Quakecon tourneys announced

image: quakecon_web_buttonYesterday Quakecon has announced the official tournaments to take place at this year's event.

Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars PC & Xbox 360 Tournaments
Prizepool: $ 15.000 [PC], $ 10.000 [Xbox 360]
Sponsored by Activision
The ET:QW Tournaments will take place in a double elimination bracket featuring 16 teams, with team sizes being 6 man per team. The Xbox 360 version is the first console game featured in an official Quakecon competition.

QUAKE LIVE Duel & CTF Tournaments
Prizepool: $ 12.500 [Duel], $ 12.500 [CTF]
Sponsored by Intel
For the first time ever this soon to be released game is featured in a top notch competition, featuring two styles of play: one versus one duels, and capture the flag.

QUAKE LIVE Quick Draw event
Prizepool: $ 10.000
Sponsored by Alienware
In the Quick Draw event, random people will be chosen to compete in a match of QUAKE LIVE during Quakecon 2008.

Among the tournaments there will hopefully be interesting news published regarding id Software's upcoming games and game engine(s), making Quakecon an event to keep your eye on for any gaming enthusiast.

Quakecon website

Quote by Press releaseid Software Announces Competitive Event Lineup for QuakeCon™ 2008

Schedule Includes First QUAKE LIVE and Xbox 360™ Competitions at QuakeCon
MESQUITE, Texas – July 9, 2008 – The thermometer is rising and it’s time to warm up those keyboards and controllers as the QuakeCon tournaments are upon us. QuakeCon 2008 will play host to a diverse and exciting line-up of events for competitive gamers, including the first ever Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars™ console game tournament, the return of the any-one-can-win Quick Draw contests and the debut of competitions using QUAKE LIVE™. The Tournaments will take place during the 13th annual QuakeCon which is being held at the Hilton Anatole Hotel in Dallas from July 31 – August 3. More than 6,000 gamers from around the world are expected to attend the four-day event.

The QuakeCon 2008 Competitive Event Lineup is:

The Intel QUAKE LIVE Championships
QuakeCon 2008 will mark the debut of the first-ever Intel QUAKE LIVE Championships pro tournament. QUAKE LIVE is id Software’s new game created to deliver the excitement and energy of a first-person multiplayer game to a broader audience through a free and easily accessible browser-based experience. The Intel QUAKE LIVE Championships will feature a classic $12,500 One Versus One tournament along with a $12,500 Capture the Flag Team Tournament.

The Activision Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Team Championships
Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars™ makes its second annual tournament appearance with the Activision Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Team Championships. Featuring competitions on both PC and for the first time on Xbox 360, the tournament contests will enlist six-person teams to battle it out in double-elimination bracket-style competitive play, in which each squad will have the chance to attack and defend. On the Windows PC side, 16 teams will compete for $15,000 in prize money and in the Xbox 360 competition, eight teams will vie for $10,000 in prizes.

The Alienware Quick-Draw Challenge
For anyone who’s dreamed of competing for prize money on the QuakeCon main stage, the Alienware Quick-Draw Challenge offers $10,000 in prize money to randomly selected attendees competing in special QUAKE LIVE competitions throughout the course of the event.

In addition to their prize money, the top 2 finalists and teams in each of the above competitive tournament events will also be given tickets to the previously announced "QuakeCon Ultimate Power Up" raffle contest, sponsored by Ventrilo, for the brand new 2008 Corvette. Additional raffle tickets and eligibility will be subject to contest rules.

"QuakeCon 2008 will be the grand slam of competitive gaming with the best games and an amazing prize list," said Todd Hollenshead, CEO, id Software. “We’ve partnered with our sponsors this year to bring the top competitive players what they want most: skill based games, top money prizes, the most enthusiastic fans and audience and the world’s best Finals party!"

More information, including map names, prize money distribution, detailed format and rules, and sign-ups for both tournaments will be available soon at www.quakecon.org.

