bani gives green light!

image: etpro for those who remember The Petition, which was made so that United States of America Bani would kindly help us with our current ET situation, I'm very happy to tell you that Bani has now made it official.

Quote by Bani- etpro team does not explicitly endorse anti3 at this time


- etpro won't prevent anti3 distribution
- anti3 distribution must be clearly labeled as 'not an official etpro distribution'
- anti3 users use anti3 'at their own risk', etpro cannot provide support for anti3 users.

if anti3 proves resistant to attacks (and proves it is trustworthy) we may investigate directly integrating into etpro in the future.

So what does this mean? It means ET-Ace can go forward and publish a mod with ETPro features and their own AntiCheat! And if things go really well, we basically have etpro equipped with anticheat while both of them get updates every now and then.
Let's all have our thumbs up for Romania quad and Croatia chaplja and wish them success with this project that might very well save ET!

Source: etpro forums | Related: #ET-Ace ET-Ace forums
Good luck quad/chaplja

may the force be with u on this one!
nice gl
keep it up :)
i loled so hard i nearly fell off my chair when i read this particular comment.
GL both! save et from dieing
was about time
what a british cheers i might add !

magnificent !
Bravo is french i think :x But what a jolly good show!
Bravo is italian i think :D
cmon! ITS PORTUGUESE! Bravo = great!
its french aswell (so i guess it could be italian too.)
and spanish, and brazilian!
its from austria and all the other nations stole it from us !
so r u tell me that word "bravo" is the new USA weapon and will dominate the world?
psssttt... thats top secret man !
WE GONNA DIE! Tosspot is being dominated!
rofl u watched too many movie m8 :D
brazilian? I thougt u know the countrys where your own language is spoken?
so in brazil the ppl speak english ?
Quote by facts1. Portugal archy
2. and spanish, and brazilian!
3. I thougt u know the countrys where your own language is spoken?

U still dont get it, do u?
i think its english Team Bravo :D and alpha :D
It's a paper magazine!

image: Bravo
hehe your right man :D
Its Dutch too =D
thats helarious tosspot !!! :DDD
you missunderstand
he suck my ass...
bravo is slovenian also
Fuck yea ;)
image: bfiasy

waiting for people to vanish from the community and for megaskill drops.

start betting.
Surely you do realize there are more factors in play than just your little Internet petition.
obviously :D but the fact that 826 ppl signed the petition does count
whatever floats your boat
Maybe you should ask bani if it was the request on his forum or the petition (that he may not even have seen) that did it.
The forum post had been online for 2 months without any replies. The petition + a newspost are put online and bani replies within a week. Two months later we got green light for ETace. Seems like an awefull lot of coincidence or maybe its just cause and efffect :)
"The forum post had been online for 2 months without any replies"

No need to exaggerate, bani replied after 25 days.
Turned out they have an official support channel on some other net #etpro. bani idles there and logs on almost everyday so once i was like fuck it im just gonna leave him a pm and hope he reads it. So i just dumped the CF link in there and said some help for them would be nice. I thought it was a longshot and since i had no bnc on that net there was no way to reply but as i saw he replied the day after in the forum so unless someone else talked to him or mailed that could be why he replied.

Gl anti3 devteam <3
awesome job guys, really well done <3
cheaters always win
Great job!!
Best of luck
waiting for the first release
waiting for first release.

damn this is exciting!
Yeah! :) Good luck to quad and chaplja!
we got 2008, am I wrong ? nooo, its on time :XD
nice, looking forward to it
all players around the globe will be low+ now, np
polish r high+ !forever
its destiny of prolish players, accept it or remove et ;D
thats sad but true:( The special one, isnt Mourinho. IS THA POLISH PEOPLEEE
I'l just state the same as HellHammer

waiting for first release.

damn this is exciting!

polaks turning into emos right now
good luck, u need it.
The big issue now is: when?
nice...great work...hope u will succeed with! :)
dont think it will help that much...2 weeks without cheaters.. thats all i think.

