fnatic remove zEm and mintR

CDC4 and CGS LAN winners fnatic have just announced some serious teamchanges, just days after a dissapointing performance at the Multiplay i34 in Warwickshire. With a 7-8th, 4th and 9-12th placing at the three major LAN events this summer, things had taken a turn for the worse with tidde stating "that over the weeks we've been splitting up as a team and divided into groups."

According to fnatic General Manager Joe Miller "the teams recent slumps at AEF, TEX and i34 meant it was time for a change in Fnatic". The Swedish team is expected to announce their two new recruits in the coming weeks and are currently left with the following three players:

Sweden tidde
Sweden odyx

Statement from tidde
Quote "We are letting mintR and zEm go. We've been feeling that over the weeks we've been splitting up as a team and divided into groups. Both zEm and mintR are extremly talented but neverthereless we had to make a hard decission to let them go. Me and the guys wish them best of luck in the future and I hope they will find there way to another team."

Statement from mintR
Quote "I've been asked to leave Fnatic and I'm going to do so. These last six months have by far been the best of my gaming months but unfortunately now they are over. I've met alot of nice people through out these past few years and I've been in alot of teams tournaments and finals, to name a few WHO crew, x6, serious-gaming, dignitas, svea Royale and I've been the captain for most of them. When I had the chance to join the ranks of Fnatic with my team I finally made it to one of the best organizations out there. Now when ever things are going great people are happy, when things go bad how ever some one has to be responsible and this time it was me. The others in the team have the ability to move forward and I'm going to step aside and let them do so. I wish those who stay behind and those who come in the best of luck. Thanks to the whole of Fnatic and thanks for a great time."

The team will be looking for 2 new replacements in the upcomming weeks.

lol mintr -___- , worst decision ever
Seems I just started CoD4 in time again :]
take me!!!!
brave but smart decision. zem and mintr were key players before, but these summer lans, mintr lost his touch and zem always seemed abit out of it, and if there was a split in the team, its smart and brave to stick with 3 and rebuild instead of folding.

gl fnatic
Something had to change in that lineup, was a shame it couldnt work anymore!

btw Tidde has asked me to snipe and morg to smg to complete the lineup and the most awesome team ever, but nobody else would stand a chance so we declined!
could have been your big break, your 0-24 ratio is needed for any team!
I'm moral support
possibly as good as scolari's faces?
call the fucking bank toss!
"According to fnatic General Manager Joe Miller"

ohboi .. i'm so allergic against bullshit !!
fnatic is a lot bigger than rewind ya know ;x
it's not that, mate.

it's that they act as if they're a gawd damn big company..

ofcourse there's a shitload of money involved, but still..
it's a gaming-clan, no gawd damn car manufacturer :xD ..

"y0, i've bought me this kickass fnatic marotto, 560hp, 200nM .. and WOW!!"
You know that gaming clan probably employs about 20 people, anything like that needs a management structure. But I'm sure you know best!
ofcourse i know that, because there's money involved. but still, general manager n stuff.
it sounds like they have more managing people involved than juventus turin have!
I doubt that, there are rumours about fake matches on ESWCs, EMs and equal matches yet, so they dont need to pay referees/organisation yet and dont need some1 to fill this position. Guess you should get in a clan like that to understand their organisation, you cant compare smth like sk, fnatic or mym to rew, o6 or smth like that from et.
And btw, a LTD always has atleast 2 positions to fill before you can found it.
i know myself that these can't be compared to et mgc's.. like d'uh! ..

i've been in such mgc's before, just they hadn't had titles like general manager and all that, but still they did the same!
do u know how they organize their traveling trips? promotion trips for sponsors? video productions? coverages? blogs? Uve never been in a clan any size of this
so a-Losers wasn't a clan like this? .. ok xDD
yes, just see what happened to aloosers 2day and u see how well theyve been organized
You aren't going onto his question, he was in one, they failed right now. Ephix also failed and they had those "general blashitstuff"
I dont get it, how can u compare a random clan like ephix (copied stuff from bigger teams) and a-losers (failed successfully over time) to fnatic, mym or smth else. thats pretty stupid. I srsly go into his question, and those ephix and alosers sucked in their organisation and didnt have smth like a ltd or a company behind
Ephix isn't a loser company they had pretty good teams and sponsors, only to bad they didn't had the perfect management the same thing happend to a-losers. Dignitas, fnatic got bigger sponsors but are completely the same as a-loser and ephix back in the time. And I'm talking about functions inside the management and teams
Conclusion of what you just wrote: The management failed but they have had the same management

