Completing the Play!

image: groupbwi0

Again it seems that tuesday night is once again an easy night for all our EC ETTV viewers. With only one match scheduled, you won't have a hard time to pick which game you want to watch. But boy oh boy, what a game it will be!
We can see the decisive showdown in Group B, between Poland re-play Devilry and Finland Incomplete. For both teams the stakes are evenly high, maybe a little more for Poland re-play, seeing as the expectations of their performances were a bit higher. Nevertheless, both teams have the same goal in mind and the same options into this game, win and end 2nd or lose and leave the season, which neither will want to do easily!

re-play Devilry]
  • Poland kot
  • Poland S4rna
  • Poland buzka
  • Poland Robol^
  • Poland rio
  • Poland miks
  • Poland r1co'

Player to watch:
Poland S4rna
  • Finland Spirea
  • Finland Stuka
  • Finland Raptor
  • Finland Fel
  • Finland crosby
  • Finland vauhtikissa

Player to watch:
Finland Stuka

Maps: Supply & Bremen
Time: 17:30 GMT

Devilry Statement coming up soon![/b]
Quote by SpireaWe haven't played even 1 prac, because Fel was on some trips, MY PC (connection) didn't work for a week and crosby lately found out about bars, so we expect to lose it


This match is going to be a real blast either way, whether it will end in 4-0 or 4-2 to one of the teams. Both losing a match versus Slovenia Mamut and both winning versus Germany Highbot has put them into a shared 2nd place. But alas, only one can move on through to the Play Offs, so in good old Western days, it's time for a Showdown between the two to decide the ultimate fate of the last Play Off ticket in Group B!

Finland Incomplete made a promising start by not making any mistakes versus the Germans and winning with a convincingly with 4-0, while they tried the same with Mamut, this time they ended on the other end of the score, 0-4. Nevertheless, their motivation is still high and they certainly want to try and equal their 4th ranking two EC's ago.
Poland re-play Devilry was being announced as 'Polish cleanest ET Team' and seeing their Line Up, many people rejoiced. Consisting mainly of the former famed Netrunners team, the expectations were high. An unlucky game versus Slovenia Mamut saw them being locked down on Radar and thereby losing 4-2 but they regrouped that and grabbed Radar versus Germany Highbot for a 4-2 win in return. Making some mistakes in that game cost them 1 map, which they can't afford now. They need to step up to their former level and play it all if they want it.

All in all, this match shall keep you on the edge of your seat if both teams play it right. Both having enough skill to boost as well as experience and teamplay, a decider map is sure to be played. It will come down to the experience from Poland Devilry vs the motivation from Finland Incomplete in the end. And therefore I predict that after an antagonizing decider it will be the Polish who grab up the 4-2 win.

Odds: Polandre-play Devilry 1.66 vs Finland Incomplete 2.51
image: game7053
why do u think to watch s4rna?
just because of the humm3l action last match
and wat was happened?
radar sarna at axis, obj went over cp...selfkilled...surprise..sarna jumped down...secured the obj and knifed the eng who was defusing the dynamite at cp
oOoOoO how pro... luck.
I would have picked r1co since he played really well imo lately but he isn't featured on their roster for tomorrow, so I picked S4rna since he seems to be rather in shape lately. What would you suggest then? ;)
i think, everyone can do good actions, depends on situation, good day bla bla.
im getting sick of these titles..
At least he writes something , better then last EC
he should employ SNB to write good title puns
Meez for head newswriter @ CB EC staff
it's not an insult to wolfje since i've known him for a long time and i appreciate his work.. it's just that i'm nearly getting a headache of these icecream-like titles
Feel free to make suggestion :)
Replay vs Incomplete 17:30 GMT
easy to find, easy to to know when it starts and who plays, rather than trying to remember the title name of the matchs u wanted to see results and shit
nicely written, hope we can make it entertaining anyway regardless our bad preparation
do 360 before every frag and i'll be entertained
I got a 180 script, so won't be that hard !
Seen both teams, should be very close. Spirea dropping excuses before the game again! :P
maybe excuses but completely truthful anyway :p
goodluck both should be an exciting match
kot and buzka will ezbash those fintards
After mamut game, I'd consider buzka as weakest element, but it's just my thought :)
Maybe he had bad day.
gl speerea!
gl re-play :)

want to see atleast one replay in nextround <3
no offense but who is vauhtikissa?
will be a very nice match imo
gl replay! player to watch: s4rna,kot,rio,buzka

otherwise go Poland!
"Nevertheless, their motivation is still high"
Quote : Spirea
"so we expect to lose it"

gl mystic
go inc (dont fail 5th time in a row, please.)
that's what they get without the almighty reikkeri and matias :(
please, only time they had success was when I played for them :-)
I have to agree with this one :DD
There is no charge, for awesomeness.
'success' when half of the teams gives forfeit wins for you?
only kreaturen did give forfeit and we wud have bashed them anyway so it didnt make any difference.
player 2 watch = r1o fo sho, last games were amazing

pls win this one devilry
vauhtikissa > kot ! =D
nice! Poland cat
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