But i hope for more !
that is where auto-update system comes in ;)
steam got an auto update too?
still u can´t dedect cheats when they come out. They release a hack and its undedected.. and before u dont got the hack on your own and find out how to make it dedected , there is no way to bust ppl? And if its one dedected and you update it , i´m pretty sure there is a solution for nC to stop starting the hack after a new update or automatically delete it frm the HD or smth.

Dont understand me wrong. i rly want to have that tool working and stop cheaters. But there have been "thousands" of anti cherat tools.. and all got bypassed. aequitas,x-ray,steam,vac,vac2,....
never worked with steam and their anticheat, but rumours say that it is worse than punkbuster

we never said our AC won't get bypassed. of course it will, everything does. the important thing is how you handle stuff when it comes to cat-vs-mouse game

Quotestill u can´t dedect cheats when they come out

yes, you can!
kay.. gl then.. wish u the best and for some cheater-free times ;)
obviously you know what your talking about since you have some experience in that area. Thats why i think this will be a succes. And if it does turn out to be trustworty and can be further intergrated into etpro its all good. GL and nice job so far.
What if they find a way to avoid your detection scheme, it's not so easy to update that. Worst of all I can imagine them bypassing it completely (a la the old etpro anticheat). Any info to the contrary? I know this is probably the first thing you took care of...
QuoteWhat if they find a way to avoid your detection scheme, it's not so easy to update that. Worst of all I can imagine them bypassing it completely

it's not easy as 2+2, but it's not too hard either. we will do it and release an update which should shortly after that be avaliable on all servers running our mod (those where admins enabled auto update of course)

it's cat-vs-mouse game. like i said, we will protect public servers heavily, but main priority is competitive scene and actual matches for which we put in more effort. i want to create an anticheat of which cheaters will fear being caught every single time they connect to a server that is running it, no matter if cheat coder says it's safe to do it
QuoteThey release a hack and its undedected.. and before u dont got the hack on your own and find out how to make it dedected

technically yes but anti3 doesnt work like that (the worldcup one atleast). As far i know it read the etpro memory to make sure it is pure (using md5 tools? dunno). As far i know almost every bot changes etpro memory, thats why it is effective, eventhough it doesnt "block" the cheats.. instead it tell the admin that someone is changing etpro memory (hacking!).
Some questions if you don't mind:

Will servers running anti3 be labeled anti3 or etpro in server browsers (gamename)?

Will ETTV clients have to run anti3?

Will people be allowed to run anti3 on pub servers?

1) probably something other than etpro, whether it will be etace/anti3/antipro or something fourth is not decided. bani allowed us to distribute our work, but we must make it clear it is not his original etpro we're distributing

2) is ETTV client considered to be the server you connect to in order to watch a game?

3) of course. it will be a normal mod
2. I meant regular viewers, but I'm sure people hosting ETTV servers would like to know how it affects them as well.

3. So Killerboy's rule against copying the mod is completely pointless. :)
2. to be perfectly honest, i don't know right now because we didn't test it with ettv yet (it will work 100% though). normally you have to run what is running on the match server, but considering our work is based on etpro, it might not have to be that way

3. killerboy is talking about anti3 that is used in Crossfire NC. it is not a mod, but a 3rd party application and each user gets his own version which identifies him
nice work and as tosspot said "BRAVO"
im excited. Cant wait to see it works <3 (lets hope it does)
Veeeeeeeery nice quad.
but people need to be patient... it will still take up to 1-3month until it will be available & ready for the public
hackers now searching for new hax.
(public)hacker now searching for new (public)hacks.

private hacks user dont give a fuck....

gj anyway
your point is that we can't detect private cheats?
no thats not my point. i hope u can detect privat hacks but this whole thing is like the "tour de france". u detect some privat hax, they will bypass it, u detect some privat hax, they will bypass it, ........

i think nothing will change but i hope the best :)
that would be great, at least better than now: PB does basically nothing and cheaters don't even have to update their bots. (dunno if that's true, but it seems to be that way)
Ha i was onto you chaplja! I read that secret smiley well muahaha
Hope it works, great step forward!
Héhé, nice, good job !
So uhm how does it actually work? Does it spot hax only if they're used in the game, or also if they're on some folder in computer. Cause i have my private hax on different folder and wouldn't want to burn them to a disc.
wait and see!
Well, on the other hand it's important to have some sort of idea how spyware-ish this project will be. Ya, I'm being a bit pessimistic but IMO jumping the gun and putting all your faith in too early is worse.
we don't do anything of such nature. if you're talking about what other ppl mentioned about searching hard disk for cheats - we don't do that. i don't care if you have a cheat on computer, i don't care if you cheated before and left traces. we detect if you actively cheat
ok then, cuz i have some public wh for movimaking
So what happens when your new AC detects a player "actively" using a cheat you created & profited from? Doesn't this present a double standard for you or did you exclude detection for the cheats you create?