What I ment, the status inside the clan where the same only not written like " general bladieblah shit" only a-losers failed to go on with it, and dignitas,fnatic or w/e didn't

i'm off to bed have a good day
gn8 ^^

for 2moro:
k, so you have a status, now the next thing to do is finding out what kind of titles they use and what the functions are behind that. Your result will be that the structure of fnatic, mym and sk is working and running since years compared to a not as well organized crew as alosers or ephix. They just see the title, think its great and copy it, without even knowing what to do as smth called like that.
With all those positions, they are srsly better working and will keep doing this in future comapred to some random "et" teams (ephix) or some random clan (alosers, they wasted german quake talents for years f.e.)
Agreed, but karaigu's point is, why do they need to typ every-fuckin-time what they are, you could also have this status without typing it on other sites etc. As long u hold those things inside the clan, it still we be organised. If any news get posted you could say, name "nickname" surname announced that, instead of CEO bladieblah bladieblah name "nickname" surname announced that.

You understand my point?
I understand your point, sure, but if you have a working strcuture and positions worth having a title for what they do, why shouldnt you use it? You are representing this position, so why shoudlnt u feel honourd using it for announcement aswell. I mean, my point is he's comlaining about a title everyone has nowaday, but Im saying he's ok having that title since he's in fnatic (which is the only reason), one of the very few organisations where this title is srsly working, compared to other teams (ephix, alosers) who just copy it without knowing a thing
Aaah I get you now, sorry for going in to this discussion : )
weeeeeeee, finallys i was able to explain it successfully ^^ >_<
hahaha, yeah well I was just to slow to get it :p
fnatic & MYM started off in a time where the best players and teams did not demand much, they are pioneers of esports and have thus never been in a position like ephix was. I don't think fnatic / MYM have EVER had a weaker team than ephix' best (no offense to ephix)
a-Losers failed because they haven't used contracts which was pretty dumb, true that!..

but other than that, they knew what they did, just this one schoenheitsfehler not having contracts broke their neck .. so don't be sayin a-Losers weren't that..

with contracts, jonny_R could've not taken neo from a-losers with to mouz.. for exsample.
all crap like this broke a-Losers apart.. dumbness .. ;)

oh and about money & a-losers. i think very view know what really was going on moneywise over @ a-Losers. i do know the core of a-L did have shitloads of stuff + money from their sponsors. i dont know what the cs teams got .. i think a part of the price money they won or so...

besides that, sk might be the biggest mgc doing so. i mean, who is able paying 5 cs players a monthly bill of 2000€ if not sk ?

nevertheless, it's not our fuckin business ;) ..
the players have salaries
Cod4 players aswell? Thought CoD4 didn't go on the pro-tour already. ;o
g7 players have, 100% ie fnatic mym sk, hence why mym and sk were so 'harsh' on their cod teams. i think at least :P
I know that oXmoze got some salaries towards their cod4 team, and i'm not talking about t-shirts, gear and stuff, but Euro's getting dropped on their bank accounts.

Same for MYM.
mym didn't. doubt oxmoze would really why would they leave for h2k if thats true =/
They left for other reasons with oXmoze. Why would the Enemy Territory team left from FatGames if they get paid, because its a dead game? there are more reasons behind h2k leaving oXmoze, they could be fixed now or just accepted by their new team, who knows.
the CoD4 team is not a professional team of fnatic, and thus should not get salaries, at least that was the deal with their CSS team before they got "professional"
about fnatic i knew that!
great decision, they were obvious hackers...
Total respect for the way mintR has conducted himself & official statements made over last six months.
Best of luck to all involved for the future.

p.s. TosspoT would talk to opponents into submission gaining landmark lan victories, but the world is not ready :o)
Klanne coming back?
just another proof of cod4 beeing too random and not aimbased at all:-)
how is this proof?
just because of the fact that a team just cant stay at the top, even if it's filled with talented players. if the game would be well balanced and there would actually be a chance to improve yourself inside the game, teams could try to step up the ladder of success, but infact that's almost impossible in cod4. that's the only reasonable answer why lots of clans start to replace their players right after some disappointing results.
nice to all read all those friendly words n stuff, but at the end of the day they both got kicked because they didnt play that impressive at 2-3 events. so some other guys will step in and might win 1-2 tournaments for them. just until the randomness of the game strikes once again and another player has to leave.
So whats your reasoning for EG coming 4th 1st and 2nd? Not much Randomness there.
that was random, they should have come 9th, 12th and missed their plane to lan on the third.


