There are only few tournaments with worthy prizes in the ET world, CDC or Quakecon for example. But that’s to change now! Ladies and gentlemen, I present you a Czech tournament for both Czech and foreign teams with total prizemoney of 5000 Euro. This all was possible thanks to the Czech Republic NecroRaisers association in co-operation with for whom this is the second cup of this type. The first one was a CoD4 tournament. Signups start today. But that’s not all, for more information about this unique event read on!

image: necroraisers350x100qs2

Signups start: 9.9.2008
Signups close: depends on clans‘ interest
(more details after the signups are over)

Format: 6on6
Config: cb6
System: clans will be divided into two divisions – Amateur and Proffessional (groups, playoff in form of single elimination - no LB)
Teams: planned 64 (32 amateur + 32 proffessional)
Pro Div: 3500€ ( 1500€, 1000€, 500€)
Am Div: 1500€ ( 750€, 500€, 250€)

EDIT: if will be more than 64 teams, prizemoney will be higher. if less, prizemoney lower


Captains of playing teams must idle in #nrclan (IRC channel of the tournament) at least one hour before the match. Idling there during the whole tournament would certainly help to arrange matches and other things smoothly!
Every team chooses its map from the maplist, starting as attackers on it. The first map to be played is chosen by the cointoss winners at the start of the match. If the score is 2 - 2 after two maps there’s another cointoss. the winner starts eliminating maps from the maplist. The team that lost in the cointoss then chooses the side on the deciding map.
The winning team of the match is obliged to inform the admins about the final score on IRC. List of the admins is at the end of the article. Should there be any disputes screenshots will be used, we recommend you to take them during the whole tournament.

sw_goldrush_te, supply, radar, sp_delivery_te, bremen_b2, sw_battery

Every team must have in advance its easily identifiable tag that the players will unconditionally use for the whole tournament, fakenicks are forbidden and a player whose data doesn’t match that in the sign-up sent by the team’s captain can be disqualified from the tournament. Mercs aren’t allowed.

Signing up:
To sign up correctly you must take a few steps. At first you must register at the website at which you MUST come via the linked banner on the tournament page, otherwise the sign up won’t be valid. After signing up you must deposit 300 CZK (€12.5) at your account (you can claim 100% bonus) and bet them right away. This way you can win in both the tournament and bets. All players must take this step. Once you’ve done this you can send the following information to [email protected]

Head of the mail: NecroRaisers 6vs6 ET cup
Expekt login: (write all IDs of your registered players in here, you can find the IDs at
Clan name:
Roster: players with their PBguids and links to yawn
Contact: if possible your IRC channel and nicks you use there
Bank account: numbers of bank accounts at which we’ll send back the registration fees
Clan name: name – tag – captain

! The registration fees will be sent back only if interested !. Otherwise the money will be donated to Unicef. After the tournament is finished there will be a certificate from Unicef about acceptance of the money and a deed of donation with nicks of all donors on the NR website.

- Czech Republic Flash (#nrclan, ICQ 296492838)
- Czech Republic shpek
- Czech Republic ResP
- Czech Republic mnew
(more admins will be added)

The admin team has all the rights to decide in case of any problem using their best judgement and common sense.

We thank Czech Republic teente for his translation to english!

We are looking forward to you!
online tournament with 5000 prize money:D?
GL #Accurate will sign in, hopefully.

EDIT: There's no Israeli money on the website + I saw that you got to be over 18 to register there, it's ok to lie? :D or only 18+ can play
most likely yes, under 18 cant register on the site and so cant play!11
I can just use my paretn's / brother bank account but I still think it's illegal :D anyway.. some of the cup admins are under 18 so I'm gonna call the cops on you#@!#@ :D
use get euro/dollar and just split up and exchange it for nis
ET IS SO ALIVE! :D nice maps, nice rules, nice prizes
Yep,Nice prizes... GL all teams
had to double check its really for ET
so nice! =D
how much is 300czk in euro?
impressive cheap for this amount of prizemoney, gl with the cup ;)
I did read it properly ;)
How much in € is 300CZK ?
-bremen please
VAE will play aswell :D
With such nice prize money brings alot of Polish piss beggers. How can you say that this wont be full of hackers?
same as ec/oc/WL/ESL
Prize money? I would really think that this cup will be full of hackers with such a nice prize
true, true...
Top teams like TLR or Mamut will bash the shit out of every single hacker team anyway.
But.. but..

FF in last EC could be a serious argument against my point though ;s
maybe killerboy and co could make anti3 mandatory for this
ye would be nice
or better play on etace. with 5000 euros prizemoney, i mean, they better be.
main news pls! ;]
all player have to bet? so 6x 300czk per team?
- 2 division (Amatuer and Pro) both have the same amount of prizemoney
wouldnt the very skilled teams just enter into the amatuer division to face easier teams and still win the same amount as what the pro division will win
1. good spotting
2. 'Floors' lol! :D
im tired :(
and dumb haha
Lol, well all do it! i just found that quite funny <3
nice...if some player not 18 years or older, they acting against the law!

i mean... the idea is pretty great, but that i mentioned could be prolly a prob for someone :s
-Bremen +Oasis
raise the money for pro and lower it for amateur.
its not like you will win it
more moniez for pro league plz :XD
you will play amateur series anyway

what happened to the necroraisers 2on2 CoD4 cup with holidays as first place prize??
so fuckin nice!
btw make this main news! :s
will signup :)
looks really awesome!