This may be something the community wants but having an admitted cheat coders fingerprints all over it taints the whole project. I mean seriously has a 5 year old free game come to the point where we need to turn to cheat coders to create effective anticheat for us?

We don't need a new anticheat. What we need is for the trusted individuals in this community to not turn their back on the effective & proven methods of anticheat (& utilize it to full it's full potential) just because they don't get their way & pass along bad info to the community.
wrong reply
it it would work , nc will bribe quad or chap .
The middle part of the W need to be a bit taller imo :)
lets just pretend its 2006 . would that be gd?
this is being used for nc right , after a few games wont nc find a way around it eventaully ?
lol... its used for nationscup.
oh right typo...

meant : this is being used for nationscup play offs right , after a few games wont netCoders find a way around it eventaully ?

shouldn't be too hard to understand now
what is used in playoffs is a temporary solution. what we're putting into etpro is smth completely different and better
gd to know
so how exactly are netcoders related to nationscup? even if nats have cheaters, I highly doubt none of them are customers of netcoders since all they do is provide poor service. any competition player trusting netcoders will be busted eventually.
no, you're wrong. cheaters always win

oh shit, got me there :(((
netcoders = pay to get busted
Why is everybody cheering and waving their pompons when they don't even know if it works properly?
The news is great, dont be so negative.
I'm as pessimistic about this as can be, but on the other hand continuing development and change in the ET scene is a great thing.
Quote by jetroWhy is everybody cheering and waving their pompons when they don't even now if it works properly?

impressive typo-finding-skills
Great news!
Power of the community triumphs! Let's hope the production is now speeded up and we'll see ET-ACE soon :)
So? i thought retards can understand bad english.
I thought retards could write bad english.. oh wait ......
please stop it jetro :DDDDDDDDDD
I feel sorry for you :)
whats wrong with his english, mongol? he didn't make a mistake, unless you coun't the missing ' in "dont".

Either way, you understood what he meant and he was right. So eat shit.
The news are great.

only a bitter nerd would flame over something pointless like that. you could still easily understand his sentance, and he made the right point - don't be so negative, faggot.
sentence* (didn't expect anything else from a person who thinks "the news are" is good english)

That's a pretty big mistake if you ask me, I don't care if it's understandable or not. Just the fact that you keep on insulting me (retard, faggot) when all I did was correcting him -not flaming- says enough. Things like that make you a nerd, not me, since you tend to insult people over the internet.

And there's a big difference between being negative and realistic. Everybody's acting like this is God's gift to ET whilst they don't even know if it's good. So grow up.
Tbh you didn't correct anything. You just flamed him about his english.

QuoteToo bad your english isn't.
"when all I did was correcting him -not flaming- says enough"

the construction of this sentence is wrong. seems like EVEN YOU, THE ENGLISH MASTERER! make mistakes (and you've done mistakes before), so shut the fuck up. flaming about silly english mistakes when you can still understand them is fucking retarded.
The news is great afaik?
It is right to be precise... Both singular and plural are written with the plural s.

