The Don Baker ETL Cancer Research Cup

image: dbaker

The Don Baker ETL Cancer Research Cup
Gamers for Cancer Research

Charity: Gateway for Cancer Research

Call of Duty 4: 5v5 S&D promod
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory: 6v6 ET Stopwatch etpro mod

Teams per Tournamentt: 32 (64 total both games)

Registration Fee: $30 per team
60% of proceeds go to Gateway for Cancer Research
23% to 1st place
14% to 2nd place
3% transaction fees

Registration opens: Sept 1, 2008
Start Date: Sat Oct 11, 2008

We will be providing North American based servers for the matches courtesy of our server sponsor ETGameHosting .Teams may use any pre-approved PBBans streaming server. We are also seeking additional sponsorship in hopes to provide additional prizes.If you would like to provide sponsorship please use the Contact Us Form & we will be in touch with you.

Teams are encouraged to Pre-Register.This will not only help to ensure a spot for your team but will be a count we can give to potential sponsors.

Thank you & please help us raise money for Cancer Research.Please help by spreading the word.

If you would like to simply make a donation please use the button below

image: donate

Anyone interested in helping out can simply pm me here or use one of the following

Email: [email protected]
XFire: gdevol
IRC: #evilterritory on both Quakenet & GameSurge
good luck :S
cancer research institute? is this serious ?
30$ / team or 30$ / player ?
"Registration Fee: $30 per team" ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
he edited it ...
Aha I C, Sorry :D
yes it's $30 per team
Link no worky work.
nice way to get money
Someone is trying to do something for a good cause, and the only thing you can do is sit behind your computer and criticise them. I'd like to see the day you make a difference to anyones life.

Grow up.
so u belive he rly gonna spend the money to them?
Parent FFS, if you got nothing sensible to say then STFU.
Not trying to get money & we will publish books.

Registration is not open as of yet because were attempting to set it up so that all the $ for the charity is given straight from the teams to the charity.
Yes this is serious

Don Baker is my wives Grandfather who a week ago was given 2 weeks to live. Nothing really can be done for him but in his honor I figure we could hold this cup for charity & do our part to help those who it's not late for.

Sorry about the links, fixed them all.Didnt realize the formatting was different her.
hoping for lots of participants, gl
sorry but i dont know if we can trust this
yes, lets not trust a league that doesn't allow a single caught hacker to play. N1.

With servers provided from a server hosting company, ETL's sponsor.
you sir, dont get my point
Good luck, hope you get the money needed.
Good luck but honestly, I don't see how teams are going to pay $30 to enter.
$30 is $5 a player for ET & $6 for COD4

Thats not that much when you think about it.
It's not that much, but I doubt you'll attract a lot of EU-teams (if at all).
You need charity care for paraplegic moron illness :)

joke of clan, joke of league, joke of people haha | BL -.-

evil <--- xD
ROFL keep hating for being banned over a year later.We're such a joke yet you wont go away, how many forum bans you got now?

.....go outside once in awhile
? I dont hate I laugh at you x_x

I go outside twice as much as you....
/quit conversation
/quit is evil motto ^^
Gl but I doubt there will be so many ET teams to register as there aren't important mgc involved atm. COD is your hope.
$220 for first team, = $36 a player
Where are you getting that #??

$30 per team x 32 teams = $960 x 23% = $220.8 to 1st place
Like 32 teams would attend this.

If you actually want to get some money you shouldnt have done an ET-Tournament and surely not one based in america.
#32 is a max, we'll roll with whatever we get ;)

Tourney is not NA biased but league is NA based & so is our server sponsor who happens to only provide NA servers.

Now if you can point to a Euro-Only based server provider you think would be willing to host a couple Euro servers I'll gladly contact them.

If you read
"Teams may use any pre-approved PBBans streaming server"

thats why I put that in there.
Try, they are quite good fellows afaik
Assuming this is legit; good luck.
Its legit, goodluck with this zombie m8 :)
Good Luck !
nice idea, good luck with it.

hopefully some money comes in!
Goodluck =)
I do doubt you will get 32 teams for ET.
I really hope it's not bullshit and that you don't get away with the money.

GL hope it will work :)
would be better if you had smth you confirm your money will go for the cancer ppl
Working on that right now.

I can promise you nobody will have to send anything until I can assure them that everything is legit.Hence the reason for the pre register which requires no money whatsoever.

Ideally what I would like is a way to eliminate us as the middle man to where we have no dealings with the money just the organization of the event.If I have to pay an outside firm out of my own pocket to handle the money,then so be it.

