ClanBase Guid Rule Changes

image: logo_competition_clanbase

In the following days Clanbase will be implying a new rule, about Enemy Territory's GUID system. To reduce any guidspoofing and other excuses, since ETPro guids are totally unreliable nowadays, we urge you to stop changing your PBGUID (this is done by manually deleting your etkey in your etmain folder) Clanmembers / members with PBGuids newer than 2 weeks (not confirmed yet) will NOT be allowed to compete in any cup , or any ladder after this rules takes effect.

People that will not comply with this rule due to reason's like:
- Format
- HD crash
- my brother

will not be accepted unless solid proof of this is given (HD crash ONLY) if you format its your fault.... the date of the guid is the day they register it at CB (or Yawn, or ss of when your etkey was created)

To prevent any "my HD crashed, its dead" you must save your etkey to:
- Pendrive
- CD
- Floppy
- we might be able to add a feature allowing the member to upload his etkey to his profile so that only he can download whenever he wants just in case his PC dies.
--> and if you think backing up your 67 byte etkey on one of these will take you too much time, send an email attachment to your email with the etkey....

This might cause problems with people share their accounts. As stated in the Cheat&Abuse Policy Document every Player is responsible for his CB account password, abuse will be severely punished.

The above 24 hour rule does not apply to Enemy Territory Ladders, players are required to register their ET PB GUID14 days before the match or they will be considered freelancers.

Quote by Cheating & Abuse DocumentIt is strictly forbidden to use anyone else's account or to let someone else use your account, no matter the reason. Using the ClanBase login of any other user, no matter how it was obtained, is regarded as a serious offence. A 3 month, 6 month or 12 month ban will be issued depending on the severity of the abuse.

Register your full PBGuid here:
So how the fuck are we supposed to prove our HD crashed? x_x
Simple, snail mail your "crashed" harddrive to killerboy and then he determines if you are lying or not!

image: 25jxesy
yesh sounds like a plan
oh look its donex :o
donex isn't in the c&a department smartass :p
thanks for blowing my cover :(
Just save your etkey file then you won't have to
if your hs crash how u save your etkey ?
You save it before it crashes of course so for example save it now just in case your HD crashes tomorrow
Yes lol, and now we can't buy a new pc or format?
sorry but thats just retarded, another fail from CB

can some giev link for CB newspost about this. too lazy to search
This is without doubt the stupidest thing I've read in quite a while.
For some reason my PBGUID changes by itself randomly, how am I supposed to prove it to you if I don't even know myself?! Don't take this as flame :P

E; Your PBGUID is not visible @ vista, it does not show up in the ETmain you must enbale something first I think :'/

E2; To find your ETkey @ Vista go to C:/Users/yourusernamehere/AppData/Local/PunkBuster/etmain/etkey, if its not in the etmain.
well same here, mine does not change all the time but like once in 3 months, so I can't play cb matches every 3 months for 2-4 weeks time? I'm sorry but this is the biggest fail I have seen until now. guess it's time to move on to esl now..
i cant find mine
maybe when you update pb ? :o

i havent checked my pbguid in ages
just back up your etkey file and you'll never have to prove anything...
Yeah, I'll just burn a CD with my pbguid on it, sounds like a useful and reasonable solution.
where do you save your config then?
I save it in my profile. :D
you can upload it to your CB Profile, soon.
That's kinda pointless to me, though. :p
What is the point of it anyway. I might ask, what are your aims with this.

What does this aim to stop?

Whats wrong with just ditching etpro guids and just forcing people to use the pbguid in their profile.

What will the 2-4 week old rule accomplish? Tell me.
we have had certain cases of people cheating in an official match but claiming their teammate spoofed them during the match... how can you proof that with ETPro guids? PBguids are much harder to spoof, jeez.
Yeah, sure. Use pbguids then. pbguids are already used by crossfire and have been for a long time

clownbase once against proved how long they take to catch up to the rest of the scene

Pbguids = good idea
the 2-4 week thing = bad idea

There is no point of the 2-4 week thing.
whats the big deal with saving your etkey for 2weeks? its not like you get pbbanned everyday.

save your etkey file to your email, takes 10 seconds.

So don't use the stupid time period.

