image: dbweek1


*Reminder Captains please use your match comms to communicate with opposing teams to work out match days & times. Any decisions made outside these comms needs to be posted to the comms.

Winners need to post match results by map in match comms at the conclusion of the match so that that information can be entered & subsequent matches can be scheduled.

To view your upcoming matches visit the cup homepage

On the right side you will see the upcoming schedule box
image: schedule

Click the date next to your match to goto the match info & comms page.


Round 1 Complete

4:0 | Europe 8b1ts FiFr vs :+: United States of America
4:0 | Belgium 8b1ts FiFg vs NET United States of America
0:4 | United States of America *Evil* vs Titanz~ Europe
4:0 | Belgium 8b1ts FiFy vs dfiance Finland

Round 2 Complete

2:4 | Belgium 8b1ts FiFg vs >> United States of America

Round 2 Not Complete

(maps: sw_goldrush_te_2, bremen_b4, TB: oasis)

play by: 10-26 | Europe Titanz~ vs Europe TLR
play by: 10-26 | Europe 8b1ts FiFr vs mamut.si Slovenia
play by: 10-26 | Belgium 8b1ts FiFy vs VAE Europe

Round 1 Losers Bracket (to be played as soon as possible)

(maps: adlernest, radar, TB: oasis)

United States of America *Evil* vs 8b1ts FiFg Belgium
United States of America NET vs (loser of TLR v Titanz)
United States of America :+: vs (loser of 8b1ts FiFy vs VAE)
Finland dfiance vs (loser of 8b1ts FiFr vs mamut.si)

Pings/Server whining

There seems to be a certain amount of whining over pings on the US servers by a few EU teams. Let me take a moment to clear this issue up.

* 150 ping isn't that bad
* ETL has no EU servers & our server sponsor is NA only
* I probably sent emails to 15 different EU server providers trying to find a EU server sponsor for this & got no response from most.The few that had the decency to respond respectfully declined.
* If you check the Team sign up form there is a field to submit your server for approval to be used. The only requirements were that it stream to PBBans & running the correct ETL config. Of all the EU teams that submitted servers for use, only one (Titanz) was streaming to PBBans. We had a team the other day whining about server ping & when asked if they had their own server they said yes, we have 8. I was dumbfounded. If you have 8 servers surely you can set one up to be used for an hour or so once or twice a week rather than whine. This cup was planned out over a month in advance & why teams wait till it comes time to play & then complain is beyond me.

I apologize for the sw_goldrush_te_2 download link being dead yesterday. Big thanks to eZe for getting the map to those who needed it. The link is now fixed. I've been extremely busy & I apolgize for my absence during the past weeks matches. I help an elderly couple with their farm as they cannot maintain it alone any longer & have no kids to help them. With winter coming they've had alot they've needed to get done.

For those questioning the difference in sw_goldrush_te_2, there is none. It's nothing more than the version the Americans use which has some updated sounds. All I did was rename it & all the files within to ensure that there was no conflict with players having the 2 diff versions with the same name. Also when the map came up a few weeks back in the ETL 6v6 finals, it caused the ETTV's that were connected to disconnected due to incompatible version. This will also remedy that problem.

Finally, concerning the Oasis time limit...Oasis was not in our regular season schedule this season & therefore the time limit wasn't set in the config. I overlooked this when I scheduled it into the cup.

This can be easily fixed by call vote>set time limit 20 min
4:0 | 8b1ts FiFy vs dfiance ?:D did they get forfeit win or did we just loose 4-0?
We didnt play it.
did fify even give any matchday for it?
wednesday and we gave sunday. they couldnt play it yesterday. :xd
According to them you were no shows at an agreed upon time, on top over the past week I have attempted to get define to submit their half of the donation ( the $15 the agreed to pay after placing 2nd in the qualifier) & I have yet to receive it.

dfiance matches are officially on hold & if I don't receive the donation by Saturday I will offer the spot to re-play (3rd place team).

I don't have time to be hounding people for money nor do I like to. Between myself & my wife we already have $75 invested trying to help teams out. When you signed up for the qualifier it was with the understanding that if you placed 2nd you would be required to make half the entrance fee & I would appreciate if you honored that commitment.
just figure it out with kirurg1
play by: 10-26 | Titanz~ vs TLR

izi 4 us :)
ask gtv to provide you some matchserver, they have planty of them.

about the sw_grush_te version i really don't know why pushing out a new version that isn't needed at all. since we have this file: http://kai.eyeshoot.de/~kai-duisenberg/ftp/stuff/sw_goldrush_te.35346c4f.pk3 which fixes the issues with the us/eu version of goldrush. just put it into the etmain folder of your ettv server and you can connect to a server with the us version running without any problems.
First I've ever heard of that file, even though I've posted about this before.