QuakeCon Ultimate Power Up Rules:
QuakeCon 2008 registered attendees who are 18 years of age and older AND are legal residents of the United States, its territories and possessions and the District of Columbia are eligible to participate. No purchase necessary. 250 raffle tickets will be distributed throughout the event. Additional information about contest rules, eligibility and requirements will be available at www.quakecon.org.
Looking for a team for ET:QW Xbox competition!

Seriously though... I'm not into how xbox360 works, but does anyone know if there are clans in ET:QW for Xbox?
I find it so ridiculous having a tournament with a fps, controlled by a game controller.
All the vehicle professionals play the console version, of course. :P
I'm sorry but I do not get your point. Something about vehicles being disabled in PC tournaments, something about vehicles being easier to control with a joypad?
Vehicles are easier to control with the joypad
"I find it so ridiculous having a tournament with a fps, controlled by a game controller."
Just look at the Halo competitions...
The biggest FPS pro competitions are all on XBOX 360, MLGPro salaries their players more than any quake player could have dreamed of
money money money
But still, consoles are for n00bs ;)
i agree totally with you m8...how are the finnish lessons going? :P
Minä olen tanskalainen.

Haven't really started on any leasons yet :-/
thats means "I still work at the gas station" KUULAAAA!!
No, it means I am Danish :P
tanska....danska....danish...hey finnish is easy!!
money > skill
thats why i bought xbox yO!
Consoles > all tbh
hahaha thats funny one of my old school mates was number 3 in holland in Halo and had a clan with king tuur. I played alot at his home and he could aim so fucking nice with his joypad and even in counterstrike on the xbox he pwnd he would even outaim you in counterstrike if u had a mouse..
Bah, no ET, expected I guess... I guess we'll be seeing more console tournaments and news at QuakeCon from now on.
ET:QW (PC) Prizepool is not even worth flying to Dallas tbh...
all the prizepools are kinda poor considering what they used to be
I wouldn't fly all way over there whatever prize money there was, even if I was good enough to actually have chance at winning it in first place.
Then you're a fool, Quakecon is the greatest LAN event out there.
he's too cool to play at lans, but not cool enough to stop whining on gaming community sites
As cool as I am, I have actually been to LAN and even some TV game match thingy too, neither proved to be enjoyable experiences for me for various reasons.
disqualified at CDC4 before he could even play a match I heard :P
Yeah that's correct but even if could play it wouldn't have made the weekend any better than it was, just not for me.

Also played on xleague TV channel, that was totally boring and actually made me ill, dark room with no fresh air supply ftw!
At CDC4 he was kicked out before a match was played and then was refused service quite a few times at the bar, mainly because as I think you have already identified, the guy is a bit of an idiot!
why have all those things happened?
Because when either high or drunk he decided it'd be funny to steal some things from the sponsors of the event. When confronted about it, he first lied and then went into hiding before eventually wanting to meet in a neutral place (outside) to discuss things...
hahaha that made my day :)
ROFL never heard that story....damn n00bs
I realy love you now by saying that :D made my day
so the americans can finaly win the qcon!
i wonder if dignitas will come crying back to their former etqw squad now
Not possible :P
MaMuT 4 qcon? :D
Got enough players? need 1 more? take me!
lol n1ce try kip :D
Worth a try! Unbanned btw thank God(Nellie) Missed this site loads lol
welcome back honeey :p
Hey, I hope you will take that Corvette! Promise me, if that happens you let me drive it once! :)
What happend between d. and their etqw squad ? (thanks for ze info :p)
fixed etqw prizemoney...
not worthy!
After all Quakecon is an advertisement event sponsored by id software, so no big surprise imho. There is no reason for them to showcase a 5 year old game. The reason why ET was played in 2006 was only because they didn't have any other games besides Quake4 to show.
Everybody who believes that id software holds Quakecon just for fun is either blind or deserves to fail
zOMG, I thought they were a non profit enterprise?!?!!
your ass is a nonprofit enterprise tbh!
Not naiz!
I use it for profit tbh xD
gl to everyone
Did I miss something or did they just announce the games three(?) weeks prior to the actual event? If so, it's pretty clear that it's some sort of mickey mouse pretend show focused on marketing and PR rather than an event for gamers. How are teams supposed to prepare and make the trip on such a short notice?