If I'm forced to use this, I'll still change my pbguid every few days just to annoy you, but I'll be using pbguids that I've had stored on my harddrive for the last few years so they are way more than 4 weeks old.
As you know ET is a free game, i.e, anyone can download, install it and, in the first run, the master servers will generate a key file and the PBguid is calculated based on the game key. This means anyone can *delete* his key and the master game servers will generate a new one, so having a new PBkey for anyone can take only 1 or 2 minutes.

Well this behavior is clearly creating a hole in the how we control who is who and consequently how we control the banned players.
I have done some research at other leagues and checked how they are controlling such guid changes, in some cases they don't allow players to change it at all and the process must be done by admins, others require that the guid has been registered for at least an specific amount of time. Remember there is no specific reason for a player to remove his key or at least they can store it safe somewhere for backup purposes (f.e. floppy, flash key, online mail attachment, etc).

Seeing our big player base and how guids work at CB, I think we should take this last option and decide the how old the guid register have to be in order to consider a valid player. Obviously the 24h rule is not valid for us, any banned player can make a new account, get a new ETkey and play the game very shortly after being banned (we can discuss how to catch them with C&A but thats not the matter of this post since it will not be very easy).

We have had an internal chat about the age of a guid and we agreed than a period of at least 2 weeks is necessary for a continuous competition like ladders. This guid age rule have to be applied also at new accounts, remember we want to avoid players to create new accounts very often (if not avoid, at least, make it harder).
useless whine
does this mean I cant play officials in 2weeks? nice killing ladders!
Why shouldn't you be able to?
QuoteThe above 24 hour rule does not apply to Enemy Territory Ladders, players are required to register their ET PB GUID14 days before the match or they will be considered freelancers.

I think he means the 14 day rule does not apply to ladders.
obviously you don't know that crossfire has a limit on how often you can change the guid in your profile as well. it's a week, but doesn't make difference. and it works that way for a good reason
Yeah ok, make it so you can't change your pbguid more than once in a two week period or whatever. But saying that your actual guids AGE has to be more then 4 weeks old... thats just retarded.
i dont.. if my pc crash ill dl the config from modus or sheep again and change it a little bit
Yeah, I'll just burn a CD with YOUR pbguid on it, sounds like a useful and reasonable solution.
Indeed, thats completly normal ofcourse for every player to do.
Even those who do not know of Crossfire and just eventually play Clanbase matches at a low level for fun. I'm looking forward to the whine!
ever heard of ClanBase news or Ladder/Cup rules?
Who the fuck actually reads clanbase?
how do you know that you need to register your etpro guid at clanbase? Is it that difficult to read the Rules?
Because I'm someone that DOES read Crossfire? No, but who actually wastes their time reading the shitty rules on a below-par gaming cup?
god your reasoning is dumb.
if it's a 'below-par gaming cup' (not really sure what it means, but i guess it means it's bad), why do you play it? if i understood you good and you consider clanbase not being good enough for yourself, simply don't use it. oh, in that case this rule doesn't apply to you. so wtf are you whining about
Because my teams decide that they want to play EC for example, I do not give a shit about the cup itself. I just play, be it a shitty one-day cup or a shitty clanbase cup.
fair enough, then obviously your team will read the rules for you. i ask you once again, what are you whining about?
Can't you fucking read you ignorant piece of shit? This is unreasonable to those who expect to play in a cup with regularly set up rules and get the whole "OH MY GOD YOUR PBGUID IS ONLY 1.5 WEEKS OLD" bullshit thrown into their faces because they happen to have done something to get rid of their etkeys or have only been playing the game for less than a week. Just like how other people buy a new game with friends and want to play a cup or official to see if they like it and how competition works.
if you only have the game for 2weeks or less, you suck in the game cause you dont know ANYTHING, and if you know something, could be if you played alot in those 2 weeks, but if the players are higher then low+ skilled already, then its bullshit, then its spoof/cheating or whatever...
You don't need to be highskilled to play cups or ladder games on Clanbase.
im not talking about highskilledplayers needed to play cups, but i only check ppl if they are a bit weird or too much lucky and 9 on 10 times i find yawns of not even a week old, and i cant find more of them by clicking on pbguid neither etproguid, explain me that then plz...
Some people are lame enough to use everything to win, such as asking for demos hoping they didn't record. The same could be done with ETkeys. I didn't mention they had to be exceptionally weird or anything.
you know, asking demos is not lame, i ask them alot lately, cause alot of cheaters are coming up, so its not really an arguement imo
and tell me, who still starts ET? i dont see new guys lately, only "pro" guys who start the game, with a bot or smth thats like, gg for me--> kicked from server after i had some pbss, and guess what, always black!--> love it
You'll be surprised, I would not recommend anyone to start playing ET though. You can compare it to me or you playing CoD2 or CS for the fun of it even though it's been out for ages.
If the opponents have a wrong guid but you start the game, you accept them having a wrong guid and you can't complain about it afterwards. Has been so with ETPro, will be so with PBguid.
i actually thought you're one of those guys people can have normal conversations with, but seems like i was wrong