Regardless, that wont fix player incompatibility issues & download loops & most player aren't aware of the fixes, hell most players weren't even aware there were 2 diff versions of the same map.

This map removes all those issues & people act as though you trying to change the world. Why try to apply several different fixes for different aspects when 1 map fix takes care of it all. Really I could care less if they played Super Goldrush so long as everybody had the same version.

As for the servers from gamesTV, thats up to the teams to pursue. I'm already providing servers.
*Evil* vs 8b1ts FiFg will going to be one hell of a match tbh! :XDD
I'm sure that gtv can provide some EU servers if you ask them. I'd guess they only need to add the ETL config and they fit the requirements

tho there should be some playable US servers aswell located on the east cost (around 120 ping)
FiFg played on an East Coast server. And a Finnish player won't ping 120 on any American server I think (I've played on numerous USA-servers and never pinged better than 130).
I haven't played that much on US servers, but on those I've played on I've had pretty much everything from 120 to 250. best pings were on NY servers and worst on Californian servers
yeah there's plenty of NY servers, which I'm sure could be used, and of course a euro would ping better on NY than NY is the closest to Europe but cali is on the other side of the nation...
They'll need em before they play a match or they'll FF
clanbase is so handy ; but I added it just for you =)
are those all teams that are participating?
Belgium 8b1ts FiFg
Belgium 8b1ts FiFy
Europe 8b1ts FiFr
Europe Titanz~
United States of America >>
Finland dfiance
United States of America *Evil*
United States of America NET
United States of America :+:
Slovenia mamut.si
Europe TLR
Europe VAE
sad, i expected more...
You we're probably too cheap to pay too so in my opinion you can STFU.
what the fuck is your problem you retard, iam not even playing et competitively anymore
Your point?
You look like a fucking gormless idiot
gormless? idiot? I have no clue what gormless is, and as for idiot I can bet my entire savings that my IQ, my test scores, everything you can possibly think of not dealing with ET (or who knows even maybe that) are higher than yours so you can STFU you little prick.
relax shewie

and get shave
1st off, id rather be slightly dumber and not look like that.
2nd, you have no way of proving your brighter than me (as vice versa) so i guess well just have to agree to disagree. If you really are that intelligent, go do something useful rather than acting like a cock :(
All u fuckin cunts with ur big mouth, instead of blaming that guy, dont talk shit and post ur fuckin ugly face on this site

The reason why im being a dick to him is because he started being a cock in another thread. So dont start 'mouthing off' if you know fuck all about it. Last im gona post on this thread. Enjoy.

ya I had hoped for more but I look at like this, originally I had planned to do a couple larger ones per year. Now that I know what to to expect, I'll just do smaller ones every couple months & maybe lower the entry just a tad.
ye, keep up the good effort dude!
Cup series can grow -> CoDQCup
Good idea, good effort, and great cause, despite all the criticisms and expected whine.
Quote:I help an elderly couple with their farm as they cannot maintain it alone any longer & have no kids to help them. With winter coming they've had alot they've needed to get done...lets get the violins out for this super human being
go outside

sorry for explaining myself, people paid $$ to participate. Felt I owed an explaination
i was only joking man chill..good idea for that cup..sumthin worth while on a worthless game
:) np, used to the flamage I suppose
looked like dragonball at first when i saw the headline lol

Interesting cup, keep the 30 minutes limit on Oasis (otherwise there would almost have been a double fullhold on Oasis last night) though.

And agree about the ping issue, 150 ain't hard at all. 90% of the time you don't experience problems anyway.
Well with the vote its left to the teams, they either play 30 or vote to 20. Either way is fine with me.
Awesome games were played.

