Antwerp eSports Festival Friday

Good evening from QuadV at the Hilton Hotel for the Antwerp eSports Festival, we have a busy day scheduled for tomorrow so we thought we would try and give you guys a loose schedule on what games we will be casting, what casters and when!

Granted these times will probably go out the window at some point as I am sure you are aware things don't always go to plan at events!

Edit: Tournament is currently 2 hours behind schedule. so add an hour on all times :)

QuadV TV1

10:15 - CoD4 - United Kingdom Infused vs France H2K Gaming - TosspoT, Kee_RinG
11:00 - CoD4 - Hungary Revolution vs France ZelLion - Deman, Kee_RinG
12:10 - CS:S - Belgium TEK9 vs Belgium LowLandLions - TosspoT, Joe
13:00 - CoD4 - Belgium LowLandLions vs Italy Impact - Deman, Kee_RinG
14:15 - CoD4 - Netherlands Serious Gaming vs Turkey NCS Gaming - TosspoT, Kee_RinG
15:00 - Q3 - Belgium Impulse vs Belgium dyhell - Joe
15:55 - CoD4 - Canada Team EG vs Poland UF Gaming - Joe, Deman

QuadV TV2

10:15 - CoD4 - United Kingdom Dignitas vs Germany Ocrana - Deman - Kee_RinG
11:00 - Fifa - Portugal Lastnight vs Netherlands Maxos12 - TosspoT
14:15 - CoD4 - Poland UF Gaming vs Belgium DEFCON - Deman, Crow
15:00 - Fifa - Belgium Byser vs Netherlands Maximo12 - Deman, TosspoT
15:55 - CoD4 - United Kingdom MYM vs Netherlands Serious Gaming - TosspoT, Kee_RinG

More will follow...

Related Links:
- QuadV
- Antwerp eSports Festival
- Antwerp eSports Festival Article, Predictions and Interviews
gl tosspot with casting and gl to the teams !
With this amount of games, Toss can't even drink one beer.
No speedlink? wanna see em get bashed!
SL's first match is Friday night at 20:05 CET.

Most interesting is their match against Reason Gaming at 21:45 CET, this match will hopefulle be broadcasted.
lol gl casters nice busy day :D will be watching
How the hell am I going to follow two streams at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 :P

Anywho, match predictions:
H2K win over Infused (my team is in the B tournament at TEX with Infused, so I hope that H2K will win).
Revolution vs ZelLion, no idea.
L3 will take down Team Impact.
Srs vs. NCS will be an interesting match.
EG should have problems with UF.

Dignitas should be able to take OCR.
UF over Defcon.
mYm over srs.
They do seem to have scheduled the coverage slightly strangely - when there are two games it's either 2 CoD4 matches or both non-CoD4. One of each would, perhaps, be more sensible.
nice coverage :O
kee_ring !<3
Tosspot is the fastest speaker i know
gl Hungary Revolution
Kewl.. Gl to infused!
kee_ring \:o)/
Got results?
lans are nothing without adacore
what's on schedule for sunday? is the tournament still running then? would it be worth coming over? also, is there an entrance fee for spectators?
Enjoy the weather :)
we want SK :[
final will be h2k vs dignitas prolly
first time I've got to agree with you. I'm just surfin a litlle atm, it's already 20.40PM and I'm still sweating(?) like a beast.
why doesnt cdc has prize money like this xD

anyway stream 2 is lagging/down and 1 is playing music right now :(
which timezone is that ?
is it CET or GMT?
wish the stream had better quality ... :\
gl yannick
alee zal dan wel is gaan zien
= achter men hoek :D
5min of my home =)
das nog altijd meer dan Sai.
idd ik moet 2 min lopen en ben er lekker he :D
i havent seen any games yet... really would like to get the correct times and the timezone with it :>
timezone is CET I suppose
I was there today but i couldn't enter :p and like on the "Groenplaats" with the tavernes and stuff ,there were like all geeks with sponsered shirts at 30 ° , so sad
hf tosspot
ott sincsenek te láma :D , rev meg már kiesett
ezzel most mit akarsz nekem mutatni? :D ... igen, ancients nevezett és várták oket, de nem mentek el
nem, leszarom, csak gondoltam szolok, ne drukkoljal feleslegesen :D
let's see if my beijing internet is good enough to watch QuadV...

...nope - won't even connect :(
marmint mi?
mar irtak forumba h miert nem mentek,de thx
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