congratulations, you're the first one to be added to ignorant-piece-of-shit's ignore list
Way to end an argument, idiot.
I expected more from you too, but I guess the preschool "OMG IM NOT LISTENING TO YOU" method of arguing seems to have appeared for some reason.
what exactly are you talking about?
if you're talking about me ending discussion like this with confo, i don't really care what you think. i have no desire for talking with someone who calls me a piece of shit just because i disagree with his opinion
"because they happen to have done something to get rid of their etkeys or have only been playing the game for less than a week"

From now on, save your ETKey and you'll have no problems. And the players who play ET less than a week shall just have to satisfy themselves with regular scrimms and 1 day cups =)
it's your own problem if you don't read rules/news of the league you play in. it's not like CB admins should bother theirselves and send a letter to everyone's home address about a new ruleset and also phone call them just to make sure everyone is well informed about a newspost on

yuhuuu image: img_f5c012713cdeda0b5715a69a176c46ff
hints? I need to buy cd-drive for this bullshit?
send to your email?
oh, faster than me ;f but yeah, that's the easiest solution
stupid tbh
good thing
is that hard to send email to your own address with etkey as an attachment? you dont have to buy a cd or an usb stick ffs. stop whining, this will be much better than etpro guids because these can't be spoofed and once someone is kicked by IP, you would match him by guid and not IP which is a huge improvement
"this will be much better than etpro guids because these can't be spoofed"

Not rly
i challenge you to spoof my guid
well, you can copy it from someone's computer. If you don't have direct access to it you can still infiltrate the computer.
anyway, this new rule makes CB even more paranoiac. being able to upload the key may be a good solution, therefore the user may get it back if he forgot to save it (which is the case of many people who decide to format because of viruses and who didn't know that making another partition for video games, music, etc. is a good thing). I just hope that CB's website will be safe enough.
pbguids sure, whats the point of the 2-4 week period?
What's this 2-4 weeks shit you keep talking about? Perhaps I lack reading skills but I think the text says "older than 2 weeks" so you have to wait maximum 2 weeks. What's up with the 4 weeks?

And it's a good thing, except for those whose PBguid magically changes every once in a while. But since CB-Supervisors aren't monsters (except for Koe) I'm pretty sure that if you have evidence of this thing happening to you, they'll work something out.

It's no big trouble to send yourself an email with your PBguid attached to it, so for those whose PBguid doesn't magically changes, this solves all their problems.
xD ? idiot ...
LoL, It's sick :DDDDDD
Hey Meez, how about you send me your ETKey so I can merc with your guid in upcoming official.
Your brother will provide you with guidspoofer?
No need for a guidspoofer, I'll just tell the opponent my guid randomly changed (I reinstalled ET).
Maybe it was your bro?
:XDDDD cause ur brother hacked right :XDD
Do they say your ETPro guid doesn't count anymore?
internet - serious biznes >:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
We should implant a mikrochip with ETKEY under skin, It's the better way.
Pretty sure you mean implant :XDDD
This is bullshit CB needs a Battle For Middle Earth ladder, anybody wanna play.

i has that game too :(
BFME 2 ! i got : D
Good move.
Playing ET have been made so difficult that people don't want to play it anymore
yeah, they start using bot
only for [flag=fi)
Yes it's pretty difficult considering you have to fill a text box, but that's not enough it seems, they also want me to click the submit button.

