Goodbye VAE.Quakewars

image: vae

Almost seven months ago VAE presented their first ET: Quakewars Squad. Back then, the competition scene was pretty good. We saw Teams like Dignitas, SPEED-LINK, Geh aB!, Logitech and many more organisations, who recruited ET:QW Squads. But since then, the scene was dieing more and more.
After a long talk with the VAE.QW players we decided to not put any more effort in that game. Since the 27th of January 2008 the Squad had 48 official wars.
In 34 of them they were able to take the victory, 11 times they were the losers and 3 times the match ended in a draw. They received eight awards in their time under the VAE tag:

08.09.08 Clanbase Summer Cup
01.09.08 Warleagues Season I
15.07.08 GameStar League
22.06.08 Clanbase EuroCup XVII
01.06.08 aToOn 1on1 Cup
04.05.08 ESL 6on6 Winters Cup
22.02.08 Warleagues Primary Chaos Cup
07.02.08 Bite the Bullet Night Cup

Europe VAE.Quakewars was:
  • United Kingdom Tasleem 'valiant' Hussain
  • United Kingdom Brian 'Vexx' Stewart
  • United Kingdom Kieran 'Jeebs' Jary
  • United Kingdom Gavin 'madbone' Alderson
  • Germany Martin 'Noorgrin' Blind
  • Germany Michael 'MadKnut' Berndt
  • Slovakia Thomas 'Bestik' Bestvina
  • Sweden Per 'cable' G.
  • United Kingdom James 'mindgame' Moorhouse

Official News
bibuy noor
This just opens up a hole for teams like mine :>

What are you guys going to do now?
Small but elite community
the amount of teams goes over the scale.
Kapoks Europe 13 / 37

nice :D
elite... 3/4 of those teams were low max a year ago (or even better - didn't exist)
I think mindgame was the best player in that lineup :p
:D thx but i was only there for like 1- 1+1/2 months :P
for me the game is dead for about a year when i left it
didnt know you played it
only until the end of beta + demo :D
didnt buy it
You missed so much since promod has come on the scene is a different game completely!
but i have been one of the best players at that time alrdy and it was boring
haha one of the best player nice ego!
if you were one of the best players why nobody remember you?
well he played for "cause we can" (later "ocrana") and what did u play for in those days ? :)

still i gotta agree that pumu has a big ego ;)
i didnt play in any good clan these times but still i didnt wrote that in my comment. i just wrote that now ppl dont remember him :) ppl more remember the inactive dignitas players + some individual skillorz
I remember him :p

Beta times <3
yeah no doubt about pumu being a little bit of a ego here, just wanted to point out he played for ocrana in the beta :)
yeah, at least ur warning level does :D
internet inspector swine
Don't we rather want to remember how well this team performed after the release of the full game?
unexpected... what did u think, randomboy_XY replacing me would make the team better?
only remember the tanker sledge(?) also left and then they sucked, cuz we were like the best 2 of them but who cares
gaming < *

greetz ² ur bro! :D
Rubbing some salt into somebodys wounds was never harmful. :p
Being best at a game that isnt even out and no one plays it yet must be really hard
thanks mate, made my fucking day. had everyone at work loling
geek company?
ye geek company. hows your mega pro gaming going ?
beta demo? In my opion ETQW was buggy in beta demo ( bad hitboxes ) Only later patches 1.4 fixed that. And with promod alot less spread, ye you didnt try the game for real. If ppl would only judge on the demo of a game ET would have been a huge fail.