So yes, the news is great!
How admirable
nice, might start playing again!
good luck chaplja and quad i hope it will work
Wow, great news!
good luck!!!
You seriously think that someone cares about his statements?
no i dont. but they will find a way to bypass it...

thats the true.....
QuotenetCoders is looking forward to checkout ET-ACE as soon as possible.

surprise, surprise. The ppl without ballz are looking forward to keep this game unfair. Good job shitheads...
rofl he sounds like a little kid
still, i believe him somehow...
oh my what a shame
interesting, very.
and so new.
:/ bibuy envybot
accept the result !!!
finally something is going to happen :o

i hope you'll end doing it b4 the new wolfenstein will be released =)
nice :D
havent u been busted?
ok nice gl gg & co but I think it's a little bit late now. When it will be realeased, RTCW 2 will be out :/ (or not).
liek he had any other choices LOLOLOLO
Nice one. :D
it's time to kick some asses and chew bubble gum xD
.. but I'm all out of gum!
What's with all this pro nC crap from you, noone gives a shit what they have to say, go post on their forums if you want to kiss their asses.
keep cool, k! i dont give a fuck also BUT its a fact that nC dont sleep and im telling no crap, just the trues....

next time: carefully, 2.set brain to: ON 3.reply mr.saken

p.s. ass-kissing is not my job, its yours.....
I hope that wasn't an attempt to insult me because if so, you failed.
Great stuff, hope to see its release soon :DDD
will only AC be implented or can/will you guys implent gameplay features (brightskins, hud scripting or random things)?
AC and eventually some simple things such as unlocking cvars (r_ambientscale) if there are a lot of requests for it
there are 2 things that need to be unlocked gunX,Y,Z and ambientscale.

GL with your project, you've done an awesome job
Remove pronedelay please!
isn't it controlled by a cvar? :F
remove pronedelay indeed ! :)
die please !
Get rid off the limitations on picmipping. I want my old RTCW config back!
why should r_ambientscale unlocked? i mean it's good as it is now, isnt it?

btw nice work, looking forward to it :>
unlocking it is easy, but is not on our TODO list. i wanted to say.. it's possible to do if there will be need (and there isn't atm)
Yea great, finally!! Good luck guys !!! Woohoo!!
sounds nice
Gonna reread the original post asking ppl to sign the petition and laugh at all the pessimistic ppl who were wrong once again :)
too much time?
you seriously think he gave the ''ok'' word just because people wrote ''yes'' in the petition please...
I too doubt this since he didn't refer to it in anyway but who gives a fuck. Aslong as this anti3 gets in etpro and it works its all good.
I believe it was one of the many things, yes.
I misread. I meant the petition influenced his decision.
even without the petition he still would have said yes
come on man he is american
great news
u are so fast. :/
waiting for the new will-it-work poll
Bigup too quad and chaplja
Good job quad and chap. Didn't expect anything less, of course.
couldnt suck a bit less ofcourse!
Hope some players will come back to ET if ETACE delivers.
Awesome work guys! Thanks to bani!
Good job guys :)
Looking forward to chaplja's extra special anti3 bypassing cheats for only 19.95!
Really hope it works,itll be good to be able to say "Great shot" and actually mean it!
sounds nice... so far.
when the realize date ?
Can't wait to see players quitting ET or a massive skill drop from every single dodgy player.
well done finally!!!

In the first few weeks we will see some huge skill drop from some people not using there cheats or we will get alot of busts, either way cheaters will get the huge bitch slap they fucking deserve.
seems like everyone is happy about this, even nC
Great, let us hope that it shall work!
ins <3 anti3 :o
Well ofcourse! Then people can only whine at themselves when they get killed! And not use the most common phrase in ET: "nice bot/wallhack, hope you die of aids".
cool, good luck with this project
more like 4 hurry hurry and release asap..LOVE YOU GUYZ
Finnaly we'll be able to play some decent ET again <3
Nice, hopefully this will prevent at least a part of all the cheaters to play without getting busted :>
Looks nice for now.
Good luck, fellows!
supa! gl guys
good news and good luck!
now punkbuster - GTFO
no please don't do this!

dude seriously ...

image: 1540
i was ofc NOT bein sarcastic.
hope you get a sweet ban in the ass.
I don't believe this will help much though gl..
Good job !
nice, good news
gl guys :P
gl guys :)
About time bani , you almost let ET die
gl guys! :]
ohnoez now i have to quit ET :-(
gl chaplja and quad
*thumbs up!*
GL RLy :)))))))))))
FUCKING NICE! Please do it as soon as possible! Thx Bani and hope it will be doing all good! <3
very nice!
what about Intel Mac 2.60d support?
gl, Thumbs up :D
let's hope it ll work
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