What will be the next step? being on time for an official match? this is madness.
The GUID you entered (A133F9B374694A9E4EAFA4F9C) does not appear to be a valid ET PB guid value! [0-9a-f]{32}

thats why I am complaing :<,I have had same ETpro guid for 3 years so it is annoying to change it into pbguid (which has been same for almost year)
PBGuids are not accepted in capslock

+ hide your pbguid before it gets spoofed :D
yeah ,thats why I show it to you
/pb_myguid; condump guid.txt
pb_alist is the correct one pb_myguid is something else
pb_myguid is correct as well.
thx for your guid im gonna spoof you
no problem ,hf with it
it's not about playing ET, it's about cheaterfree competition level. Nobody gives a fuck about pubhacker that won't play in cb etc
How it makes ET cheater free if you have to add PB guid into your CB profile ?
Every banned cheater that doesn't want to wait until his ban has expired, has to wait at least 2 weeks before he can play again!
Or do like junky did and created 5 different profiles ! If one got banned you still got 4 going strong !
You ,mister, are so right!
yeah , my darling , I am usually at right !
A wonder what will happen with a guy who cheats in ET ,and after 2 weeks he gets banned. If he didnt read this ,he will not save is ETkey and no spoof and bibuy!
Rename it to etkey.cfg and upload it to crossfire to save it!

I have always wanted to play with the etkey of a famous W:ET player ^^
That is so totally relevant dude, rock on man you are gods gift to clanbase!
its the best idea
and uhm what if you got like 2 house where you play... then you can't play a match cause ur in an other home then where the pb guid is registerd...:x
No, you just use the same PBguid on both computers. Just upload it to your mail and download it at the other house.
i have a guestion about: - we might be able to add a feature allowing the member to upload his etkey to his profile so that only he can download whenever he wants just in case his PC dies.
let's assume netcoders hax to xfire ( not that has never ever happend) and gets the pbguids then basically if they will get to the wrong hands and with guidspoofer u can make someone hack that u don't like.
So how would u protect my guid if i uploaded it ? i know i wouldn't do it, store all my nessecary stuff on my 2nd hdd but let's say some ppl would do it.
I think he means Clanbase and not Crossfire.
well that doesn't change the fact imo
i'm not like to whine but face it, if some guy get's ur pbguid and spoofs your etproguid and cheats and gets busted and some guy finds that "your" yawn is red (both guids are yours then it's 50% ppl that think u were the guy and and ur reputation is totally ruined
though i find the rule a big step for Enemy Territory
He can't get your PBguid, I doubt there is a cheatscoder out there who can hack CB...
i'm glad ur so confident about it: )
everything is posible, but I think nobody was intrested in hacking CB since there is nothing to get.

Every website can be hacked, like netcoders. And would you think that a website created by cheatcoders (mostly people who now how to hack) is hackable?
There is a difference between hacking a website, and making cheats for a game.
thats true, but the process to get there is the same:

1) analyze the shit you wanna hack
2) find the bugs and exploitable shit
3) write a hack to use the shit you found
4) use the hack
5) if fail go back to 3, else succes!
wath a stupid Rule ths CB guys have too many time over ?
Thanks for killing ET, Killerboi.
are you f0cking seriouss$$$

bye bye ET
Good job :) ( although I dont think I'll ever play an offi again :P )
crossfire ec inc
I miss an option to input my penis length.
that would be the most spoofed field in the community
That is retarded.
ok, i cheat, i wait 2 weeks and i play again.
2008 aug 7 - Et is officially dead.

I quit gaming, there are no opponents, this game is fucked. :-(
I think it is dead since 2008...:'(
I have had the same pbguid Sep 01, 2007 at 7:23 am -- Aug 07, 2008 at 1:26 pm. I think i have had 4 ever i dont see the problem.
I only had 2 and that's because I bought a new computer :P
Ok I format today, and take my PBguid with me when I install my ET, is this allowed?
I got banned from the nC forum btw xD
Seriously by some retarded wnnbe head-admin.

vBulletin Message

You have been banned for the following reason:
A real costumer would never say "is the bot really good" take a flying fuck back to crossfire and give killerboy a nice big wet blowjob sincerly asylum

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

QuoteYou have been banned for the following reason:
Killerboy or associated, send my regards to the crossfire police department

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

QuoteYou have been banned for the following reason:
Send my regards to

Date the ban will be lifted: Never
"To reduce any guidspoofing and other excuses, since ETPro guids are totally unreliable nowadays"

i don't see why pbguid should be more reliable than etproguid.