....or I just missed something. :O)
same for last 3 years at least, not aimed so much at europe
Not aimed so much at competition... reading their forum, it seems they despise the competitive attention their tournament gets.
need team and 1000 dollars
need 2000 dollars for holiday in dallas
need team and 1000 dollars
Lets find a sponsor and set a team up?
find a sponsor, then we can set a team up :XD
My idea you find the sponsor, I will find the players?
I heard that finding a sponsor in 3 weeks which is willing to pay 6000e is easy.
I heard that finding 4 players skilled enough in etqw to go and play at a LAN in USA in 3 weeks is even easier!
ET is not dead
ET:QW is alive!
need xbox360 and 1000 dollars
cu @ lan
quakecon became a suckage lan which is only used for promoting failing games :S
became... 2years ago it was nice :(
Cya there!
ze mamuz will taek it!
hmm.. 15,000 Dollar prizemoney, will probably be max. $ 8,000 for the winner.
$ 8,000 = ~ € 5000.

If you bring 6 etqw players to qcon, you will pay at least 7,000 €. Nice trade-off.

Another way of making it more American...
I was thinking the same :/
Why would it be that expensive to fly to America for you?
flight to dallas from the UK are costing £350-450 (around 700-900$)

This afaik will also be in the prime season, = more expensive flights.

European countires will have to pay the same if not more (normally less) due to their probably not being so many flights to America.

I dont understand the hype over Quakecon though. really its less prizemoney that CDC was.
Only QuakeCon has the playable demo of RTCW2. ;)
And hopefully more info on Rage, Doom 4, Quake Live, id Tech 5, possibly release dates
if thats the only arguement, then you failed sir, I dont even download demos let alone fly halfway across the world spending a load of money to play one.
avi for pc and xbox version of ETQW.
avi for ETQW pc and possibly xbox too
@ United Kingdom TosspoT

u owe me 5€ btw ! :D
quakecon, epic fail LAN
cant wait to see the new quake live, im gonna start my career with it! :D
awesome! :D
suck my balls :o
Why the hate?
no rtcw = no win
so which teams will go ?
Mamut for sure and Kompaniet probably. I really doubt 4k will make their way to Dallas.
They seemed to be really strong the few times i saw them play.
Last time I played them, they were not that good.
The whole thing got announced on really short notice and I doubt 4k actually want to (can?) pay a squad in a dead game to a tournament that would not even cover the travel expenses if you win it.
urtier ninja defuse np:P
ETQW is not dead!!! btw i talked with nkm some weeks ago and he said that 4k will do their best to be at qcon, but dunno what they are thinking now ;<
Obviously thinking about how to get the money.
if the squad tries to do their best to go to dallas it doesnt mean their clan does
fail wars 15k? :FD:D:D:D:D:D:
qw is awesome
etqw on 360 rockz o/

wanted to post that, but i was too afraid ob getting banned :<
16 teams ? the worth low+ ;0
where is qualifying ?
Huge failure.
hope you can play in both tournaments
if they doubled that quake live ctf tournament prizemoney i would have considered going.. as it happens.. tf2 still > quake live imo as the prizemoney really does not justify going
its good (:
Sure it is, but Q3 is better, and I haven't played QL yet, but there are a lot of people saying QL is better than Q3 (of course there are also a lot of people saying Q3 is better than QL :P)
jup and the player base is getting bigger + some big money tournaments this fall:)
I read ENEMY TERRITORY and then I saw the QUAKE WARS .. huge anticlimax
please tell me european et team which could have make it to dallas
mamut.si :-)
random highskilled mixeds & mammoths, depending on prizemoney ofcourse.
of course random highskilled mixes are able to pay that trip
1-2 maybe, why not? its not like it has never happened before.

I'm sure we see atleast 4 failwars teams from europe going there even if the game is already dead ::D:DDDDDDDd
late announcement of tournaments, shitty tourney lineup, console event, laughable prize money...

...and yet, just a single SS of rtcw2 can save this year's qcon from being a total disaster
shit prizepool :x
quit alrdy:P
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