150 ping while the opponent has an average of 60, 30 mins timelimit (normal oasis), yes that's what I call a succes.
It's easy to whine after instead of before, but in this case it's a bit too fucked up so the whine is not so random after all :-)
Opponent had and average of >80, don't forget they had one from Japan with a 200 ping ;)
And not all in your team had 150, for example you had 130 :D
Kirark had 280 ping and didn't whine once.
but you cant hit laggy polish and jews, so you have an advantage as a lagger, you know?
I don't understand how 150 ping is an issue, ping has never proven to really be an issue even up to 300 ping, Asian teams always get pings like this on foreign servers... it's unstable pings that really messes ppl up so maybe start whining about that instead? :O
High ping makes you unhittable, right?
* 150 ping isn't that bad
lol 3 FiF squads :DD gl guys
VAE! np4us
150 ping is shit
yes it is
et antilag is so bugged that it affects a lot more than you think
I played a lot more on USA servers than you, so unlike you I know what I'm talking about. 150 ping ain't shit. You don't even notice it 90% of the time.
if you dont notice the lag what is in the every duel i dont know what to call you
Somebody with a backbone for starters. Go cry to your mommy, see if she cares.
I think your mummy cares more, atleast how she screamed last night..
True, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still very playable, unless you know shit about the game except for close range aiming. It might only have an effect on very close games.

If you signed up for this, quit whining or you shouldn't have signed up in the first place. None of this is unexpected.
Quote150 ping isn't that bad

And when all 6 guys have got 150 ?

One mate died :
him <-> server = 150 ms
server <-> me = 150 ms

300 ms to see he's dead \o/

Oponent has got 50 ms -> He already pwned me xD

I think we could play first map in US and second in EU.
"I think we could play first map in US and second in EU. "

If I joined a euro tourny and suggested that, they would just laugh their asses off.
If you join an euro league you should be alone.

In this cup there is 8 euro teams with a total of 12.

Let's count how many US teams there is
It's still an American tourny, and you'll be playing some American teams. So unless you are playing another euro team just get over it.
Then it should be no problem for you to play in your multitude of lagless euro tourneys and STFU, right?
I wouldn't have a problem with swapping servers back n forth, 1 map NA, 1 map EU & maybe coin-flip for a tiebreaker. I would love nothing more than to be as fair as possible but theres only so much I can do

Problem is,out of all the EU teams, one submitted a server that streams to PBBans out of 3 that did submit.

PBBans streaming is mandatory for a variety of reasons.
Your ping affects your opponent too
k c'est je t'aime moi non plus
So many complainers, with my dsl I get 150 ping to America, 200 to some euro servers. Do you see me complain? I'm not as good as they are but at least im sort of decent with that ping :S
They're all pussies. Let's revel in the fact that we are REAL men.
TEAM Finland BIITTI vs Europe TLR