# just send etkey to anyone who should play


# as already stated... wait 2 weeks.

i don't think that there is any satisfying solution for et as long its possible to spoof guids or you can just create new etkeys.
I've been using my current pb_guid for over 1 year, on two PCs, and around 5 formats.
Should be no problem to save the fucking file.
cuttyP living legend :)
i am the legend, you are the creator :O
"since ETPro guids are totally unreliable nowadays"

Welcome to the real world. ETPro GUIDs have never been reliable.
haha fuckin indeed :XD
ok i did it

i finnaly had the balls to do it



( with the help off CB its easy otherwise i never could off done it )
good idea , don't uderstand why so many people hate it :s
waste of time
I agree with forcing ppl to add their pbguid. I dissagree with the 2 week rule as the only thing you will do is prevent ppl from returning and playing officials. No wait, it will only prevent ppl from playing Clanbase.
24 hrs grace period should suffice imo :)
Indeed. Adding pbguids to Clanbase makes a it a lot more easier to track people, adds a real means of verifying peoples identities. Ofc you can still ETpro spoof + copy the etkey file, but in that case theres still a lot of ipmatching you can do.

Adding pbguids is a great move by CB, but as you said the 24h rule should suffice. I can think of a lot of people signed up for TAG on clanbase who come and go (Cash, Sinuss and Dream are ppl who come up in my mind) For those kind of players this rule just means a lot of bs. Stick to 24h, 2 weeks its just fubar unless you can upload your etkey @ clanbase and can retrieve it later on. And no oc 10th division players dont have a fucking clue about pbguids etc, so just uploading the etkey file should be hard enough allready.
Kiewan on 07/08/08, 15:53:18 Del | Edit | Reply
everything related to you and CB is a fail, ESL is the way to go

I don't get it
if you format its your fault.... haha mongols take over et

that shit can only come from dumb retards like killerboy
ill give you a hint: no, just no
come on, dont let yourself look dumber than you already are
how is that even possible? explain!
you are sooo stupid omg^^ you are insane already as it seems. its just to most retarded thing ive ever seen in et. its rly a shame that a mongol like you can make rules in this game. you and everyone who agrees with you in any way should just not be allowed to even participate in public life.
ah yes, the mighty snoop that uses mercs in every EC final, how do you know that this pbguid was my idea, stop whining or you'll get hoarse
good players dont have anything to say anyway eventho they are the only ones who have the plans so dont call me mighty. and im sorry your shitleague forces a match to an impossible matchdate for our team so we must play with mercs you stupid piece of shit. ah ye btw, i won 3 EC finals, what about you? I used 2 mercs in one final so ur argument was the biggest crap a "human" can provide.
i can't hear you through the sound of how awesome you are

so you are telling me you are one of those guys who delete their etkey for fun?
compared to you everyone is awesome since you are just a shame for et and humanity. and plx you attacked me with this ec shit so dont wonder if i answer back the truth idiot. fact is = u havnt achieved anything in et and you never will. you think u are saving et (haha) but ive never seen someone who destroyed that much like you did in the past weeks. + your only purpose in life is busting public noobs (and i mean your only).

*edit* im not someone who wants to get controlled by a retard like you. if i buy a new pc I throw my old one away without saving my fucking key. if i format, I format everything and wont let space for a fucking et key. if you rly get this shitty rule through, i wont care about it and u can ban me for hax like 100 years if you want.
maybe you are always on crack, but i coudn't give jack shit atm, who cares if they are public cheaters, i guess you can do a better job, be my guest, if you get more than 40 ppl banned every month (public noobs) all suck your dick at CDC5. and for your info you started flaming, check your 1st comment.
ofc i started flaming. but if you talk shit about my ec finals i simply have to correct you ( without being awesome). im not giving a small fuck about some retards who play etmain and hack on a shit public. and you are wasting your life with banning them XD + you ban good players for avis which are not showing ANYTHING only because you lost and want to get through the groupstage. if people like you wouldnt make 10 bustthreads a day, noone would be paranoid and people wouldnt quit et because of "hackers". you are a disease man. and u infected half xfire with your propaganda shit or whatever already. my raising my right arm for you.
yeah same reason you will use when et-ace is out. still you can't do that job.
simple: look at et before the inconsiderated hunt began and look at et today. today we have no topteams and ec is low+. i thank people like you for that :)
if the cheaters had no pressure on them like fusenlist and hunting and other shit, there would have been more cheaters, face is, et has 40,000 pbbans 95% of the kicks are all public cheats. and if EC is low+ (pls exaggerate more), its not my problem.
half-human like you made the highscene quit. so its ur prob. and come on dont tell me teams like mmf are better than low xD
what do i have to do with mmf invite to EC and other stuff? do you know when i joined the crew?
thats why i say people like you (god knows you arent the only retard)
mongol, since when amount = quality?
Just to warn you snoop, being pathetic at that level is not healthy.
oh, tell me your experience about it.
Fine with me, in case i would start playing again, i would just save the file somewhere.

