont force it let it happen naturally :)

Dont look at me :)
Dont be sad, Im coming to cheer you up again this weekend :)
new config sounds nice.
you should rly first think about what ur doing :D
these setting will make things worse in the end. Having more highping laggers and people with unstable packetflow...

rate in 15000 25000
maxpackets in 60 100
maxfps in 60 125

mg and simpleitems are nice tho but those 2 little changes cant rly change that the whole config is pure shit.

and if you want to make a nice cfg you should instead force fps to 100, maxpackets to 100 and make sure that everyone has pc and connection that can handle those, else its just bullshit to FORCE one value.
Just one more thing - people should realise that unhittability is a problem of unstable ping, unstable fps (doesnt matter wheather it drops from 125 to 80 or from 80 to 50, the result is the same) and difference in ping of the two players. Plus, its also kinda server-related in ET.
i dont get it, why not 100 maxpackets AND 100 maxfps forced, if your going for 100 maxpackets forced anyway, keep the maxfps value the same
I dont like 100 fps. They should use 62-100 MP instead.
Justice! finaly no lame/unhittable players anymore
You will still have the laggers with bad connections and/or high ping. But at least it gets rid of all the lamers who create artificial lag with settings.
100 pingers will win the tournament
If you can't hit to your opponent it is just because your aim sucks
no ... it's because of my cat !
image: Owned_Mouse
no mg42 lol, it looks like euro6v6 config :p
QuoteFor those who've not yet noticed, crossfire's nationscup was recently announced. To follow this, the release of the rules & config for the cup are also now available.

How can people whine about the settings when they don't even participate in the cup, i mean how fucking stupid can you be!!
Hey... it's crossfire!
Just played on the config, its really hard to get used to the models, because they look like the walls :<
i played with 76 fps and 100 maxpackets for years, noone complained im not hitable and i hitted very well too
lolol no mg42 :S 60-125 fps :S 25000 rate and 100 packets ...

joking or serious?

-> that fkin sux
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