Yes guys, let's go with Operation "Cannot Possibly Fail" :D
we lost,sorry that I disappoint you :((( But I had few multikills and stuff! xD
Its a charity cup afterall, why whine? Who cares about match results
Ner'zhul and his followers entered the Twisting Nether, the ethereal plane that connects all of the worlds scattered throughout the Great Dark Beyond. Unfortunately Kil'jaeden and his demonic minions were waiting for them. Kil'jaeden, who had sworn to take vengeance on Ner'zhul for his prideful defiance, slowly tore the old shaman's body apart, piece by piece. 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Warped by the demon's chaotic powers, Ner'zhul became a spectral being of unfathomable power. At that moment, the orc known as Ner'zhul was shattered forever, and the Lich King was born. Ner'zhul's loyal death knights and Shadowmoon followers were also transformed by the demon's chaotic energies. The wicked spellcasters were ripped apart and remade as skeletal liches. The demons had ensured that even in death, <a href="http://www.gogoer.com/maple-story-usa-c-1166.html" title="Maple story meso">Maple story meso</a><a href="http://www.srogold.com/maple-story-us-gold-20.html" title="Maple story meso">Maple story meso</a><a href="http://www.questmonk.com/maple-story-us-money-gold-20.html" title="Maple story meso">Maple story meso</a><a href="http://www.gogoer.com/maple-story-usa-c-1166.html" title="Maplestory mesos">Maplestory mesos</a><a href="http://www.srogold.com/maple-story-us-gold-20.html" title="Maplestory mesos">Maplestory mesos</a><a href="http://www.questmonk.com/maple-story-us-money-gold-20.html" title="Maplestory mesos">Maplestory mesos</a>Ner'zhul's followers would serve him unquestioningly. When the time was right, Kil'jaeden explained the mission for which he had created the Lich King. Ner'zhul was to spread a plague of death and terror across Azeroth that would snuff out human civilization forever. 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Though Ner'zhul was agreeable and seemingly anxious to play his part, Kil'jaeden remained skeptical of his pawn's loyalties. 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Tichondrius, the most powerful and cunning of the dreadlords, warmed to the challenge; he was fascinated by the plague's severity and the Lich King's unbridled potential for genocide.
Ner'zhul and his followers entered the Twisting Nether, the ethereal plane that connects all of the worlds scattered throughout the Great Dark Beyond. Unfortunately Kil'jaeden and his demonic minions were waiting for them. Kil'jaeden, who had sworn to take vengeance on Ner'zhul for his prideful defiance, slowly tore the old shaman's body apart, piece by piece. Kil'jaeden kept the shaman's spirit alive and intact, thus leaving Ner'zhul painfully aware of his body's gross dismemberment. wow goldwow goldwow goldwow power levelingwow power levelingwow power levelingSilkroad goldbuy wow goldbuy wow goldbuy wow goldcheap wow goldcheap wow goldcheap wow goldThough Ner'zhul pleaded with the demon to release his spirit and grant him death, the demon grimly replied that the Blood Pact they had made long ago was still binding, and that Ner'zhul still had a purpose to serve. The orcs' failure to conquer the world for the Burning Legion forced Kil'jaeden to create a new army to sow chaos throughout the kingdoms of the Azeroth. This new army could not be allowed to fall prey to the same petty rivalries and infighting that had plagued the Horde. warhammer goldwarhammer goldwarhammer goldbuy warhammer goldbuy warhammer goldbuy warhammer goldwarhammer goldwarhammer goldwarhammer goldbuy warhammer goldbuy warhammer goldbuy warhammer gold It would have to be merciless and single-minded in its mission. This time, Kil'jaeden could not afford to fail. Holding Ner'zhul's spirit helpless in stasis, Kil'jaeden gave him one last chance to serve the Legion or suffer eternal torment. Lotro goldLotro goldLotro goldLotr goldLotr goldLotr goldFfxi gilFfxi gilFfxi gilMaple story mesos Maple story mesosMaple story mesos Once again, Ner'zhul recklessly agreed to the demon's pact. Ner'zhul's spirit was placed within a specially crafted block of diamond-hard ice gathered from the far reaches of the Twisting Nether. Encased within the frozen cask, Ner'zhul felt his consciousness expand ten thousand-fold. Warped by the demon's chaotic powers, Ner'zhul became a spectral being of unfathomable power. Aoc goldAoc goldAoc goldAge of conan goldAge of conan goldAge of conan goldAoc power levelingAoc power levelingAoc power leveling At that moment, the orc known as Ner'zhul was shattered forever, and the Lich King was born. Ner'zhul's loyal death knights and Shadowmoon followers were also transformed by the demon's chaotic energies. The wicked spellcasters were ripped apart and remade as skeletal liches. The demons had ensured that even in death,cheap ffxi gilcheap ffxi gilcheap ffxi gilFinal fantasy xi gilFinal fantasy xi gilFinal fantasy xi gilFlyff penyaFlyff penyaFlyff penyaNer'zhul's followers would serve him unquestioningly. When the time was right, Kil'jaeden explained the mission for which he had created the Lich King. Maple story mesoMaple story mesoMaple story mesoMaplestory mesosMaplestory mesosMaplestory mesos Ner'zhul was to spread a plague of death and terror across Azeroth that would snuff out human civilization forever. All those who died from the dreaded plague would arise as the undead, and their spirits would be bound to Ner'zhul's iron will forever. Kil'jaeden promised that if Ner'zhul accomplished his dark mission of scouring humanity from the world, he would be freed from his curse and granted a new, healthy body to inhabit. Though Ner'zhul was agreeable and seemingly anxious to play his part, Runescape goldRunescape goldRunescape goldRunescape moneyRunescape moneyRunescape moneySilkroad goldSilkroad goldSilkroad gold Kil'jaeden remained skeptical of his pawn's loyalties. Keeping the Lich King bodiless and trapped within the crystal cask assured his good conduct for the short term, Lotro goldMaple story mesosAoc goldwarhammer goldLotro goldMaple story mesosAoc gold but the demon knew that he would need to keep a watchful eye on him. To this end, Kil'jaeden called upon his elite demon guard, the vampiric dreadlords, to police Ner'zhul and ensure that he accomplished his dread task.buy warhammer goldwarhammer goldLotro goldMaple story mesosAoc goldwarhammer goldbuy warhammer gold Tichondrius, the most powerful and cunning of the dreadlords, warmed to the challenge; he was fascinated by the plague's severity and the Lich King's unbridled potential for genocide.
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