I'd only add some more money to the professional tournament prizepool from the amateur one, because if the prizepool is as big for both then who would want to play in the professional tournament?

some better players might even consider playing the amateur tournament with fake nicks and new guids to win some easy money
i heard vae is recruiting new finnish team to play amateur league since we decided to quit gaming
they started playing ET today but are pretty good coz they are cs-pros :o)

Dividing the teams into to divisions is the hardest part and I am sure you will get a lot of whine because of "stupid" picks :<

Imo lan finals are must too :)
GL all teams
great news, but why the hell divide the money evenly for the 2 divisions? doesn't this mean pro teams would prefer playing a lower division so they have a bigger shot at the money?
wow - good work!
where do i actually find the banner on the tournament page?

€: adblock blocked it :D maybe add that to your news^^
€2: well if I click the banner it just gives me the standard page but no registration page... sure its working like that?
My Advice:

Pro Division: 3500 € (Because of the mentioned issues)
Amateur Division: 1500€ (Still 500€ more than ESL EMS)

Mappool: Oasis in; Bremen out
why put oasis in such a tournament... it first needs to prove itself good again, I mean it was good but this cup should not be used as a tryout if we have a overall good mappool (imo)
Better go and modify the Beta 3 version for competition asap!
:p no source code = no win
Then take old oasis :o (Better anyway)
doubt it... most changes on sw_battery were pretty good, only few not ... but thats my opinion^^
agree with prizemoney
agree with map thingy
whats not to like about bremen?
I'm yet to play/watch an exciting match on it
gl! try not getting stabbed when your running with the obj!:D
I actually hate the city itself, the map is ugly as well and it might be balanced somehow but it lacks creativity and the usual style ET maps are made; In my opinion!
you don't pay attention on how the map looks while your playing, maybe from a spectator perspective your right. imo the less useless shit in a map example (shairs, tables, random pillars), the better the map is
um ders made it? LOLZ
well there will be lots of cheaters specially at the amateur div.. imo -.- still gl with the cup n stuff
sounds a really nice idea gl
adler in for battery and good competition!
have you even played sw_battery final? it's totally different from the original one
its worse than the original one... much worse :D original battery isnt horrible but sw_battery is :p
yeah, agreed :p
Maplist is perfect except battery, don't want to get raged by finnish ppl :((
second that :<
they rape you on batter and you rape them on anything else
so there will always be deciders = excitment :P
they suck on new one
omg nice nice nice!
nice to see such a newsitem.

keep up the good work and have fun to all teams!
original battery instead of sw_battery and bremen_b1 instead of bremen_b2 to make the mappool perfect!
bremen_b1 instead of bremen_b2

you must be kidding me :D
Config: cb6 + bremen_b1 = perfect ;D
I smell MG ownage :)
go watch our showmatch and spec twidi.. you get an idea what hes on about
things to change imo:
* make 1 league or lower the prices of 2nd league and higher the prices of 1st league
* make double brackets at playoffs (single bracket => more luck involved imo)

8Bits FiF Green are certainly gonna play this cup btw
* make double brackets at playoffs (single bracket => more luck involved imo)

yep or it could be just double elimination from the beginning aswell like in cadre's Qcup

also if there'll be group stage, will it be 8x4 groups or 4x8 groups? 8x4 groups is a bit more random, but 4x8 groups takes ages to complete (7 weeks if 1 match / week)
indeed, I prefer this sheldule:
8 groups of 4 teams
after that => 1st plays vs 2nd in double eliminiation bracket
8 x 4 would be the best, (similar as in EC, but with half of the teams), and yes, like in the cadre cup, the playoff bracket. But as it is right now, it's not bad either so :-)
Age: 17 ( 24 September 1990 )

haha! u must be 18!
just wait 2 weeks P
very nice, gl guys :-)
nice but online tournament with 5000€ Prizemoney :o
nice !! :)
avi for this cup :)
awesome, please elaborate on amateur

QuoteTo sign up correctly you must take a few steps. At first you must register at the (url) [] website at which you MUST come via banner on the tournament pages, otherwise the sign up won’t be valid