SD released the game too quick with too much bugs and only focused on public play. Just like ET was in the start, till ETPro came. Same with ETQW till Promod came it was shit now i like it. ET was saved because it was free.
But yea the bad start the bad beta/demo. And not right away competition mod killed the game mostly.
We saw Teams like Dignitas, SPEED-LINK, Geh aB!, Logitech and many more organisations, who recruited ET:QW Squads.

nice egoboost
and Germany KomaCrew !!!111 :D
GreeceGreeceGreeceGREEK OPERATION FORCESGreeceGreeceGreece
TCM, oh wait...
good oll' days
Goodbye Quakewars
goodbye Belgium deej
was about time
Well played. vexxeh <3
Quote by swineet is dead. lets play etqw
+1 but only on etqwpro
bibuy. liked them all.
wow, vae got gold in a one night cup, this news must be a very big disappointment for the etqw community and it's fans! sad :<
tbh i dont rly care, we played vs them only once and it was a practice, i think new teams will come
Yea, the continuously growing ET:QW player base backs your hopes up, I guess.
ye, etqw have a lot of players, but most of them are pub nubs and playing only on vanilla instead promod and that sux, if there would be no ranking system game would be a big succes after promod, now its really good after promod, but ppl still prefer to play on vanilla with shit spread and radars etc.
wasnt eyescream in the lineup or was he just a merc?
yes he was part of the team , he was their tanker , but the more inactive the game got , the more inactive eyescream got:P so he left and started playin games like Trackmania , audio surfer and dungeon siegge II
Rock and Roll
Sad but unexpected, good luck to everyone who used to be in the team.
Didn't get the idea (the VAE web shows no news, lol!) why did they left the ETQW scene? Lack of motivation or lack of tournaments or lack of <random stuff here>? :o

Still kinda sad to see such nice team to leave the scene ... Hopefully the motivated and interested in the game players will reorganise and come up with a new team! :)
lack of motivation and competitions mainly...
ceterum censeo quakewars delendam esse
I see the gold
what are you going to do now noorgrin? ;)
atm i am giving CoD4 a try, mostly cause Baden-Württemberg juICE forced me too tbh :D

and for the future i will just see what happens, i am open for everything, CoD5, Wolfenstein2 or whatever :)
come back to et ;)
and form a new team bw x)
Unlucky Jimbo
np4me too much work atm to play
Thanks to all who supported us during our time in ET:QW <3

For those wondering I've now moved into my new flat (still lots of unpacking, organising to do) and find myself playing Lord of The Rings Online in spare time under the alias 'Asian' xD
Evernight :)

Laurelin here, the MP battles are the best on this server :P
true :P gl in future and thanks for giving back madknut :D
"official statement pls"
in the words of Vinnie Jones in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels ...

"It's been emotional"

not even close to be newsworthy!
r.i.p vae:qw <3
Sad to see such a nice team going.

Goodluck all!
CU guys! Was fun playing with you all :)
Ofcourse this is mainpage news! lolled.
second that :D
newsposter = admin = mainpage
I kissed a girl and I liked it!

obvious ...
the drama!!
Make it sticky news.
etqw, has been dead quite a time now, gl in future, VAE guyz ! respect
Why bother no clans left in etqw :)). Lets start Q3 there is 10 clans alive, etqw only 49 ... crap :P
he means dead compared to an online free game so riddled with players hacking that there is no trust.

etqw community must be jealous.
atleast we actually have people playing the game.
at what level though? EC ET level is just as dead as the ETQW scene is if not more.
hardly a joke, the last EC was dire.

This one has much more potential though. :)
its not as glorious as it used to be, but still kickin, not to mention the playerbase is still huge even though the game is very old.

etqw is buried. ET still has years to go.
well i would say especially this EC is great, seeing teams (and players) like TLR, etc returning.

imo this EC is better than the last 2 or 3, at least from the teams/playerbase it contains !
Noorgrin, cum back to warsow, 0.5 is coming!
Or Quakelive, it's also good =)
i think vialiant forgot to make an official statment ;)
lets go W:ET boyz! anyway respect for being good in strange game ;)
W:E... what?! I'm so happy I'm not playing this shit anymore :DDDD CSS is A LOT better (although I am ffa-only atm).
The end for ET:QW. Although it never was that active, i liked to play it.
About time you made that move.
ETQW is dead
MediaMarkt, 10€ but no thx :]
this is so horrible.
how did you find that site? :D
I searched for "noorgrin gaysex" on google.
explains everything
back 2 ET :D
sad !- get a life
Bibuy, paw and kiss :-*
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