Besides that, you don't need to insult people to make your opinion known, do you?, whoever does something for free, and spending his time on it, deserves the respect first, and then you can argue about if you like or dislike what he has done.

I don't agree with everything being done here, neither with some retards, but i respect their opinion as they have to respect mine.
i can do many things for free in my freetime too and i surely wouldnt get respect for it ;p + if smth is obviously stupid and somehow steals my freedom in the game, it, ofc, doesnt get my respect at all
Not of my business what you do in your free time, and if somehow you feel your freedom is being modfied in any way, you have the right to complaint about it, but insults don't make your opinion or arguments stronger.

Nothing else besides that :)
lol u'll never play in EC Final or sth even as a merc..
hi2ur penalty points!
this is just he dumbest thing ever without any sense

Quotewill not be accepted unless solid proof of this is given (HD crash ONLY)

how could someone proof that his hd crashed? ever thought about the fact that the people could just lie to you?

np 4 tardbase
your question has been answered 5 times, use the scroll button
ermm not really

edit: hi2u failerboy
Killerboy already posted an example of behind the scenes work in determining whether people really did have a hd crash, or if they are cheaters.

image: 25jxesy
Cheaters will just spoof their pb guid np for netcoders.
actually its not possible!
that's yawn spoof, not pbguid spoof. coding an application that sends fake info to yawn takes no more than 20-30 minutes to do, maybe less. the real guid was not spoofed!
some mongs just think they know everything!when they actually know fuck all :D
when i read this i first thought someone renamed me to killerboy for the lulz
:D got tired putting [/q]
the only thing nC can spoof is their brain!
atleast they have a brain
I had a lot of laught at your xfire posts, but now that ignore is here!
Comment Ignored
image: is334439
image: GilletteShvFoamReg200
image: colourful%20stilts
image: horse
bibuy ipbitch, have a nice day : DD
rofl you et players are really funny, so much whine cuz of this löl
I actually can't enter it.
First get iit working before posting new rules.
i think we should make an IQ test before entering your pbguid, if you don't pass it will redirect you to me, so i can lol hard.

ETPRO guid must be in CAPS
PBguid must be in small letters and must be 32 characters not 8

/condump pb.txt
I actually made /pb_myguid -> /condump pb.txt -> copied that guid -> registered a new guid @ cb -> entered it -> not valid

No, its not because of Capslock
you have a space infront / behind?
Thanks, working.

I guess thats the main problem of all those other users.. if you just copy the guid you also copy some space, i didnt notice that.

no problem, happened to me while entering my etpro guid :p
Waste of time imo.
We need an alternative / competitor for CB. ESL is ok, but their site sucks monkey ass.
What a shit? totally useless to be honnest...
this makes me glad i dont play clanbase anymore
stop arguing, killerboy. Using pbguids is a decent idea, but your retarded arguments with people who are against it are just embarrassing.

example: "you suck because you used mercs"
Seriously, wtf
the reason the 2-4 weeks thing is something dumb is anyone who really wants to get around this can stock up on a few etkeys and when he needs them use them. the 2-4 week thing only makes it a pain in the ass for some. if your goin to do anything start making it so an account can only have one pbguid for et or be able to add one every often. and create a reliable place to store these. you end up sorting out the hackers with a fixed ip and prevent some realiasing. the truth of the matter the thing that drastically needs improvement is the anti cheat software it self. hopefully ETACE can do this. the pbguid thing is a good idea. the two week thing should be something thats more of a hassle to geat around.
This man is right