I have been in contact with several people & still hashing out the details.If I cannot assure the community that this is legit I'll never open the registration.

As for my own validity, you can ask any player from NA that knows me (aside from the cheaters I've banned) & they will tell you I go out of my way to help this community & have helped many of them with numerous issues & projects.I run a small NA based league thats nothing less than a labor of love.I've never asked a single one of them for anything in return.I do it because of my love for the game & the community.I've even helped a few smaller ET leagues to get on their feet.I openly make layouts for their websites & help them with any design issues they have. I would not do all these things if I were out to "swindle" the community.
Good luck hope it works out.
good luck
Nice idea. May I suggest all teams give the entrance fee to TosspoT to assure the right amount goes to charity.
Great suggestion

If it comes down to it & the other options I'm working on do not pan out, that is a possibility barring his approval.
QuoteRegistration Fee: $30 per team

nhf, but I don't see a lot of ET teams in this, if any

I know it's a good idea and for a good cause, but how is 1000$ gonna help an institute? that's what, one third of a monthly salary for one research scientist?
Most charities advertisement campaigns ask for just £3 p/m over here - that'd give you 179 months :O) Every lill' helps...
I know, but they're counting on thousands, tens, hundreds of thousands of people donating, here it's just limited and the max money you get is 1100$, I know someone that works in a research institute here so I know the amounts of money they need, donating 1000$ directly to an institute is a nice gesture but relatively irrelevant, maybe it would be better to find some way of using that money to get more money
yes, but that's because thousands of people donate. thousands of little bits help, several don't.
Every little beetje helps!
nice idea
good luck with it , even though I can't see this becoming as a bargain
sounds cool :) If any team needs a good player, I'm willing to play and pay 1/6th of it! Grtz
doe is gewoon wtf =/
I love you Zombie :)
Best of luck, I really hope it'll work :)
*scam* nice cup keep up the good work *scam*
gl but 32 teams? not sure EU teams will sign up..
i would sign up if i had full team, my father has leukemia(cancer in the bloodcells, i don't know if i said it correct in english :s)
Can I just send money and not play?
if this is true, its really a nice initiative.

briliant idea ..the entry fee is small ..its only 15 pounds for 6 players..thats fuck all :/
"3% transaction fees"
aka zombie's new pc money.

JK good luck with it :D
Thanks, but no thanks
you will get a nice cup with max 5 ET teams ;D
Is this serious?
The people flaming you are pretty much retarded but they do have a point, the enemy territory scene is a very cheap one.

Good luck.
looks like scam
Honestly if I were trying to scam people it wouldn't include a 5 year old free game.

As I have stated several times, registration will not open until a method of payment that the community is comfortable with is setup, weather that be through the charity itself or a neutral party such as crossfire.

I had a lengthy conversation with the lady from Gateway for Cancer Research yesterday & all the proper paperwork is being filled & all proper avenues are being taken.

Please feel free to contact them if you have any doubts

Phone # is right on that page

K thanks
it would be smarter to have both EU and NA servers
"60% goes to my own pocket"
Actually I have contacted YCN-Hosting about some EU servers & I am currently awaiting their reply.

Beings that it's the weekend there probably wont be much progression on anything until Monday.
great idea! keep it up! =)
if u can get tosspot or someone like that to deal with the money then could be a good idea :)
nice idea :)
nice idea, but i dont think many teams will sign up
ask Bill Gates, I heard he gives money for charity!

anyways gl
Waiting for the Krea gang!
Just to get everyone up to speed...

As of this morning all the proper paperwork has been filed with the Gateway for Cancer Research & finalized. They have also agreed to handle all money involved meaning that..

A) When you register you will make a direct donation to the charity
B) They will pool all registration money received into a fund & at the conclusion of the tournament, they will award the prize money accordingly.

ETL will never see or handle any of the money involved only specify who is to receive winnings. This should help to ease anyones concerns about the legitimacy of this cup.

I'm not 100% but this should remove any transaction fees or at least reduce them. If so that difference ( 3%) will go into the winning teams. I will post when I know for sure.

I have also contacted a few EU server providers about providing EU servers & am awaiting a response along with countless sponsor requests that I have also submitted.

I will update as things progress
For those still skeptical.......

Also you may contact Crossfire Admins as they too have been in contact with Gateway
Gonna donate 5 Euro. Anyone who wants to play with "my tournament spot"?
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