Fear Factory ! We are the fear!

image: ffkq8

The almighty and famous contest known around the world as EuroCup is in its really last stage which motivated one of the invited participants and one of the EC favourites to make some thoroughly changes in their ranks. As you know after reading the news title I am talking about polish powerhouse Poland Fear Factory X-Fi!

Former FF X-Fi looked as following:

Poland Wrobel
Poland wiesiek
Poland Templar
Poland Xanah
Poland zMk
Poland dvk3
Poland n00n

It seems that Poland Wrobel didn't feel so good and secure with the aforementioned line-up so he decided to pick some stars from folded former Poland Authentic and a superaimer oldschooler known as Poland Frag'Stealer. We should also lay emphasis on that it was Wrobel's own decision. Before presenting you the brand-new squad please read the statement and clarification from the above mentioned FF X-Fi leader:

Quote by WrobelThe priority of making changes in former team was to get six people who can perform well with their high skill and use their experience during the mighty EC competition. I wanted my team to be as good as it could be and using the oportunity of Authentic problems I decided to pick aphesia, wiadro and our old friend Frag'Stealer in

I know that you are already 'wet' and stressed because of the new players in that great polish team but the following players combined into new, powerful squad will make many infarcts among the ET community:

Poland Wrobel
Poland wiesiek
Poland Templar
Poland Xanah
Poland wiadro
Poland dvk3

And not so bad back-ups:

Poland zMk
Poland Frag`Stealer
Poland aphesia
Poland n00n

In my own opinion that team is already one of the EC favourites with chances to repeat the success of Polish team in the recently ended CF NC. They don't care about my feelings and your feelings at all. They are the FEAR and you cannot ignore them or you will DIE.

Thanks for Poland fuxor
yes, we can beat you
tEaM-tWinZzY can beat everyone
fuck yourself
nice friends :XD
He's an idiot seriously.
wtf is team twinzzy then? lold
No fuckin clue.. xD

Stop producing gnadja's in your Factory. At least stop wholesaling that at #3on3.et
Ye, others want to keep their monopoly :)
gl :)

3 x " W " ( wiesiek, wrobel, wiadro ) :D
gl to only one of them, wiadro
I see what you did there.
lold -,- i wanted to write the news about it so it would be professional and it might have been put on main news section. but of course mr 'im not FF PR' had to be first with his improperly writing skills and a bit deficiency ideas.
nice team, gl
ec is ur. GL
gl wiadro n n00n 8)
cheat factory
that's new one!
image: 0_good_luck_disney_goofy

Good LUCK !!!! Wiesiek & n00n (need him to lineup) ;)))))
Oh nice good Luck
Team Fear Factory
no n00n no win
very nice team, good luck guys, especially for wieslaw <3 ! btw where is uf0l?
Atleast I can beat you.
Can someone explain to me why aphesia is suddenly polish
polak living in nl
polak? Can he speak Polish?
His name doesnt look polish to me, for sure he is not 100% polish thats just crap.

And ye me and phaz played with him so we know who he is =P
ye he just told me he can talk on comms about game things but thats it.
speaks well polish,born in torun now liing in venlo
venlo, he lives in venray =)

And he is Born in The Netherlands!
So he is 100% NL he just plays allready long with polish and can speak some polish thats it :p

And his name is Robert Korsten, does that sound polish to you? its just crap like i said :P
family of ferry? ^^
als jij uit polen kwam zou je het ook verbergen
Ik vond het altijd al een raar mannetje
unhitabble :P
devilry is stronger tbh :x
who cares if they'r retards?:o
which one of them is gnadja
gl wrobel & wiesek !! Nice to see back some old school players like Fragstealer !
nice to see you again :)
bad move is bad
FF at CC5?
gogo wiesiek :D
GL! Nice to see the old-new FEAR Factory =), though a better squad would be:



no offense dvk3!, I like you :]

EC winners incoming :], though I zeh like cdap-pi
aphesia with engy ? immposible :D
never say anything is impossible ;-) GL to you!
Gie eL! kurwatak!
I think you might actually screw it up with this, you know u cant wiadro in first round (and dno if some1 pld 2)
more former, future and current lineups in one news pls.
former was used 2 times there is no 'future' in that news and current lineups is mentioned with that words one time or sth like that. read carefully before u put blame on anyone.
just wanted to point out that its 'too much'.. no need to mention the former lineup in form of such a list if only some positions have changed. alternatively change the form of presenting it, three lists are overkill
i see two lists out there :D
Discussing the lineup changes within the text and then just listing the complete new lineup should be enough, that's what florian wanted to point out, I suppose.

Anyway, good news, keep it up.
good for a pole but not as good as possible :)
good luck :)
greait... gl
wish u good luck!
gl Xanah :)
Cant see any difference
wiesiek<3 :D
lamusie :)
"They are the FEAR and you cannot ignore them or you will DIE."

why s0me and aesde r still banned on cf?
wiesiek u have to win EC
oh god, just as I hoped some polish guys were out of this EC :(
atleast they didn't recruit naga!
n00n and his mad news writing skillz ;o!

gl FF
ALL HAIL FUXOR, gl in ec guys
written by me ^^
i let him post that news (he made the addition: thanks for fuxor and made a mistake cuz it should be thanks to ^^)
edited 2nd time
GL wiesiek & wrobel
frag`stealer ftw!!! :D in whoops he owned!! ;)
nice team gL
This'll be interesting.
i aint afraid of nobody
QuoteThey are the FEAR and you cannot ignore them or you will DIE.

cuz of their ugliness lolz
gl n00n rambo fdops xD
nice team gl;
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