Selling 2 weeks old PB Keys, $ 0.10 per piece!
hustling etkeys for money no problem.
Nice, CB ban everyone that is against this desicion ;)
ahh fine fine, fortunetly im not playing et anymore :D
s#it rules
sometimes you cant copy pb guid....

ctrl + c
right click / copy
yes everyone knows that but if you forget to copy your guid and your HD drive will so crashed that you cant copy any file you will be cheater...
send it to your mail, you will never lose it
maby you are right
everyone here is making a big fuss on a 57byte file, just email it to your email account, and you will never lose it, i have my etkey for 1 year now, and i always stored it on my pendrive :/
til when do we have to change it?
for example i got an official on sunday, do i have to change my guid by then? i'm absolutely sure not every player on the server will have done it by then.

ouh and do i have to add the 8-letter or the full pbguid?
you have to add the full pbguid, the rule will take in effect in almost a month (for cups only)
Clanmembers / members with PBGuids newer than 2 weeks (not confirmed yet) will NOT be allowed to compete in any cup , or any ladder after this rules takes effect.

only 2 weeks?
it's a century that i have the same guid so is not a problem for me
wtf, stop ruining ET! u want people to backup one file and enter some value on cb? you are crazy omfg!

brb, calling teh dramallama
oh, I hope u get the sarcasm :o
image: sarcasm

Fuzz is in this pic
ET is now definetely dead! R I P
the stupidest thing ever u fucking failed '-__- oh pls
Quotesince ETPro guids are totally unreliable nowadays

nowadays? As bani said from the beginning, they've always been totally unreliable, however CB never cared to listen.
as I see all those comments from people who are terrified of this "cruel step", I would say that it's taking effect :)
I play on laptop and desktop.
I guess i cant play officials on one of them now.
upload it to your email account, np
KiLl3rBoY yo failed again binbanbong :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

image: failed
why do you need to post 2 comments in 5 minutes?
and why aren't cheaters banned lol'd
haha pwnt :D But hey, I would never expect exactly this kind of people (cheaters, ex-cheaters) to whine about this pbguid stuff! oh wait...
shut up lowskiller
ohnoes I got pwnt:<

oh wait... no didn't, I'm not the one who is using cheats to look skilled :D
Created 20 Jun 2007 17:14
Banperiod 6 months


you fucking FAILED again ! :)
how the fuck do you find your pbguid in XP?
it's called ETKEY and it's in ETMAIN
when i open the file (with wordpad) i got some random signs with like 20 numbers
copy that file and save it to a cdc or send it to your email (store it)

go there and search for your nick to find your guid or go to et

/condump myguid.txt

go to etpro folder
what worries me the most is the amount of stupid and incompetent people here, that's the biggest problem in et imo

you're such an idiot
nope. he isint
I wrote it just on impulse :D
and i thought cb couldnt fail anymore.
how did it fail? Pb guids are more reliable and they cant be spoofed. So what's the problem here?
stop being so negative. Pb guid thing is good. only the 2 weeks thing is shit
i don't think he understands
ah finally, now i know whats wrong, its the black background!
nice one:D:DD:d
reminds me a 4chan:XD
ahahahahaha =D
1. made my day, thank you <3

2. and I agree, making him an admin is the biggest failachievement in CB's history :/
bad idea :/
Whats the problem about this? is it that hard to backup a file?
I seriously don't understand all the whine. How hard can it be to backup ur ETkey to any ext hdd, mail, cd/dvd.
Su hacker, you don't have anything to say in this community!
Once a cheater, always a cheater.
So I create a new CB account 2 weeks before a game, I copy my current ETkey, delete it and make a new 1, I then copy the new 1 also. So now that I have 2 ETkey's I just change etkey each other day that I want to hack and spoof a new/old Etpro guid for my new etkey :-)

Could this be done, I'm pretty sure :DD
Fake/2nd Accounts are deleted
Bah :{, Don't worry I'm a public pro only so this doesn't affect me (lucky eh) :-)
tbh i don't care but this pathetic whine makes me lol

oh, and stop saying "fail :XDd" everytime, it was funny some years ago, now it's plain retarded.
QuotePeople that will not comply with this rule due to reason's like:
- Format
- HD crash
- Netherlands my brother
hey i'm sorry .. .. but i'm allergic to bullshit!!!