CoD4 is not random, its competitive - form counts for a lot if theres a few lans in a short period of time, on form teams will perform most likely better than others - imo pushing through bad periods with a team cant lead to much better and longer success (this is of course unless one or more players literally arent putting in the time/effort/effecting others play negatively!)
how could you possibly call a game competitive when there's almost no aiming involved?
that's smth i will never understand.
Competitive gaming is not all about aim. You can look at every type of game and someone who is pure aim normally gets outgamed.
that's not exactly my point. a competitive shooter should feature a mix of aiming, gamesense and tactic though.
it does feature aiming, but its more reaction/reflex aiming compared to what we would be used to in the Wolfenstein series.
lol pls :D there's more aiming involved than there is in ET ugly germanface, you are a good ET player but not good enough to make an ego statement like this.
You always have these mature comments, amazes me.
I'll take that as a compliment, being mature is a mask you need for for formal issues ... I have the mask and know when and how to use it
was wondering about that aswell. maybe i'm exaggerating that randomness factor abit.
but still i kinda doubt that EG will remain some shining star in cod4 scene for long.
guess a serious, well balanced competitive gaming title is able to host a real "#1 star team", cod4 definitely isn't and that's not because there are so many supertalented cod4 players out there.
why you need a number 1 team for 2 years? . imo its way nicer when there are alot of teams who can step up to a higher level. and when you actually have good balanced wars. Not those idle.ee periods when you already know who is gonna win.
Theres alot of top clans that can beat eachother. Its just because the game is so damn popular that there is not a So called Number 1 Team. I think having 4-5 Top teams is much better theres alot more rivalry to be the best.
Remeber the game is still new
A lot of competition doesn't mean there can't be a stable number 1 team, look at fnatic in CSS (which is a even more competitive than CoD4), for a long while they have been the number 1 team, until they had to make some changes in their lineup...
The games been out for what? 8-9 months or so, there aint gunna be a number 1 team in that time. And im glad there is not a best team. Would make the game boring.
So we agree that its too early to tell whether the game is random or not?
Hmm no :D dont no why people say its random. You play one of the top 5 teams and then say if the game is random or not. You will get raped.
I'm going to make my standard analogy here. In any popular spectator sport (which e-sports obviously has to be in order to obtain success), randomness is a vital factor. In popular sports, one team can't dominate the top - there are always a number that could win on any given day. Look at football in England, for example - there are a few teams that normally win (Chelsea, Man U, Arsenal), but any of the top 20 teams have a decent chance of beating them on their day, and any of 100+ other teams could pull off a win with good luck.
daze, adacore

right on the money, it makes the CoD4 competitive scene that much more interesting.
you couldnt have said it any better:D
If cod4 is so random what was cod2 then?
aim and logicbased lolZ! though unzoomed headshots were too easy
yes yes sir cod2 i enjoyed 30 pinging with ultimnatemegafps 555 no souznds?! me went like cod2 lans n shoot lgt players2face unscoped
ohohohoholllolololo cod2>cod4 the more random and slower then its more btr
so in your world, the least random game is UT instagib or what?
QW povdmm4 LG only! Or well, spawns might be a bit random sometimes :-/
ut99 netcode is completly random
UT99 insta ctf ftw !
i might apply, demolition is my main class
I find it funny when people say cod4 is random because it doesn't have any aim involved. Meanwhile they play a game that is anything but aimbased with airstrikes, rifle grenades, panzers, mg's. Go test your skill against a high cod4 team and see how they outaim you every single time cause their reflexes are just twice as trained as any ET player.
And the funniest of all is that if any class in any game needs aim, it's the sniper in cod4. And hey, guess what. mintR stopped performing like he used to and the whole team collapses. Man, how random!
airstrikes, rifle grenades, panzers, mg's.... seems like im the perfect ET player to go pro at cod4!!! maybe atarax will beat me to it :(
i don't think aim plays as big of a role as you think. 90 percent of cod4 is about positioning and communication. as a sniper you don't need AMAZING aim if you can position yourself in a way that you have the advantage over whoever you are trying to kill. communication allows you to do that. aiming in the assault and smg classes is a JOKE in cod4. if you can track in ET you can track in cod4. the only big difference is the sniper, and i'd still say i've seen much much more impressive aim in CS 1.6 and CSS snipers than in cod4 snipers.

now i'm not saying cod4 is an easy game (it is easy against shitty teams), but it comes down to mostly map knowledge and communication on ventrilo. in a game where you can just crouch around and make no sounds, luck begins to play a huge factor. you can try and predict where they'll go but against a good opponent you just have to get lucky because they'll be trying to think what you're thinking :p

cod4 does have many luck factors whereas ET was more concrete. everything was timed, and all the weapons were basically equal. a better strat won you the match. cod4 is a lot more luck based and random but that also can make it fun and much MUCH more fun to watch.
I agree apart from

aiming in the assault and smg classes is a JOKE in cod4. if you can track in ET you can track in cod4.