So I'd need to enable cookies? otherwise I fail to see how it is supposed to be tracking that.
highskilled palyor avi for this cup!
I need a very lowskilled team for this!
rly nice :O
i guess i have a problem. My bank account currency is not euro or something from that list. Is RON (romanian curreny) . So what should i do ? Opening a new account just for this isnt a solution for me.
normaly banks automaticly accept the euros and just convert them to ur money applying the exchange rates.
hope it works with the payingstaff

looking for highskill players to sign up as a lowskill team!!
hopefully gonna be a tourney where the winning teams actually receive their price money :-)
nice , good luck with it
What guarantee do we have that we'll receive the prizemoney. Where is it coming from (signups only?) . Need some certainty

good initiative anyway
Seems like they're going to return signups? I don't understand how or why though...
make 2 cups with only 1 division and many teams in it
There's lots of potential for abuse in having 2 divisions, though. Cheating, aliasing, whatever. I guess you've taken a few steps to prevent that, however I'd change the format a bit, don't know how though. At least it encourages lower skilled teams too. [/rushed post]
there is one VERY easy solution, make matches be played at similar times. I did that a few times on CB OC/EC to prevent alleged fakenickers playing for both teams. Suddenly you see the true strength of teams ;)
some rules about new guids & unidentifiable players needed, otherwise the tournament will be flooded by bunch of "new talents", pwning the crap out of everyone in amateur division, with new guids, unable to find out who the fvck they are...
fake ofc
shhh, tosspot has his car salesman hat on
there will be a lot of cheaters....

usually i dont rly care but this is about money...and imo you should punish them harder than just a "ban"...this is serious staff and if you cheat you should go to law

if possible
like sign up with your id and stuff? :d might be a good idea when you talk about higher amounts of money.
LAN finals should solve the problem. ;)
Need a team for this,
be skillled !
nc is going to have an early christmas
edit: The prizemoney is so big that some of the oldchool teams might be even interested in this..
+ these organizers are not russians so I guess you can trust on them
need a team to win amateur league with, pmme
Searching A Proffessional clan since I heard the "amateur" league is more skilled!
You should really change this amateur and pro league prizes, because i think lots of fake skillers are gonna go to amateur league to win that.
ok im buying something on nC for this1 :>
There are no et professionals !

So just have the amateur league :)
Wow really nice :D But I think there will be alot fraud. Pro's taking fakenicks getting guidspoofers etc so they can play in the amature bracket. Hope you will watch it carefully.
Same against cheaters.
more money for nolifer and 24/7 victims :D
nice maps! :-)))
Need some more info about the 300 CZK, Flash told me that it gets doubled at your site account, so it will become 600 CZK. But he also told me you can get you money back, even before the tournament even started. What's true about that, can you just get back 600 CZK or only 300 CZK or what about that? Can some admin explain this a bit better please?
cause it fails badly
Nice, Good luck with it. ^^
interesting but onlineonly teams will win it
You can transfer the money directly to nC ... way faster!
yes more money fpr the pros.
no loserbracket - thats the way to go!
I wonder how you wanna define between pro and amateur.
Especially if you plan to make 32 amateur and 32 pro teams.

It kinda destroys the idea of Professional imo.
ET revived with a bang :o
Missing rule: at least 2 years clean et players can paly
i smell russian mafia
So that i understand it right.

Every clanmember has to join via the link and bet 300 czk. Then the clan can get registered.
After the tournament the player can get the 300czk back if he wants, otherwise it will be donated to Unicef?
ET is alive

Need a team AVI !
Either I'm really dumb and can't read, or everyone else fails in maths. Surely 64 teams equals 384 players. Each player has to pay €12.5, which means 12.5 x 384 = €4800. The prize money is €5000.

Pay upfront. Give some Czechs my bank account details. Then wait for them to give me my money back. Can that sound anymore like a scam? >_<
/me steals pants and wallet
you really think that every team has only 6 players..? in case you didn't know you each player from the team has to bet that 300 CZK so there'll be far more than just 384 players betting it
great but its shit with that
2500 euros per division every team want to play in amatuers ;)
and split the amateur + pro division
make a big one with 64 teams

anyway well done respect guys ;)
Can I has an invite for the great aow-lan? ;(
rofl 1+2e place are 100% for TLR or mamut :XD
nice initiative

new poll: do you trust this?
64 team = 384 players x 14 E = 5376 Euros.. cute :D serious business :D
well your money goes onto betting website (yours) account and you are free to do with it whatever you want, like on poker site, it's not like you are paying to their bank account or something, as i understand it

its like promotion of that betting website (which seems pretty big)
You can even please them to send the (remaining) money back to you, otherwise it will be donated to Unicef, afaik.
Watch my words. this tournament is going down in ET history

And i sure as hell dont mean the good way!
interesting, but i think its a bit too difficult tournament, especially for et players that are usually pretty brainless
The refund amount is irrelevant to them, so take it back.
intresting cupy :) say bb to oc and welcome to cup!
how isnt smoke involved in this... consipiracy!
explain the whole money stuff again and you probably get those signupnumbers ;)
shit ... and I was just about to quit playing games competive :D .. no can do
Sure you were thinking !
probably ain't gonna participate in this thingy unless u fix an easier way to signup

but gl getting those teams :p
you really should make that signup system easier
This link: doesn't work for me, it just redirects me to their main page.

Also, I already have account @ so I'm not allowed to play in your cup ?
so if you buy a bot for +-50 €, you play with aimbot and win € 2500
To make the signup easier or enable one person to register for a whole team would mean that the cup wouldnt take place.
They need the referral fees.

P.s. if you already have an expekt account i'd say you should send proof and they'll have to make allowances.
who is the contact person in expekt about this?
i've no clue , i'm just speculating.
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