go #!@$, nonsense spreading lowlifes!

guids won't change due to a format. guids will change due to a hdd crash thus making one exchange it..

my etpro guid even changed without doing nothing. SATA2 hdd's won't affect guid changes,
other stuff do. one could easily change the damn guid without any spoofer, but i aint tell how. .. your all so secure etpro has holes!

go do some homework, bullshit spreading mr.knowitalls
pbguid is not etpro related
how is that related to pbguid?

and I'd suggest you do some homework regarding english
don't tell me they're making a rule for pbguid ?

u delete ur etkey, and got a new pbguid .. since when do pbguid change when you change your hdd?

man i'm so allergic against bullshit
seems like you're allergic to intelligence also :/
dude just tell me what they're talking about.

it seems i didn't understood their system!!!!!!!

fact is that HDD changes affect etpro guids, but no pbguid. so ??

and well
if you chnage your hdd, your etkey will no more appear anywhere. you install ET again -> new pb guid simple eh?
Quotego do some homework, bullshit spreading mr.knowitalls

nice making yourself look like a retard
actually some guids do btw.
pbguid changes when you remove etkey
lol xD -.- olo xD olo rly...
The GUID you entered (<MYSEXYGUID>) does not appear to be a valid ET PB guid value! [0-9a-f]{32}
Please go back and fix it, or check the FAQ if you're not sure how to find out what your ET PB guid is.
pls make a $guid = strtolower($guid); omg -.-
I think they do it to check if the guid is valid, not for storage purposes...
and how would that make any difference? any pb-guid-spoof-creator-thingy would be smart enough to make them all in small letters anyway.
Probably to check if you aren't making something up just to have your guid entered, or to prevent you from entering your ETPRO (caps) guid as PB (no caps) guid...
it shouldn't be any problem since if people are stupid enough to enter a etpro-guid in to the pb-guid field, they arent allowed to play anyway. it was more harrasing for me to change all my letters to lowercase!
for the 10th time:

Quote- pbguids must be 32 characters long
- pbguids must not be in caps lock
- pbguids must not have a space behind or infront when entering the guid
see previous re-post to my self 2min before your post. Really hi-tech and high performance-requiring function! :)
Thats luckily not stupid and useless.
I have had the same PBGuid from the start, so this is awesome!
Waste of time and way too late
Not playing anything atm... BUT, wouldn't this just FORCE people to use guidspoofers? To spoof a guid they had in CB before for example? :/
The average crossfire user doesn't even know how to use the reply button
so this will be fun to watch, but hey i'm allways in for a good laugh :)
in 8 years of netgaming i have never been:

involved in cheats accuses
strange and Italy unstoppable bugs that made me being accused of cheats
Netherlands my brother has never used cheats in my pc
i have never been in some Italy black list
my pc never changed the guid by itself
i have never been hacked
i have never been spoofed (now i expect from retards to do it)
I have never been pmmed in IRC with strange messages.
I always had cl_allowdownload 0


Someone tries to fight cheaters and people complaint it. how come?
I hope wolfenstein will completely delete the fucking ET scene with its fucking cheaters.

At this point, gangrene is too extended to be treated ...

Anyways, good game clanbase. tries to fight cheaters are always welcome.
Pbguid = good move
2 weeks = 2 less (at least 3 months pbguid history)
i think it's a good thing
whiners! just put it on an usb key or upload it on a random ftp .. it will take like 20 seconds of your goddamn e-life
PBGuid = Good idea

but just set the age at 2 month or somthing similar
hehe,thank god this is only for ET :)
this post gave me a brilliant idea of how to spoof even harder :o)
i'm no nc kid, i've never played in the nationscup ;-)
Miss two weeks of comp...
The people are really keen on cheating will still do so, it'll just take more effort.

The people who don't cheat will be slightly inconvenienced.

Lazy cheaters might get deterred/caught...does this offset inconveniencing the majority?
brb, saving etkey to floppy.
My ET server browser, and launcher, automaticly delete my ETkey every time i launch ET., Weres my solution?
all this trouble to save a game that is doomed..
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