I've played the mamut.si team on 3 different maps in month's time in COD4 with my own team, and we rick rolled them 3 times, the 4th time, they just left the server before we even started.
Those aren't bad gamers, I've watched them pull off incredible stuff at ETTV. Never however did we feel that we were being out-aimed. Does their positioning cause this? I'm not too sure myself, the thing is that they can't get their talent transported towards COD4 from what I've seen.
Next thing you see are those players bashing on COD4. Is it frustration, or does it have another source?
I for one really like q3 and even an occasional game of ET. Not even by far am I able to play how I'd like to, but I don't feel the need to slander these games because I know that I'm not willing to put up enough time to get decent at these games.

a better strat won you the match.

It can win you a map on COD4 aswell. People learn to avoid the elements that cause randomness in the maps as best as possible.
The sprinting however really makes the game heavier in the adapting part for me, it's not really a strat, it's more about getting experience and learning how to deal with this flexibility. District and crash have become prime examples of that for me lately. Teams can come back from nasty situations by simply rotating quicker than the defending team is willing to give up a bombspot they have stacked, the sprinting only adds more speed to this.
i understand your points about the strats and avoiding the randomness.

seems awfully similar to landmines in et does it not? set nades take no skill, just memory. just like landmines in ET. you know they're there but you just have to be lucky in avoiding them. why not disable nades for the first 10 seconds of a map? i just dont see how set nades = skill. 10 landmines in et was stupid, and were limited, why not limit the nades in cod4 a little bit?
I think we did not do too bad considering we had absolutely no S&D experience, never played any CoD title before and played the game for just some weeks/months. I agree that we were pretty shit in the beginning but even after those few weeks/months we managed to draw against reason gaming, winning against NCS and SP-Gaming.
Not getting the chance to play any good teams (cause they hide in their invite chan) in the beginning (except you guys) didn't help either. We probably had our first good (and last) practise games on that Acer LAN against KC and H2K.

However we have stopped playing the game pretty much after that LAN, so I doubt we'll meet again in this game ;-)
viva la m1lk
What a disappointing news :< was fun to get that interviews and support from mint on the cdc. Hope he can show up on future events in enschede with a new team
ye, now tell me what you are >_<
No fanboy at all?
even dignitas team was removed =o
It looks like all teams r gonna rebuild..

fnatic, dignitas ,reason and tek9
dignitas will have a full UK line up probably. they'll merge with MYM
and infused will split up cause 2 of them will join reason.
i dont see how removing Sko is going to do dignitas any good :P
Its already confirmed by both teams. soclon and lookzor will be joining dignitas. sko and zenith will be released.
at least dignitas picked the right players i wonder how they will fare :P
time will tell whether this is what fnatic needed, surely before they have shown the quality to be on top of things so I'm curious to see whether it were the three players still left on the team that did all the hard work :P
i sense blackmane joining fnatic due to his friendship with tidde + another 1 for fnatic. soclon, lookzor and diablo joining dignitas, just a guess tho, just have that feeling on diablo! [or he'll join fnatic :P]
with blackmane and diablo joining up fnatic , it would be a winner team tbh
please, they need allir
pff they only need a kiwi shotgun, 4on5 np
Gl to fnatic and MintR!

(Nice to see CoD news starting to get some comments!)
All ex/et players .o/
Only because this news tastes good with popcorn
I don't think its a good choice that they will release mintr, but on the other hand its a good choice. According to his statement it does look that he isn't that motivated anymore, could be because of some real-life things. What ever it may be good luck mintr.

zEm was getting inactive, and not taking "pro-gaming" that serious, he's a good player to bad he got released by fnatic.

I'm wondering witch teams are going to pick them up, alot of teams are reforming lately for the new season, and hopefully some new nice teams will pop-out and hopefully I could see mintr back into the scene.
Oh plz stfu, you have no idea on what you're talking about. - directed at rck
Yeah sorry, i'm playing the cod series since they are released how could I suppose to know anything about it. Atleast I can still find the reply button. You're the one having no idea about what you're talking, if you check his statement you could see, or its true story with big sarcasm behind, or its just a post like " yeah its to bad, but I ain't caring that much"

If you think you got so much knowledge, why you never played the game, and why are you still playing a dead game. Thought you should know better. Anyways, have a nice day.
Well bidy works for fnatic, so I guess he might know something more than you on the subject.
But at the same time all hes doing is thinking aloud and quite logically based off what the statement says, there was no need for him to be told to 'stfu'.
I wasn't shooting down his opinion on mintR or zEm, just saying that he can hardly have a go at bidy for "not knowing" when it is possible he knows more than RcK on the matter due to him being in fnatic.

As for the "stfu", I agree with you. But perhaps you should tell bidy this as he wrote the comment, rather than me.
you failed so hard there. incredible
I didn't fail, i'm right.
Rumour has it I'll be replacing mintR. It'll happen. zEm will be replaced by Meez since they use the same letters in the nick, to make things easier for the writers. I don't think it'll work personally, that capital E will always throw them.
fail mr. lama
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